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WHAT'S IN YOUR FOOD, ANYWAY? | January 1999 WHAT'S IN YOUR FOOD, ANYWAY? Would you like to know all the vitamins and minerals in your food? If you would, you can go to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Nutrient Database website. It contains the breakdown on 6,000 foods. The website is Happy exploring! THE MUSIC TRICK You come home from work, and you are tense and anxious, so you decide you want to use music to relax. Well, don't immediately put on the relaxing music. Instead, you need to start with music that matches your mood, and then you can gradually drop the music down to the relaxing kind. A study reported in the Journal of Genontology in 1994 had 10 older, depressed people do just that. Eight weeks later, these 10 people were closer to their usual selves than the 10 controls. ACCUPUNCTURE AND ELECTRICITY A study done at Penn State University had researchers applying an electrical current from an electromagnetic device to people who had their stomachs deliberately upset (just like some of the rides do at amusement parks). They had three groups in this study. One group had the accupuncture point that is supposed to soothe the stomach stimulated. For the second group, the stimulation was faked, and the third group was the control group. The results showed those receiving the real stimulation had much less nausea, abnormal stomach rhythms and headaches than the other two groups. As a matter of fact, the fake stimulation group was three times worse than those receiving the real therapy, and the controls were four times worse than them. If you want to find the point on yourself, it's called the P-6 point, and it's 1 1/4" above the wrist. It may help alleviate morning sickness and motion sickness. FLAX BLOOMS Are you getting enough fiber in your diet? For most of us, the answer is no. Having enough fiber in your diet can help reduce the risk of colon cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, constipation, diverticulitus and diabetes. Since the average American consumes only 15 grams a day, which is half of what we need, you need to look at deliberately including more fiber in your diet. This is where flax seed comes into play. It's amazing how much fiber is packed in a flax seed. Just a 1/4 cup of ground flax seed delivers as much fiber as 1 1/2 cups of cooked oatmeal. Flax seed will also lower the harmful kind of cholesterol (LDL's) and raise the good kind (HDL's). In addition, flax seed is also a major source of Omega-3 fats which are extremely important to our health. Omega-3 is a good fat that we need in our diets. It helps prevent heart attacks, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, severe menstrual cramps and depression. As a comparison, flax seed is about 50% Omega-3 while canola oil is about 10% Omega-3. The taste of flax seed is "nutty", so you can sprinkle it on cereal, mix it in yogurt, soup or fruit juice. You need less than 1/4 cup per day. Start with only 1/4 teaspoon as a few people may be allergic to flax. If nothing happens, simply sprinkle more on. Not bad for all this to be packed in a little seed. Let flax seed bloom in your life. THE IMPORTANCE OF FRESH FRUIT The power of eating fresh fruit was spectacularly confirmed in a 17 year study of 10,771 "health conscious eaters" in Great Britain. The study found that those who ate fresh fruit every day when compared with people who did not eat fruit every day had 24% less chance of a fatal heart attack, 32% less chance of a fatal stroke and 21% less chance of dying from any cause. Another study found men who ate fresh fruit had a 70% reduced chance of dying from cancer of the digestive track (Prevention, April '97). Fruit, anyone? HELP FOR ADHD We recently received a letter from a woman reporting on the impact of playing Steven Halpern's "Enhancing Self-Esteem" tape twice a day for her hyperactive son. She also plays the "Accelerated Learning" tape when he studies. Let her tell you what happened in her own words. "Dear Jerry, This letter is a long time coming. I met you at the Executive Officers Conference sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders in July of this year. I, to this day, still walk around with my tongue on my roof of my mouth and when I have to speak I have my thumb and finger together so I am always connected! I am not the reason I am writing this letter. I am writing this letter in reference to my ten year old son. Our son was just two when we started noticing behavior problems that we could not control. We began going to doctors when he was about three and finally around the age of four we were told he was Attention Deficit/Hyper Active with impulsivity and depression. What a load for a four year old. We went through five years of various treatments, counselors, psychiatrists, medications and extreme frustration on our entire family's part. Then I sat in on two of your classes offered at the Conference and knew just what I had to do for my son. He started fourth grade this year and we were determined not to place him on any medication any longer just because the assistant principal of the school felt he needed it. The first two weeks were rough and then your tapes, Self Esteem and Accelerated Learning came. My husband was skeptical, to say the least, but at this point was willing to try it. We play the Self Esteem tape thirty minutes before we get him out of bed and the Accelerated Learning tape during homework. Within a week his teacher commented to me that whatever we were doing keep it up because our son had done a complete 360 in class and was now eager to learn, participate in groups and staying on "green" all day long. (They have a color system for behavior and the color ranges from green to red with a total of seven colors with a red card landing them in the main office.) He is happy and willing to do what is asked of him; he smiles so much more and is making friends once again. I must thank you for helping us to find the happy, smart, secure child we always knew existed. I have recently purchased the Self Esteem tape for my nephew and hope to share another success story with you soon. I am a huge fan and am continually telling anyone who will listen about the success we have achieved with your tapes. I also purchased the Creativity and Success tapes for the office. I play them both every day and have 'relaxing scented' candles burning in my office. You can't believe how much more work I am getting done and the ideas that come from my office now. Thank you Jerry for all you have done to improve the quality of my life and especially that of my son. I look forward to attending another one of your semianrs in the future and completing the set of tapes for my family. Sincerely, Robin Damico" (I called Robin after receiving her letter, and she said her newphew is having the same positive results as her son. If you would like to order the tapes or CDs, call (800) 77-RELAX and ask for Dorothy, or you can go to my website at and order them there.) If you would like to no longer receive this email
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