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Please feel free to reproduce the following articles at no charge, either electronically or in print, provided that Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz is credited as the author, and a link to is included. ![]() ![]() Creating High Energy Websites & Promotional Materials By Jerry V. Teplitz |
INTRO Why do some websites and ads work-- and others don't? There are as many theories as there are experts. One key explanation is usually overlooked. The energy the-copy and the graphics on the website, or in the ad, generate. If energy is present, it encourages people to stay at your site or read your piece; if energy is lacking, they will most likely disconnect or throw it away. I've developed a system to discover whether a website or ad is/has a positive or negative impact on your energy system. I determine this by using a technology I've studied and applied for 19 years: Behavioral Kenesiology or muscle checking. Kinesiology is a way of determining how everything around us affects us. Initially, when I demonstrate this technique in my keynotes and seminars, it looks to the audience as if it's a trick. Once I have everyone choose a partner and then experience it for themselves, they self-validate what I'm sharing. Two of our clients are Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, co-authors of the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. Jack has stated he won't release a book unless it's been muscle checked! In December 1999, seven Chicken Soup books were on the New York Times bestseller list! Here are the instructions so you can validate Kenesiology for yourself: Your partner faces you with one arm at the side of the body and the other arm raised out until it is at a 90-degree angle to the floor, thumb pointing to the floor. Place one of your hands just above your partner's wrist on the extended arm. Place your other hand on your partner's opposite shoulder. Instruct your partner to resist as you push down on the extended arm. You are not trying to force the arm down; you simply need to feel the normal level of resistance. Push with a steady pressure for several seconds; then release. Keep the same position, arm extended. Your partner should think of something sad or someone disliked. Allow a few seconds for focusing on the thought. Then push down on the extended arm. It will usually go down easily, though your partner resists. Wait a few seconds, then tell your partner to resume the position while thinking of something gratifying or someone well liked. Again, allow a few seconds for focusing on that image, then push down on the arm. The arm will usually stay level and strong, even if you push harder than before. Now that you understand the concept, let me share a bit of what I do to determine if a book cover is weakening, neutral or strengthening. While someone looks at an ad, you can muscle check them. If their arm goes down, it means the ad is having a negative impact and will probably not be read. If it stays up, it means it's not weakening. The third level (which is too complex to explain in this article) is to determine if the ad is strengthening. That's the level at which we want each Chicken Soup book to be. If we discover something is weakening, we'll give input as
to what specifically needs re-doing to get it to the strengthening
level. One of the first ads I applied this technology to was
an ad Burt Dubin, Speaking Success Systems, had run in SHARING
IDEAS Newsmagazine. I muscle checked the ad wording and discovered
it was weakening. I made suggestions for changes, and he did
what I suggested. Here's what Burt had to say: Once you start applying this technology, you will discover ways to create high energy websites and promotional materials to capture the attention of surfers and readers. Anyone interested in selling 40 million books like Jack and Mark? ![]() Switched-On
Selling: Activate
both sides of your brain INTRO You are about to to do cold-call canvassing. As you reach for the phone, you glance at your desk and quickly decide to clean it first. Then, as you reach for the phone again, you remember that you need to get some things from your car. And after that, you stop and list the things you need to pick up on the way home. The day ends, and the calls are never made. You really did intend to do the calling, but time and time again you just didnt seem to get to it. Sound familiar? It's not that you dont know how to cold call-you've taken all of the seminars, read all of the books, and know the techniques. But when you finally force yourself to do it, it just doesnt go very well. Very often you make excuses to put it off. For some of us it may be closing the sale. You believe you can close a transaction and know the techniques, but you just can't seem to be able to do it. In a word, you are stuck. Your body and your brain seem to take you anywhere but to the place you need to be. You are "switched off" for a part of the selling process. If you are saying to yourself that cold calling and closings arent your problems, simply think of a part of the selling process that you find difficult to do or that you avoid. In all these examples, it's actually your brain and body that have switched off. The task you wanted to do has become a struggle. Selling requires that you think clearly, be analytical, and be attentive to details, which are all functions of the left hemisphere of your brain. Selling also requires being creative, intuitive, and able to see the broader picture, which are all functions of the right hemisphere of your brain. To be truly successful in sales you need to use both sides of your brain together. For example, you need to understand your clients' needs, create answers to fulfill their needs, and find alternatives as you attend to all of the details in between the opening and the closing of the sale. If you are using only one side of your brain in the selling process, you will be stressed and switched-off. Successful selling requires a whole-brain, integrated approach. Educational
Kinesiology Educational Kinesiology was developed over a period of 15 years by Dr. Paul Dennison, a specialist in learning disabilities and a leading pioneer in brain dominance patterns. In working with learning-disabled children and adults, Dr. Dennison found that when they are reading or doing a math problem, for example, one side of the brain is switched off while the other is attempting to figure it out. Its similar to trying to drive a car while using only your left hand and foot. Although you may be able to do it, it's much more effective to use your whole body in the process. Dr. Dennison discovered that by using very simple body movements that stretch the muscles and facilitate the integration of both sides of the brain, direct changes in brain functioning and reduction in stress levels take place in the body. With the integration of the brain toward the goal of success, the task of selling becomes easier and less stressful. Dr. Dennison synthesized these simple body movements from ' work done in the fields of developmental optometry, neuro-linguistics, left and right brain research, acupressure, and kinesiology (muscle testing). This method has now been tailored expressly for the selling process through the concept of "Switched-on Selling". S.O.S. Success Stories
In the week following her taking a course that taught the Switched-on Selling concept, she made four follow-up calls and closed three sales. An insurance agent had been averaging one contract every three weeks. In the year since she attended a Switched-on Selling seminar, she has averaged two sales every week for the first seven months and then increased her sales to three a week when she moved to a new company. And within one month of being with the new company she became the top sales agent for the month. Another insurance agent re- ported that when she was getting ready to make cold calls, she found herself picking up the phone and putting it down several times. Realizing that she was blocked, she did the simple exercises she had been taught for two minutes. That same day she made 40 calls and was able to schedule 35 appointments. An insurance company in South Carolina used the seminar as part of its training program last year. It compared the four- month production of the agents who had gone through the seminar with that of those who had not. It found that those who had gone through the seminar had sales averaging 39 percent above those who did not. Check
Your Muscles This muscle checking indicates the response of the person's subconscious, and the responses are remarkably accurate. Kinesiology also allows us to easily see and experience how everything around us and within us affects our strength and ability to act. Using a partner to practice, try it for yourself using the following simple steps: 1. Face your partner. Have the partner raise one arm straight out, perpendicular to the body, thumb pointing down. (This position is similar to when a bird spreads its wings.) The other arm should remain at the side. 2. Place one of your hands on your partner's extended arm, just above the wrist. Place your other hand on the partner's opposite shoulder. 3. Instruct your partner to resist as you push down firmly on the extended arm. You are not at- tempting to force the arm down, but are simply checking your partner's normal level of resistance. 'You should start firmly, not suddenly or with a jerk, push for several seconds and then release. 4. While your partner keeps the arm extended, have him close his eyes and think of a negative sales experience. Have him shake his head when he has it fixed in his mind, then tell him to resist while you press down on the arm. The arm will usually go down easily, even though your partner attempts to resist. 5. Now tell your partner to close his eyes and think of a positive sales experience. Once your partner has the experience fixed in his mind and shakes his head, tell him to resist again while you press down on the extended arm. The arm will usually stay level and strong, even if you push harder than you did just a moment before. 6. Now have your partner extend the arm and change the original negative situation into a positive in some way. When you press down, the arm will usually stay extended, as the person has liter- ally changed his mind about the situation and the negative is no longer affecting him. 7. Switch roles and have your partner check you. This muscle-checking technique is not a trick-the results are real and repeatable. In fact, many thousands of people have been checked this way, including thou- sands of business and salespeople who have checked each other during seminars. Because you already checked the normal level of resistance the person demonstrated at the start, the results also have nothing to do with muscular strength. The thumb is turned down to make sure you are only checking one muscle, the deltoid. The muscle will either stay firm during the checking, which means that the body's life energy and brain functioning are strong, or the arm will go down easily, which means the body's energy and brain functioning are weakened. The contrast is very easy to see. Change
Your Brain 1. Have a partner muscle check you while you are thinking of a negative sales situation. Your muscle will check weak. 2. Next you will do a movement called "Cooks Hook-Up" (see Exhibit 1). While you are holding the Cook's Hook-Up position, keep the negative thought you would like to dissipate in your , mind. Put as many details and as much. color and intensity into the thought as you can. Although most people will tell you not to think negative thoughts, in this situation it is necessary to do so to take the negativity out of the brain. After a short time, you may find yourself having difficulty focusing on the negative. If that happens, change your thoughts and start viewing the situation positively.
3. To do the Cook's Hook-Up, sit comfortably in a chair. Place your feet flat on the floor. Put your left foot onto the top of your right knee. Place your right hand on your left ankle, and place your left hand on the ball of your left foot near your toes. Close your eyes, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth one quarter of an inch behind your teeth. Breathe normally, and hold the negative thought. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute. 4. Keeping the eyes closed, the tongue up, and the negative thought focused, place both feet flat on the floor and bring just your fingertips together like a teepee in front of you. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute, breathing naturally. 5. When you are finished, open your eyes.
7. Close your eyes and remain in this position for 30 seconds to a minute. If you feel the negativity dissipating, begin to focus on a positive side of the event. When you are finished, open your eyes. 8. Have a partner muscle check you again while you keep the same situation in your mind. You will experience that your arm will stay solid. After you have completed these positions, you will find that you are able to recall the situation but that the negativity is gone from your memory. Using these positions will demonstrate to you the power of movement over your brain and your body. You can use these two positions whenever you have a negative sales situation occur. Consequently, a negative sales situation first thing in the morning no longer has to ruin your day. Greater
Levels of Success Jerry V Teplitz, Ph.D., J.D., is president of Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc., a consulting company specializing in stress management, employee productivity, and sales development seminars. He is a professional speaker and author of the book Managing Your Stress: How To Relax and Enjoy. For information about taking the Switched-On Selling, Switched-On Network Marketing or Switched-On Management Seminars or getting certified to become an Instructor go to Copyright ©1990, Jerry V. Teplitz ![]()
Use your brain button Intro
Jerry Teplitz has never been afraid to try something new or unusual. He went from being a lawyer at the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to master teacher of Hatha Yoga. Now, he's into balancing people's brains. Teplitz, president of Jerry Teplitz Enterprises Inc., a Virginia Beach consulting firm, maintains a vigorous speaking schedule. He jets from one end of the country to the other and abroad to speak at conventions and before corporate personnel about stress. But he is also in the beginning stages of incorporating something new educational kinesiology. If that term doesn't ring a bell, don't fret. It's something Teplitz was introduced to just last year by a former client. The techniques of educational kinesiology, developed by Paul Dennison in California, were originally used to help dyslexic children learn to read. A small but growing number of broad-minded adults now claim the Dennison formula is responsible for improving their skills in public speaking, reading, listening, selling and a host of other areas. The overall object of education kinesiology is to get the right and left hemispheres of the brain to work in unison. When the brain is "balanced" for public speaking, for instance, Teplitz says there will be less stress and more energy focused on the task at hand. The left side of the human brain works to provide memory and the ability to think logically. It also controls motor skills. The right side is responsible for creativity and controls feelings and emotions. "A lot of times, the two sides of the brain don't work together. You're not integrated," said Marilyn Spence, who is Teplitz's fiance and business partner. "If we integrate those two sides of the brain, we operate in a lot smoother fashion. If you operate solely out of one side, it becomes very stressful." The couple uses yoga breathing exercises, aerobics and exercises along with visualization to get clients' brains in balance. Teplitz and Spence, who met in February at a "World Peace" seminar at the Fellowship Center, are now conducting seminars together at 4317 Tillman Drive, Teplitz's home and office, off Bonney Road. They taught their second educational kinesiology seminar in Virginia Beach last weekend, attended by 16 people. Some came from as far away as Wisconsin, Illinois and Connecticut at $325 per person. Among the 16 were an attorney, healthcare workers, a counselor and a college student. All were searching for some way to make their life run smoother. Walking in on a Teplitz-Spence seminar would likely startle the average onlooker. At the outset, participants were instructed to massage their "brain buttons," located just under the collar bone. A strategic point, the brain button will "switch on" one's brain for learning when massaged, Teplitz explained. Another exercise has a group of about five people standing shoulder to shoulder in a tight circle. One person stands in the middle, his eyes closed, arms draped over his chest and completely relaxed. The purpose of the exercise is for the person in the middle to build trust and let his body be tossed gently around the circle. What follows is something called a "muscle check" to determine if the person was actually relaxed or if he just thought he was. The assumption here is that one's muscles speak more truthfully that one's mind. "Your muscles will actually talk to you if you listen to them," said Spence, a former labor relations consultant for the Department of the Navy. Teplitz and Spence believe that one can communicate with his subconscious mind through what is called an "indicator muscle," usually the deltoid. It, when checked, it responds positively by locking the arm in place, the participant is gauged to be "switched on," or ready to re-educate his body. Teplitz admits that the medical community is skeptical of psychologist Dennison's theories. But he says they can't deny the results. "Their reaction has been, basically, 'I don't understand it but it really does work," Teplitz said. "They do have questions because, let's face it, it's not something they were, taught in medical school. They don't understand it, but they can sure observe its effects." Those who attended last weekend's seminar believe they left with the power to cure all kinds of insecurities, hangups and negative attitudes that have been preventing them from reaching their goals. "I learned a system that can be applied to every negative thought that I have, every goal I could design to accomplish and everything I want to be," said one student. Another woman claims to have broken a lifelong addiction to chocolate during the seminar. All but two of Teplitz's seminars have been conducted outside of his hometown of Virginia Beach, but after the response last weekend, he and Spence-have decided to conduct another here in November. Teplitz is still amazed by the results of educational kinesiology. After a client is balanced by Teplitz or Spence, they are told to perform various "brain gym" exercises at home to maintain the balance. One such exercise requires crossing one's legs and arms and visualizing a divided brain coming together as a whole. Another exercise merely consists of curling a finger around the ear to "switch on" for hearing. "Its more than just for people with learning disabilities. It's learning to pick and choose life," Teplitz said. "Sarah had a problem swallowing vitamins. She had to chew them all. She would choke just from the thought of swallowing a vitamin. Then I did the balance on her and down it went." In July, Teplitz and Spence conducted the first education kinesiology seminar on the East Coast with a group of about 25 educators in Virginia Beach. Teplitz also has taught a seminar tailored specifically for sales people called "Switched-On Selling". Teplitz says that while the physiological changes that occur during the exercises cannot be explained, he does not believe they are spiritually triggered. He sees the criticism of educational kinesiology as similar to that which chiropractic treatments have had to endure. As more research is conducted, answers will be supplied to the doubting Thomases, he says. Teplitz says he isn't worried by the charges that this is merely another off-shoot of the New Age cult movement. "I would consider it one of the new methods of dealing with educational problems, and now it's expanded into a new way of people being able to work with their own goals they have in life in a very fast manner," Teplitz said. "Anything thats new, in some respects, you can say is New Age." ![]() ROAD WARRIORS
by Jennifer Juergens Intro
the road again? Meeting planners are frequent travelers: They spend many hours
waiting in airports, sitting on planes and driving -- or standing
-- in traffic. They often find themselves living in hotels for
days at a time. These "interruptions in routine" are
routine; the successful planner cannot let them slow him down. How, then, can planners keep ontop of their workloads while
traveling? How can they take time that could be a dead loss
and make it work for them? "You have to develop good habits. I "Don't leave
home without it." So says Jerry Teplitz of Jerry Teplitz
Enterprises about his ever-present, easy-to-use luggage cart. Baker ships out speaking materials in advance and makes sure
they are there before he is. "Sometimes we've even had
a double shipment, nothing to chance," he says. Merrill Douglass, who for the past two decades has spent 160
days a year on the road, has taken this kind of organized packing
to its limits. He has designed and had made a special leather
insert for his briefcase. It has pockets to hold his calculator,
dictating machine, pencils, post-its, stamped postcards, writing
pads, stationery for writing his children, his passport and
color-coded file folders -- green for finished work, red for
unfinished work, etc. Everything is in its place and is easy
to locate. BEFORE YOU LEAVE ON THE ROAD AGAIN Fred Pryor suggests using a dictating machine in either a
car or plane. "Most people don't use dictating equipment
proficiently, but it can be very useful." Larry Baker says that, while cellular phones are becoming popular
with people who drive frequently, salespeople use them much
more often than meeting planners. "In three or four years,
we'll see them more," he says. "Planners will have
to look at how many calles they miss and see what the value
of those call is." Elam of Great American Reserve Insurance Co., Dallas advises calling to make another reservation before getting on line. That way, the traveler doesn't have to worry that all the available seats will be taken by the time he gets to the counter. He can be assured his reservation is in the computer. Also, Elam always carries an air flight guide to check altenative flights. Teplitz says he saves minutes and stress by not checking luggage. If his connection is tight, he can run for a plane with luggage cart in tow. "I can get easily from one terminal to another," he says. "I think the luggage cart is a wonderful thing." As for the time spent on airplanes, Sandy Bohl, president of Professional Conferences, Sharon, Conn., says it makes her dream of buying a portable computer. "I've wasted a lot of hours on planes, especially on the long flights. I could be getting a lot of work done. A computer also would be great when I get ideas or for conununicating with the office," she says. Fred Pryor agrees on the usefulness of laptop computers. He spends his time on the plane writing speeches and updating files and schedules on his laptop. (Tepliz warns anyone taking a computer out of the country to have it registered with U.S. Customs before boarding. He adds that, if a computer is company owned, it must be accompanied by a validated export license.) Working on a plane does not, however, necessarily mean lugging a computer. Time Management's Douglass, for example, often uses flying time to correspond with clients. Rather than dictate for later transcription, he writes on prestamped cards. "I'd rather do it by hand, and just drop it in the mailbox," he says. ONCE YOU GET THERE Many planners have devised ways to keep on schedule when traveling. Consoliated Aluminum's Marshak says she does most of her planning for future meetings while she's on the road visiting sites. "I have individual folders for each person I'm going to meet: the sales staff, the reservations manager, convention services, etc. I have questions prepared for each, which is time saving for them and for myself. I keep notes on our meetings, which include ideas and details that have been discussed." Professional Conferences' Sandy Bohl keeps a diary in which she records the details of each meeting. It includes the attendance list, an outline with an agenda, airline information, schedules and contracts. "Every meeting has its own section, and every meeting is in it," she says. "I keep the entries up to date. Although I feel like a walking office, the diary shows me what I should be doing when." Planner Bonnie Pearce also feels that the only way to keep everything running smoothly is to touch every file --present meetings and future meetings --every day. "Even if the meeting is three months down the road, I have a 'to do' list on the front of the file. I follow up on everything," she says. "I never go to bed at night before I make my agenda for the next day. Then when I get up I review it." MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE OFFICE Pearce points out that the staff must be trained in the field to do the most effective job. "I have two others in my office who know how I work. They think for me. It's a marriage. They are treated as partners and feel they have ownership." Greg Elam agrees that an office that runs smoothly starts with people who understand you and your priorities. His basic rule is: "If anything goes wrong I want to know before anyone else so I can solve it and figure out how we can avoid the problem in the future." Pryor gets specific. He says that when a planner phones the office, he or she should talk to the staff in terms of expectations. "Hold them accountable for their results. Find out their level of progress." MAKING TIME FOR YOURSELF ![]() Reprint
of Article published in
by Linda Shaw Intro The toughest audience Jerry Teplitz has ever had to work with was inside a prison. "The prisoners didn't know who I was or why I was there or what on earth I was going to do," recalls Jerry. "They were basically told they could either work or see my program, so they obviously chose me over work." There later were moments on stage when Jerry wished they hadn't. Usually five minutes into his program, he would have nearly 100 percent audience participation as he instructed people how to use -various techniques to relax or to energize their bodies. But the prison audience was different - restless, talkative, smoking and shuffling around. To make matters worse, in order to demonstrate shiatsu, the ancient Japanese finger pressure technique used to relieve numerous ailments, Jerry usually picks someone who has a headache from the audience. Unknowingly, he picked a prison ringleader from the fidgety crowd. "He sat down on stage and I demonstrated the headache technique on him. When I got done, he said his headache was worse," laughs Jerry, who still remembers the misery of the moment. "I talked to him a little more and discovered he was having a migraine headache which he gets all the time. So I did the shiatsu treatment for migraine on him and his pain completely disappeared." Before the prison performance Jerry always had been astonished by the success of his program. Whether he faced a crowd of college students, business executives or older adults, his program seemed to have something for everyone. Maybe an audience full of convicts was stretching his luck just a little too far. And then the prisoners' performance evaluation forms were turned over to him. To his surprise, the prisoners had written that they believed shiatsu and meditation would help them in their lives. Subsequent feedback from prison staff members further boosted Jerry's spirits. "The monetary system of the prisoners is cigarettes," relates Jerry. "A staff member told me that one prisoner earned two packs of cigarettes by doing shiatsu for another one's headache. And the toughest guy in the prison is a Muslim who carries a file folder with all of his prayers in it. Tucked within that folder is the shiatsu headache diagram I left with them," Jerry says. "It was the toughest audience I ever went through, but there, too, it worked." In Jerry's program, audiences learn by doing different finger pressure techniques used to relieve headaches, migraines, sore throats, sinus colds, eyestrain and neck fatigue. "It's a seed planting profession," says Jerry. "I'm planting the seed for people that they can heal themselves in a whole variety of ways. They've got more power and potential than they probably ever thought they had." Actually, Jerry admits he isn't anyone to quibble over skepticism, since he was the biggest skeptic of all when first introduced to what he does now. A graduate of Northwestern University Law School, Jerry was a lawyer with the Environmental Protection Agency in Illinois before he abandoned law for a more unorthodox lifestyle.
"If you had asked me in law school if I could see myself doing this five years after I graduated, I would have thought you were crazy," he quips. "As a lawyer you are trained in skepticism and to tear things apart. I tried to tear these things apart. They wouldn't tear. The more I tried, the more I experienced, and the more excited I got." He began attending the Temple of Kriya Yoga in Chicago and became a master teacher of hatha yoga. Eventually, he quit the law profession. "It was like taking a deep breath and, in a sense, going off the deep end - but knowing there wasn't a deep end there." Jerry has written a book with Shelly Kellman entitled How to Relax and Enjoy, which describes some shiatsu methods, hatha yoga exercises, general relaxation and meditation techniques, and discusses proper nutrition. With several other books in the planning stages, Jerry continues to lecture to groups around the country and in Canada. He claims that in as little as two hours he can teach people relaxation and energizing techniques they will be able to use for the rest of their lives. "You can use shiatsu on yourself as well as on other people," explains Jerry. "My goal is to make people self-sufficient. My real purpose in doing a lot of this actually is to put me out of business. That will mean everybody is running around healthy because they know how to do these things." Shiatsu is an ancient therapy that is older than Japan's recorded history. Practitioners wanting to relieve a headache use the fleshy part of their thumbs to bear down on a series of pressure points along the skull and the back of the neck. Jerry reports that headaches and hangovers can be relieved in as little as a minute and a half. In some cases, a third treatment is necessary to alleviate all pain. "Of course, if anyone has an ongoing problem, I recommend seeing a doctor," he adds. "The individual should look at what is going on in his or her environment. Something is really pretty intense either physiologically or externally that needs treating."
But for ordinary ailments, shiatsu is quite effective, says Jerry, although no one really knows why. "There are several theories," he continues. The hard pressure exerted by the thumbs may cause extra blood to circulate through the painful area. The blood acts as the natural cleanser of the body, bringing antibodies and oxygen to the area and removing waste products and carbon dioxide, says Jerry. A second possibility is that shiatsu may act like acupuncture, stimulating certain nerve meridians and motivating the body to heal itself. Others suggest that when pressure is put on the head, natural substances called endorphins are released by the brain. Endorphins act as pain inhibitors which block the pain signal throughout the body. Another theory is based on the physics concept that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. "With a hangover a person has restricted blood vessels," says Jerry. "The shiatsu pressure may cause the blood vessels to expand and relieve the pain." Whatever the scientific explanation may be, Jerry says shiatsu often works as long as people follow the directions. Although he has worked with the therapy for several years now , Jerry still is surprised at times by its effectiveness. He relates the story of a friend with wisdom teeth problems who called him long distance for help. He was in intense pain but his dentist could not see him for several weeks, says Jerry, so "I proceeded to give him the instructions for the shiatsu treatment for toothache over the phone. I saw him a few months later and he said not only did it work, but after several treatments the pain completely vanished. He still had to go to the dentist, but he was totally painless to the point of going," says Jerry. In case of a toothache, shiatsu may provide three or four hours of pain relief. When the pain returns, all the person may need to do is to repeat the shiatsu treatment. "Shiatsu is a good alternative to aspirin and to the negative effects of any chemical on the body," Jerry asserts. Jerry enjoys his work and believes he can teach others to enjoy life no matter who they are or what they do for a livelihood. "My fantasy for the future is that instead of company coffee breaks, they will have meditation breaks," he says. "Production will go up and absenteeism will go down because people will just be a lot happier with what they're doing." Reprint
of Article published in the
INTRO Have you ever tried to sell a client on your property and had difficulty establishing a rapport? Have you ever emphasized something you thought important and your client responded blankly? Do you find some clients make slower (or faster) decisions than you think appropriate? Answering yes to any of these questions means that you have run across a client whose buying style is different from your selling style. To be more successful you need to learn to adapt your selling style to fit your client's buying style. By "reading" your client's behavioral style and appealing to that person in his or her terms, you can actually increase your sales dramatically. In the early 1930s, a concept was developed by WiIIiam Marston, which was later elaborated upon by Dr. John Grier. This concept divides people into four basic personality types. It's understanding these types that will al low you to sell your property more successfully. Many companies using this approach have increased sales from ten to 30 percent. The first step in this process is discovering your own style. The next step is recognizing your client's style, and the final step is to apply this information to your present sales approach. The four basic styles are called Dominance (D); Influencing of Others (I); Steadiness (S); and Compliance (C). An important point to keep in mind is that no style is better than another; rather, the key to being a successful hotel salesperson is being able to adapt your selling to fit your client's buying style. To determine your own style you will need to answer the following questions. When selecting your answers, focus on the behavior that best characterizes you when you are wearing your "selling hat." Question 1: Is your selling behavior style active and outgoing? If you answered active and outgoing, you are either a D (Dominance) or an I (influencing of Others) behavioral style. If reserved, you are either an S (Steadiness) or a C (Compliance) behavioral style. To find out even more specifically what your style is you will need to answer the following questions: If your last answer was a D or I: Are you more of a relater with others If you are a relater, then you are an I. If you are a director, then you are a D. Those whose first answer was an S or C need to answer the following questions: Are you more concerned with how to complete
task details If you are concerned with task details, you are an S. If you are concerned with the importance or the quality of the task, you are a C. Now that you know what type of style you are, look at the characteristics of the different styles. If you are a D, Dominance style, you like getting immediate results, causing action, and accepting challenges. You prefer to make quick decisions to solve problems, and you enjoy taking charge. if you are an I, Influencing of Others style, you enjoy contacting and entertaining people while making a favorable impression. You are very verbal. You like generating enthusiasm and creating a motivational environment. You want to help others and enjoy participating in a group. If you are an S, Steadiness style, you like staying in one place while concentrating on the task at hand. You are loyal and have tremendous patience, which allows you to be a good listener and able to calm excited people. If you are a C, Compliance style, you enjoy following standards and procedures, concentrating on details, and working under controlled circumstances. While you can be diplomatic with people, you like accuracy and will criticize someone's performance, if necessary. You are a critical thinker and believe in authority. Now that you know more about your style, explore your clients' style. The D Style If your clients are a D style, they are highly interested in seeing the new and innovative things about your property. They usually possess a fairly strong ego and do not like to waste time. To sell these highly individualistic go-getters, get right to the bottom line. Don't waste their time with a lot of facts and figures. They just want to hear the high points of your presentation. They, in turn, will be loyal as long as you provide them with service. The D style is more impressed with your efficient, no-nonsense business manner than any testimonials or data. They would rather leave cost factor details to someone else. There are several DO's and DONT's for each of the styles which are important to understand. For the D style you DO need to be efficient and omit details. DO be strictly businesslike, as they will let you know if they want to chat. DO flatter their egos. When on a site inspection of your property, stress both the prestige and efficiency of your property. DO make sure you give them direct answers. Finally, DO give them a short summary and close. Here are the DONT's for the D style. DON'T explain too many details unless they ask for them. DON'T give your opinions. DON'T be evasive or indecisive, but do give them plenty of options. The I Style If your clients are an I style, they are the friendly, gregarious types who want to talk and socialize. They make great salespeople themselves (they may even try to sell you something). With an I style, spare them the details because they are not interested in them. They love the new and innovative aspects of your property. The I is fairly easy to sell if you are sociable with them. This also means they can easily wind up going with another property, so give them plenty of follow-up service. Buy them lunch or even a cup of coffee, and closing will be easier. Here are the DO's for the I style. DO let them talk, and give them compliments about their accomplishments. DO use their own words to direct the discussion back to business. If you can, DO use the testimonials and name drop. DO be enthusiastic and friendly. DO have your summary focus only on the major selling points. DONT's for the I. DON'T give them a lot of facts (you'll create confusion). DON'T chatter so much that you don't get around to selling them. The S Style The Steadiness (S) clients may be a bit shy, but they want to be your friends. These clients are not suspicious, but are slow to make changes. They need to feel they can trust you. You need to show them that your property is more traditional, and if they're booking a convention that is family oriented. With an S client, take it slow and easy. Speed can lose the sale. They will want to see your entire property and want plenty of statistics. To earn their trust and friendship, ask about their family and hobbies. Emphasize the traditional and proven nature of your property, and make reassuring follow-up calls. Here are the DO'S for the S style. DO be low key. DO keep your explanations quiet and simple but loaded with details. DO involve the family in the decision. DO stress the property's security and the security of the surrounding area. DO provide them with a complete cost picture. DO assure them that their decision is right, and that their group will be pleased. DONT's for an S. DON'T go too fast or omit details. DON'T get too friendly too quickly. The C Style Compliance (C) clients may sometimes be suspicious of you. These individuals can become solidly faithful to you, but only after they trust you. They are tough clients to get (and to lose, once you've got them). They are not great talkers or innovators. With a C style, give them solid background information and convince them that your property works. Testimonials from other satisfied clients help especially if it is from another C. They need time to absorb details and digest the facts before taking the next step. They will want to see your entire property, even the kitchen area. They like traditional properties. Here are the DO's for the C style. DO set a tone of trust and sincerity. DO emphasize how you will minimize their group's difficulties. DO stress the need for them to make an early decision. DO be patient, explain things fully, and ask them "how" questions to get their opinion. DO give a complete detailed financial picture. If you have a written description of your property, DO be sure what you say is consistent with the written description. DONT's for a C. DON'T give the C client a hard sell. DON'T get personal about their family, if you don't know them well. DON'T physically pat them on the back at the first meeting. DON'T speak too loudly, or answer their objections lightly. Now that you understand yourself and your clients better, you need to put it all together. Because to be truly effective you will need to blend your selling style with that of your customers. Blending for the D Hotel Salesperson You are strong-minded and confident. You like to deal with new, innovative items, and you become bored with details. To sell a D: Be yourself. One D communicates well with another. To sell an I: Be a little more friendly than-usual, not quite as businesslike. You should get along fairly' easily with him or her. To sell an S: Slow down, give assurances, give more details, be friendlier, give him or her a chance to digest facts, don't overstress new or innovative aspects. To sell a C: Present plenty of proof and facts, make sure all questions are answered, take it much slower than your usual pace, and don't be "pushy." Blending for the I Hotel Salesperson You are friendly and happy-go-lucky. You lack attention to details, become easily bored, and are very social and people-oriented. To sell a D: Don't joke, make small talk, or throw your arms around him. Stay businesslike, and don't waste time. To sell an I: No problem, just remember to ask for her agreement. To sell an S: Earn her trust before becoming too friendly. Stick to the facts and figures. Some socializing and small talk about your families is acceptable; you will need to show a lot of knowledge about your property and her group's needs. To sell a C: He is probably your most difficult customer. He's not impressed by story-telling or socializing. Give him facts, figures, and proof. The best you can do is try to act like another C. Blending for the S Hotel Salesperson You are steady and dependable, but easily discouraged. You can lack confidence in your sales abilities when placed in new and difficult situations. To sell a D: Assert more confidence, and don't be intimidated or scared off by the strong-willed and challenging D. Come back strongly with the answers he wants. To sell an I: You may not like his over-friendly, time-wasting attitude, but you should get along fairly well. To sell an S: Like you, she'll probably require lots of assurances, so be confident. To sell a C: You'll have a fine rapport as long you can confidently answer all her questions and firmly present specific facts and figures. Don't be intimidated by her skepticism. Blending for the C Hotel Salesperson You are a well organized facts and figures person who prefers selling the traditional aspects of your property. To sell a D: Be careful; don't overwhelm her with all your facts and figures. just hit the high points. And muster enough courage to sell those new and innovative aspects of your property. To sell an I: Again, resist the urge to lay out all the facts; just hit the high points, being as friendly as possible. Try showing her the new and innovative aspects of your property. To sell an S: Just don't talk too fast, and you'll get along well. Give him plenty of time to digest the facts you present. Talk about his family a little, too. To sell a C: This is your easiest sale. You'll see eye to eye with him from the start. While few people are pure "D, I, S, or C," you will find that blending your style will be one of the most effective and successful sales techniques you can acquire. Use the people in your office whose styles are different from yours to help you discover how to approach that tough client more effectively. You will find that the more you use these techniques, the easier it will become to identify clients and close your sales. Understanding
and Motivating Volunteers INTRO Have
you ever had a board member with whom you had difficulty relating?
Have you ever emphasized something you thought important and
your board members or committee chairs responded blankly? Do
you find some board volunteers make slower (or faster) decisions
than you think appropriate? First you need to determine your own relationship style by answering several questions. When you select your answers, think about which response best characterizes you when relating to volunteers. Question 1: Is your relationship style more active
and outgoing? If you answered active and outgoing, you are either a D (Dominance) or an I (Influencing) style. To find out more specifically what your style is select one of the following: Are you more concerned with directing
of others If you answered relating, then you’re an
I style. If you answered directing, you’re a D. Are you more concerned with accepting
of others? If you answered accepting, you’re an S. If you answered assessing or judging, you’re a C. Now that you know what style you are, let’s
explore the different styles characteristics. Now that you know more about your style, let’s
explore your volunteer’s style. To be truly effective, you need to blend your
relationship style with that of your volunteer.
If you’re an S
If you’re a C
As you relate to your volunteers, you are bringing your behavior style into play with theirs to create more success for both of you. Happy blending! ![]() 10 Tips to Prevent The Afternoon Slump by Jerry Teplitz, JD, Ph.D. If you’re like two-thirds
of the population, you’ve experienced the afternoon slump.
You know the feeling…it’s mid-afternoon and you
feel tired and drained and want to call it a day. While you
still plug away at your work, you often find that you are not
as productive as you need to be. You’ve hit the afternoon
slump. Beat The Slump and Enjoy
Your Night Par
and Beyond: Secrets to Better Golf INTRO You’ve bogeyed your last hole, you are about to hit your next drive. As you take your practice swings, your mind is still on the last putt that you blew. You take your swing and it’s a slice. In your mind you say to yourself “Oh no, I’m going to bogey again!” and you do. Sound familiar? You know the techniques and mechanics, but you just can’t get either your mind or body aligned with each other so that they do what you want them to do. In a word, you are stuck and “switched off,” and your golf game is not going well at all. Golf requires you to think clearly and be analytical which
are functions of your brain’s left hemisphere. Golf also
requires you to be creative and intuitive which are functions
of your right hemisphere. To be a truly successful golfer you
need to use both sides of your brain at the same time; you need
an integrated approach. The muscle checking is real and repeatable. It is indicating the response of your partner’s unconscious mind to negative and positive golf experiences. The results have nothing to do with muscular strength; rather, you are accessing a neurological phenomenon. With the positive thought your muscle stays strong indicating that your body's life energy and brain functions are switched-on. With the negative thought your muscle switches off demonstrating how negative thoughts actually affect your physical body, and this interferes with your golf game. As you observed and experienced for yourself, the contrast is very easy to see. Since the Par and Beyond: Secrets to Better Golf video does not teach golf techniques and mechanics, you will still need your golf Instructor to do that. Rather, the video teaches techniques which will allow you to get rid of your negative thought in 90 seconds. It will show you how to maintain you energy and focus throughout a round of golf. Click here for more information about Par and Beyond: Secrets to Better Golf. Here is what some satisfied users had to say about their experience: “Within a week of watching the video my scores started
dropping two to four strokes each round. I was finding that
my drives were going longer and more in play than usual. Your
video program allows me to concentrate and focus like I’ve
never done before. It works!” "I went to Par and Beyond to write about Dr. Teplitz’s
technique with a certain skepticism but soon realized everything
he taught made sense. When I got home, my next round of golf
was my life¹s best and now the techniques are part of every
round I play!" "As we discussed I have had a real problem with my
putting from the three to eight foot range. After your session
I made five of the six putts I had in that range. Later that
week I had a match play competition, which I won." Beating
Travel Stress: INTRO Whether for holidays or business
trips, traveling can grate on the nerves of even the most patient
soul. From security checks to winding lines to time zone changes,
today’s traveler faces countless aggravations and inconveniences.
Sleeping on the Road
Never underestimate the power of the body to heal the mind.
One technique for helping you sleep on the road is a progressive
relaxation exercise that will stop the chatter of your mind.
Start by closing your eyes and breathing deeply and regularly.
Tense and relax your muscles, starting at your feet for a few
seconds. Continue this tense/relax pattern through each part
of your body, working up to your head. If necessary, repeat
the process a second time. This simple process will force all
tension from your body, allowing your mind to shut off while
you settle into a comfortable slumber.
You can further decrease the probability of tossing and turning
in your stiff hotel bed with some help from Mother Nature. Several
herbs and other natural over-the-counter remedies may help alleviate
your situation. Accentuate the
Contrary to what you may believe, negative words will not
help clerks or cabbies better perform their jobs. The truth
is that belligerence will not greatly improve your situation,
either; rather, it will stress you. And guess what? Positive
thoughts actually keep your energy at a much higher level than
negative ones.
Holistic healing techniques reveal many of our body’s
secret remedies. A little-known fact is that we have hidden
“energy buttons” that help boost vitality and, in
turn, aid us in dealing with inevitable travel hassles. They
may sound silly, but they work! Beating Jet Lag
Meditation is an effective weapon in combating jet lag. It
has the power to reset your body’s internal clock, no
matter how many time zones you travel through.
The New Zealand government realized that they needed to help their commercial pilots’ difficulties with jet lag, because once you fly out of New Zealand, you go through many time zones. After much research they discovered a homeopathic formula called No Jet Lag. Take it every couple of hours while you’re flying, and jet lag disappears. Enjoy Your Trip! About the Author: YOUR SELLING SUCCESS FORMULA By Dr.
Jerry V. Teplitz, J.D. Ph.D INTRO Have you ever tried to sell
your product and you couldn’t establish a rapport with
the customer? Have you ever emphasized something you thought
important and your customer responded blankly? Do you find that
some clients make slower (or faster) decisions than you think
appropriate? DETERMINING YOUR STYLE QUESTION: Is your selling behavior style more active and outgoing? or Is your selling behavior style more reserved? If you answered active and outgoing, you are
either a D (DOMINANCE) or an I (INFLUENCE) behavior style. If
more reserved, you are either an S (STEADINESS) or a
C (CONSCIENTIOUS) behavioral style. If your first answer was that you were a D or an I then: Are you more concerned with directing of others? or relating with others? If you answered relating, then you are an I. If you answered
directing, then you are a D. Are you more concerned with how to accepting of others? or If you are more concerned with accepting of others, then you are an S. If you are more concerned with assessing of others, then you are a C. CHARACTERISTICS
OF THE STYLES There are several DO’s and DON’Ts for each of the styles which are important to understand. Here are the DO's for the D style client:
Here are the DON’Ts for the D client's buying style:
The Influence Style
DON’Ts for an I buyer:
The Steadiness Style
Consciousness Style
DON’Ts for a C:
BLENDING FOR THE C SALESPERSON You’re a well organized facts-and-figures person who prefers selling established, time-proven products and services.
By Dr.
Jerry V. Teplitz, J.D. Ph.D INTRO Have you ever
had difficulty managing a subordinate? Have you ever asked a
team member to do something and they did it wrong or didn't
do it at all? Have you ever wanted to move quickly on a project
decision and found that the people you were working with wanted
to be more cautious? There are three steps to this process. The first is discovering your own management style. The second step is recognizing your subordinates or team member's behavior style, and the final step is applying this information when appropriate in order to effectively modify your present way of communicating. DETERMINING
YOUR STYLE Is your management behavior style more active and outgoing? or Is your management behavior style more reserved? If you answered active and outgoing,
then answer the next question that says D OR I QUESTION. If
you answered more reserved, then you need to skip down
to the question that says S OR C QUESTION. Are you more concerned with directing of others? or relating with others? If you answered directing, then you are
a D (DOMINANCE) behavior style. If you answered relating,
then you are an I (INFLUENCE) style. Are you more concerned with accepting of others? or If you are more concerned with accepting of others, then you are an S (STEADINESS) behavior style. If you are more concerned with assessing of others, then you are a C (CONSCIENTIOUS) behavioral style. CHARACTERISTICS
OF THE STYLES There are several DO’s and DON’Ts for each of the styles which are important to understand. Here are the DO's for communicating with the D subordinate or team member:
The Influence Style
DON’Ts for an S subordinate or team member:
EMAIL REPORT INTRO Since there is so much concern about the lack of flu shots and the fears that people are having, I decided to post a special supplement about what you can do to prevent or cure the flu from a natural standpoint. Please pass this one on to other people so they can also be aware that there are options to the flu shot. The
Place To Start For Flu Prevention Is With Soap Herbs
That Give You An Option Let's
Talk More About Sambucol Reduce
The Flu's Impact With Sorrel Tea, anyone? Just make sure it's Jamaican sorrel. You can call Vital Botanicals at 800 609-4326 to order some. Check
Out Your Lighting I was speaking in Boston to people who owned stores where you can rent VHS tapes. One gentleman raised his hand and shared that he had heard me the year before and had instituted in his store many of the things that I recommended, which included changing the lighting. He said in that year's time not a single employee was sick with the flu over the course of a very severe flu season. Oh yeah, profits also went up. He attributed both impacts to the tubes. So…to help you out I would like to make you a special offer by giving you a 10% discount if you order a pack of 10 tubes or bulbs by November 10. Both the tubes and the bulbs come with a 60 day money-back guarantee. This way you can take charge of your office space or home space while potentially having extra protection from the flu. To learn more about full spectrum lighting, click here get this discount call Dorothy at 800 77-RELAX (800 777-3529). Hope this
information helps you make your decisions on how you'll fight
the flu.