Vitamin D Can Stop Breast Cancer...and MORE!

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Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 



   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2018
Volume 17,  Issue # 9




Some interesting topics in this month's report:

Radio: Gina Castellano - How To Live The Lfe You've Always Wanted 
Sensing Toxic Pollution From Oil And Gas Wells
A Laser You Can Use At Home For Nail Fungus  There's Dangers In Taking Multiple Drugs

Dementia Rates Can Be Positively Affected By Volunteering

SPECIAL: Music For Everyone!
Vitamin D Can Stop Breast Cancer


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This Week's Expert: Gina Castellano


Carolyn Dean

Join me and my guest, Gina Castellano, as we talk about how you can deliberately live an inspired life to create your life as you’d like it to be ( Gina has just published her first book, The Journey to Your Dream, which is a powerful guided journal that gives you the experiences you need to change your life.

Gina Castellano has been a Healing Arts Practitioner since 1990 working with modalities such as New Decision Therapy, Body Talk, Advanced Feng Shui, and Soul Retrieval. In 2007 she began studying the Teachings of Abraham®, and immediately recognized them as leading edge teachings on the manifestation process. She made it her personal mission to master the art of deliberate creation, and has been personally working with it and leading her clients very successfully through the process that she has developed.

Enjoy the show,


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A Laser You Can Use At Home For Nail Fungus

If you discover that you have a nail fungus, you can go the drug route which may or may not work. There’s an option available that I and my Mother-in-Law have successful used to get rid of our nail fungus. It’s using a laser called ClearTouch. It’s a device by Radiancy that is FDA-Cleared. It utilizes LHE Phototherapy in an at-home treatment device. The LHE Phototherapy technology removes fungal spore from the toenail in a non-invasive way without the need to remove the toenail.

While it took around 3 or 4 months, that’s about the same time that drugs, if they work, take. I gave the laser to Carol, my Mother-in-Law, and she had the same result -goodbye fungus. So…I’d suggest you consider going online and give the Laser a try.



Dementia Rates Can Be Positively affected By Volunteering

Who would think being a volunteer could reduce dementia rates? Well, researchers at Indiana University decided to find out. They reported that that people who volunteered had their cognitive health scores improve and those who didn’t had their scores decline faster.

The researchers followed 64,000 subjects 60 and older and found that those who volunteered just 2 hours a week scored 6% higher on cognitive tests than non-volunteers.

Another study by the University of Calgary found that volunteering 1 hour a week made 1,001 Swedish retirees 2.44% less likely to develop dementia. They found that volunteering needed to regular and the activity needed to benefit others who are not your core family e.g. church, school, library, etc.

Finally, a study by the Corporation for National and Community Service found that people who volunteered 15 to 40 hours a week who rated their health fair or poor at the beginning of the study raised it to good after one year of volunteering. Depression, which is a major factor in dementia, also diminished.


Vitamin D Can Stop Breast Cancer

A new study by Grassroots Health found that raising a woman’s Vitamin D level to between 50 and 80 nm/L can reduce a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer by a whopping 83%. There is also research showing that this rate of Vitamin D can also prevent the recurrence of breast cancer by at least 50%.

The major reason that this result wasn’t discovered before is that researchers were not using high enough doses of Vitamin D. The level that needs to be checked is not the amount of Vitamin D you are taking; rather it’s how much D is in your blood. You might have to take 4,000 to around 7,500 mg per day to reach the 60 to 80 ng/mL level. I recently had a blood test for D and found that my level was 69ng/mL and I got to this level by taking 4,800 mg one day and 7,200 the next day. Just make sure you’re taking Vitamin D3 as it is better absorbed by the body, plus you want to also take Vitamin K as it makes sure the D is used effectively in the body.

Finally, a side benefit is that a level of 690 ng/mL can also protect against preterm birth for pregnant women.

(Reported, 8/7/2018)   



Sensing Toxic Pollution From Oil And Gas Wells

How would you feel if you lived within 500 feet of active oil and gas wells? Well, 110,000 people live within 500 feet of these wells in Los Angeles County and their cancer rate is eight times higher than the national average. People living there also had more frequent respiratory illnesses, such as, asthma. In the past there has been little effective monitoring of air quality. 

That’s changing due to technology breakthroughs making affordable and precise air monitors available. This enables communities to track what’s going and be able to rely on law that can force companies and regulators into taking action to clean up this pollution.
(Reported by Environmental Defense Fund) 


There's Dangers In Taking Multiple Prescription Drugs 

The average American adult took nearly 13 prescription drugs in 2015. Adults 65 and older took 27 drugs in 2015 and children, on the average, took 4 prescriptions.

While there are many problems attributed to taking so many drugs at once, there’s a major issue of the potential for dangerous drug interactions. We depend on our docs and pharmacists to catch these before they harm us. Well, this turns out to be a false dependency. Since docs may not be aware of all the drugs a patient is taking that leaves your pharmacist as the fail-safe person.

So, it turns out pharmacists are failing. The Chicago Tribune reported that 52% of the pharmacies investigated were giving out drug combinations that could result in stroke, kidney failure, oxygen deprivation, unintended pregnancy, birth defects and other health risks. Among the major chains, CVS was the worst with 63% dispensing dangerous drug combinations with no warning to patients. While Walgreen was the best, they still had a 30% failure rate.

While the chains say they are taking steps to improve patient safety, it’s really up to you to be your own fail-safe. So…every time you get a new medication ask your pharmacist to go over the side effects and to review all the medications you are taking.

You can also do your own research online. There are lots of sites that give information on drug interactions. Here is one you might want to use: 

(Reported February 21, 2017)




Acieving Your Ideal Weight           Stop Smoking             Attracting Prosperity            Enhancing Success

I have talked about the benefits of using Stephen Halpern's Subliminal Music at some of my programs. 

Achieve Your Ideal Weight, Stop Smoking, Attracting Prosperity, and Enhancing Success are just a few of the great choices you can select from! 
 Click here to see all of the choices!  CLICK HERE.

With all of these great titles to choose from, I am sure you can find a few for yourself and maybe even some of your friends and family. Listen to great music by Steven Halpern while receiving healthy, positive subliminal messages that will help you really make a difference at work and at home!

 I’d like to make you a special . Buy 3 CDs and you’ll get the 
4th free plus Free Shipping!

You will need to call or email our office to get this special! Ask for Sandy at 800-777-3529 or email her at and she will assist you. 

Hurry - Offer only good through September 30, 2018!












 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529