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April  2004


Stopping Alzheimer's With Vitamins

ADHD Is In The Brain

Keep An Eye On Drugs Prescribed For The Elderly -
They May Be Wrong

Baby Boomers Have Positive Attitude On Longevity

There's A New Fabric In Town

Some Hope For ALS Sufferers

Slowing Parkinson's Disease With CoQ10

SOD May Increase Life Span

Things You Can Do With WD-40

Last Chance To Take My Upcoming Golf Seminar And My Switched-On Seminars


Volume 3 #4 - April 2004

Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"!

Here is the latest issue of the Teplitz Email Report. Enjoy it.

Stopping Alzheimer's With Vitamins

A study published in Archives of Neurology had 4,740 participants. They were taking 400 IU of Vitamin E and 500 mg of Vitamin C daily. These people had a reduced risk of Alzheimer's an amazing 78%. I think we should be taking 800 IU of E and 2,000 mg of C. So...if you don't want to take as much as I recommend, then, at least take what they are recommending in this study.

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ADHD Is In The Brain

Researchers in Bowling Green have found that individuals with ADHD have deficits on the right side of the frontal lobes of their brain. The researchers induced ADHD in young rats and then attempted various treatments. The researchers found that rough and tumble play especially during adolescence was able to reduce both hyperactivity and ADD. So what are we doing in schools - eliminating gym class and recess so kids can get ready to take Federal government demanded testing.

The Brain Gym(r) movement exercises that I use in my Switched-On Selling and Management seminars are designed to give children and adults the movement exercises that they need. To learn more about Brain Gym go to

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Keep An Eye On Drugs Prescribed For The Elderly -
They May Be Wrong

A study by the National Center for Health Statistics reported that doctors are prescribing the wrong drugs for the elderly 1 out of every 12 times that they write a prescription. While that's only a little over 8% of the prescription being written, keep in mind an elderly person may be taking a dozen different drugs themselves.  Doctors don't seem to realize that just as some drugs are deemed not appropriate for children, the same applies for drugs for people 65 and older. The author of the study Margie Goulding said "for every inappropriate drug, there is a safe alternative."

We just recently experienced this situation with my Dad, who is in a nursing home. One medication the doctor prescribed for him made him almost a zombie. Within a couple of days of coming off it, he was normal again. So...if someone you know, who is elderly, begins to act the least bit different, start talking to the doctor about the side effects of any and all the medications being given to that person.

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Baby Boomers Have Positive Attitude On Longevity

A study of by the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago of 1,000 baby boomers found that they believe they'll be healthy and free from aches and pains and won't feel their age until after they are 80. Go Boomers!

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There's A New Fabric In Town

There's a new textile called Holofiber that has been shown to increase circulation and increase the amount of oxygen that is able to go through the skin. The fiber uses microscopic mineral crystals that take certain wavelengths of light and the body's radiant energy and redirect them into the body. It actually increases blood flow and oxygen delivery into the tissues in the immediate area.

One study of 20 men, who had diabetes, with circulatory problems in their extremities, found that within one hour of wearing the Holofiber that their feet had an 8% higher rate of oxygenation and a 12%  increase in their forearms. For healthy men the increase was 10% in the feet and 30% in the forearms. It reduces and relieves pain and increases healing in diabetics. For Raynaud sufferers it reduces pain and inflammation. Athletes are using it to increase oxygen levels to boost muscle performance. You can contact the Whitaker Wellness Institute about this textile at 800 648-7024 or go to

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Some Hope For ALS Sufferers

Dr. Joseph Beckman from the Linus Pauling Insitute reported that zinc deficiencies in a  mouse model of ALS, also know as Lou Gerig disease, accelerated the progression of the disease and that treating the mice with appropriate amounts of zinc normalized the mortality curve.

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Slowing Parkinson's Disease With CoQ10

Dr. Flint Beal from Cornell University reported on a sixteen-month trial that had patients taking 300 to 600 mg per day of CoQ10. This resulted in a 25% decrease in the rate of disease progression while those patients given 1,200 mg per day experienced a 44% decrease. Even the highest amounts were well tolerated, and studies are currently evaluating the effect of higher doses.

So... if someone you know has Parkinson, they can take at least 1,200 mg of CoQ10 every day.

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SOD May Increase Life Span

No, I'm not taking about grass, I'm taking about Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). In the book Critical Reviews of Oxidative Stress and Aging, JS Beckman reports that SOD stops an oxidant called peroxynitrite in its tracks. In fruit flies, the removal of SOD resulted in a 60% reduction in their life span. Adding SOD corrected that outcome.

While we are not fruit flies, it may be a good thing to consider adding SOD to your supplements. I have.

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Things You Can Do With WD-40

Reader Kai Jelstrom sent me an interesting list of the things WD-40 can do. Here are some of them.
    Protects silver from tarnishing
    Gets oil spots off concrete driveways
    Gives floors that "just waxed" sheen without making it slippery
    Keeps flies off cows (I like this one the best)
    Removes lipstick stains
    Untangles jewelry chains
    Removes stains from stainless steel sinks
    Removes tomato stains from clothing
    Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots
    Gives children play gym slides a super fast slide ability
    Restores and cleans leather dashboards
    Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades

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Last Chance To Take My Upcoming Golf Seminar And My Switched-On Seminars

I am teaching the special Switched-On Golf & Par and Beyond: Secrets To Better Golf seminar on May 4, 2004 in Burnaby, BC, Canada (near Vancouver). For information, go to

Here's what Chuck Hogan had to say about the golf seminar. "It's an elegant way to improve your game".

Here's the schedule for my upcoming Switched-On Selling, Switched-On Network Marketing, and Switched-On Management Seminars and Instructor Certifications.

April 29 and 30 in Burnaby, BC, Canada (near Vancouver)

April 23, 2004 - Cologne, Germany
May 1, 2004 - Burnaby, BC, Canada  (near Vancouver

April 23, 2004 - Cologne, Germany
May 1, 2004 - Burnaby, BC, Canada (near Vancouver)

Here's what Serge Gravelle, President/CEO of MyMall Network Corporation, had to say about Switched-On Selling:

"The results were instantaneous; within 24 hours, we had closed seven contracts, seven times more than we had done during the preceding eight months. By the end of the week, we had signed eighteen contracts. The best part is that I enjoyed making the sales, a feeling I had a hard time experiencing in the past".

For more information on these Switched-On Seminars and the registration forms go to . If you would prefer the brochures and registration information emailed to you, send me an email  at

Also, you can become an Instructor of the business seminars. For more information on the Instructor Certifications requirements, just click on the link that's above and then click on "How To Become and Instructor".

That's it for this month.

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Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 30 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports go to .

Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
228 N. Donnawood Dr, Ste 204, Virginia Beach VA 23452
(757) 431-1317, (800) 77-RELAX (800 777-3529), Fax (757) 431-1503

Copyright 1999-2001, Jerry V. Teplitz - reproduction for publication is encouraged, with attribution.



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