Fructose in processed foods may enlarge your heart muscle 

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Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 



   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2017
Volume 16,  Issue # 11




Wishing all of the Tepltiz' Report Readers a Happy Thanksgiving!

Some interesting topics in this month's report:

Radio: Dr. Ernest N. Curtis - High Cholesterol - Is It Real Or A Myth?
Using Exercise To Help The Grieving Process
 Fructose In Processed Foods May Cause An Overgrown Heart Muscle

Yes, You Have The Power To Reduce Your Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease
The Power Of Osteopathic Doctors CT Scans And Nuclear Stress Tests Can Be Dangerous
How To Get Your Partner To Exercise Or Lose Weight

SPECIAL: 5 Minutes Away From Curing That Headache or Migraine!



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This Week's Expert:
Dr. Ernest N. Curtis

Kay Meyer

Join me and my guest Dr. Ernest N. Curtis as we talk about this important question about whether high cholesterol is a real problem or a fabricated one. 


Dr. Curtis has written the book The Cholesterol Delusion, which raises vital information you need to know about what Dr. Curtis calls the myth of cholesterol ( This myth has led patients into taking billions of dollars in medications that may cause serious side effects and even death. Find out what you need to know to protect you and your loved ones.

Enjoy the show!


Go here: Healthy Alternatives Radio to listen or download the program.

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Fructose In Processed Foods May Cause An Overgrown Heart Muscle

A study published in Nature found that fructose in processed foods can cause uncontrolled growth of the heart muscle. This condition can eventually lead to complete heart failure, as the heart literally outgrows its ability to function within the body. In addition, processed foods containing fructose are also likely to cause high blood pressure which becomes a negative one-two punch to harm the body’s cardiovascular system.


The researchers also found that consuming food, such as, fruit, which has fructose in it, did not have any negative effect on the heart muscle. So…fruit’s great and processed foods with fructose should be avoided.

(Reported www/


The Power Of Osteopathic Doctors

Osteopathic Doctors (DOs) can do all the things a regular doctor can do, plus they know how to touch and manipulate the body to improve the flow of air, blood, lymphatic and other bodily fluids. They can also do manipulations to improve function of our brains, organs and joints. The number of Doctors becoming DOs is increasing with 1 in 4 medical students in the US enrolling in DO programs. In 1970 there were 14,000 DOs in the country while today there are over 100,000. I believe this is occurring because Docs want to be more than pill pushers. They really want to help their patients stay healthy. So…if you get sick with a physical ailment, you might want to see a DO first.

(Reported Prevention, July 2015)



How To Get Your Partner To Exercise Or Lose Weight

About You might have a partner that needs to exercise or lose weight and you’ve been unsuccessful in convincing them to do either. There’s now a better approach and that’s to get active or lose weight yourself. A study of 3,000 married and cohabitating couples age 50 and older found that if one person became more physically active or losses weight, their partner’s getting active or losing weight increased by 67%. This approach is much more effective than nagging. So…be the shining example to your partner and it’s more likely that they will join you.

(Reported Prevention, July 2015)



 Using Exercise To Help The Grieving Process

When you experience a significant loss in your life with the death of a family member or a pet, divorce, or even losing your job, exercise may be the furthest thing from your mind. It turns out that doing high intensity exercising may be a powerful tool to help you through the grieving process.

Since exercise increases blood flow to the brain, it will help you lift the grief induced fog that you may be experiencing. It also causes a number of feel good neurotransmitters to be released by the brain which lifts depression.

 One study found that 3-minute aerobic workouts done 3 to 5 times a week cut symptoms of depression by 50% in young adults. 

Finally, Princeton University researchers found that exercising stimulates the production of new neurons including neurons that release a neuron transmitter called GABA. GABA helps induce a natural state of calm. So…while grief is a process, you may be able to shorten how badly you feel.

(Reported Peak Fitness:, June 24, 2014)

Yes, You Have The Power To Reduce Your Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease 

There is now a research based diet that can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by 53%. It’s called the MIND diet. It gives you nine foods to focus on with the number of servings you should have each week:

Whole grains: 3 servings per day for a total of 21 servings

  • Berries: 2 servings per week

  • Beans: 3 servings per week

  • Leafy greens: 6 servings per week

  • Nuts: 5 servings per week

  • Other Veggies: 7 servings per week

  • Wine: 1 glass per day

The researchers also found a number of foods to keep to a minimum: These are:

  • Red meat – 4 or less times a week

  • Fast food, fried food & cheese – less than once a week

  • Butter or margarine – fewer than 7 tablespoons per week

  • Pastries or sweets – less than 5 times per week

So…the MIND diet gives you the ability to have a direct impact on reducing the possibility of your getting Alzheimer’s.

(Reported Alzheimer’s and Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association)


CT Scans And Nuclear Stress Tests Can Be Dangerous  

A study published by the New England Journal of Medicine compared CT Scans for a heart problem to treadmill tests, echocardiogram and nuclear imaging. CT scans were no better a diagnosing the problem than the other test methods. However, the amount of radiation that a patient receives from CT scans is the equivalent of 500 to 700 regular X-rays. The nuclear imaging tests exposed the patient to even more radiation and it even costs more than a CT scan. The test that gives you similar results but no radiation is the echocardiogram which is used while the patient is on a tread mill.  

So…if your doctor wants you to do a CT scan or nuclear imaging ask yourself and your doc is it worth experiencing 500 to 700 + X-rays.

(Reported in the Virginian Pilot, 3/15/15)

SPECIAL5 Minutes Away From Curing Your Headache or Migraine! 

This is a natural way for migraine headaches to be GONE in 5 minutes flat, and regular headaches in just 90 Seconds – no pills, no herbs, no waiting – just relief!

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Jack Canfield, Co-author, Chicken Soup for the Soul series, received the treatment from Dr. Teplitz years ago and recommends them with  "These techniques are so practical, so powerful, so simple... They've done it for me and my family - they can do it for you too!"

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 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529