Controlling Diabetes without having to take drugs

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   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2018
Volume 17,  Issue # 6




Some interesting topics in this month's report:

Radio: Loral Langemeiker: A New Energy - Do Less And Make More
The Chemicals In Marijuana May Fight Tumors
Controlling Diabetes Without Having To Take Drugs Increase Muscle Mass And Strength In Seven Days
A Great Way To Stop Cataracts

SPECIAL: Working Together: Effective Ways To Build Successful Teams
What To Do If Your Child Has A Negative Response To A Vaccination


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This Week's Expert: Loral Langemeier

Loral LangemeierJoin me and my guest, Loral Langemeier, as we talk about Loral’s new book Yes! Energy: The Equation To Do Less Make More and how it can change your life (

Loral Langemeier is today’s most innovative and visible money expert. She uses her Yes! Energy to overcome the challenges of today’s economy. Loral is one of only women leading the conversation about money while giving people simple tools to generate cash and build wealth. One of the components of Yes! Energy that we’ll talk about is health and wellness.

Loral is the author of 5 bestsellers, including The Millionaire Maker and Put More Cash In Your Pocket. Her latest book and her passion is Yes! Energy. This book went to #1 bestseller on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and number four on the New York Times best seller list. Loral explains her approach and how you can start to apply it in your life.

Enjoy the show!


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Controlling Diabetes Without Having To Take Drugs   

If you have type 2 diabetes and you want to lower your blood sugar levels, you want to make sure you exercise and avoid junk foods. In addition, one of the first drugs that your doc might prescribe is metformin to lower your blood sugar level. As an alternative, there is now a proven supplement you can take that not only is as effective as metformin, but it also has added benefits. The supplement is called berberine. 

In one study, the researchers enrolled newly diagnosed diabetes patients. One group received 500 mg of berberine three times a day while the second group took metformin 3 times a day. When the patients were retested after three months, the berberine group numbers for controlling blood sugar were slightly better than the metformin group. In addition, the berberine group had also significantly lowered their triglycerides and cholesterol levels, while the metformin group had no change in these levels. Finally, berberine also helped patients lose weight in the abdominal area. So…the question is whether to take metformin or berberine, when metformin only affects one thing in the body while berberine has multiple effects. I guess that this isn’t really a fair question since berberine wins hands down!


(Reported Health & Healing, June 2018)



A Great Way To Stop Cataracts

Over 20 million Americans have cataracts. While cataract surgery is the typical route sufferers go to get rid of their cataracts, you might want to experiment with supplements first. Italian researchers conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study giving patients both bilberry (360 mg per day) and Vitamin E (100 mg per day). The group taking the supplements were able to prevent cataracts by a whopping 97%. 

Bilberry has a long history of use that started in World War II when RAF fighter pilots could not get jam for their bread. They began to put bilberry on it and discovered that their night vision improved dramatically. This new research moves bilberry to another level of effectiveness. So…anyone for bilberry jam and some Vitamin E to tame cataracts?

(Reported BottomLine Health)


What To Do If Your Child Has A Negative Response To A Vaccination

While there’s still major disputes over the safety of giving kids so many vaccinations in such a short period of time, there is no doubt that the number of kids with autism has been rising dramatically. In 1980, about 1 in every 10,000 children became autistic. Today that number has increased to 1 in 50 kids developing autism. By 2030, this number is projected to increase where 1 in 2 boys will have it.

So is there something you can do if your child quickly regresses after a vaccination?  The answer comes from developmental pediatrician, Dr. Mary Megson, University of Virginia, who has had clinical experience treating autistic kids for over 26 years. Dr. Megson found that the Vitamin A in foods and supplements is synthetic and that beta carotene, which is a precursor to Vitamin A, is poorly converted or not converted at all into Vitamin A. Dr. Megson found that the best form of Vitamin A to give the autistic child is Cod Liver Oil. With babies, she found if you rub 1/5 of a teaspoon of cod liver once a day on their body or have the baby drink it from a bottle for 2 to 3 days, these kids returned to normal behaviors – no more autism.

Dr Megson found that the brand of cod liver oil was an important component in the baby’s recovery. Her recommendations include:

  • Green Pasture Products: Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil

  • Nutrapro International: Virgin Cod Liver Oil

  • Rosita Real Foods: Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil.

So…at the very first sign of autism in your baby, you must take immediate action and give them cod liver oil.
(Reported the 9/1/16)



The Chemicals In Marijuana May Fight Tumors

There are health benefits from using the 2 main chemicals, CBD and THC, in marijuana, which are called cannabinoids. The health benefits of using one or both of these substances keeps increasing. Cannabinoid receptors are actually located throughout the body, which means the body is designed to want to use the cannabinoids. 

Some of the beneficial uses of cannabinoids include stopping seizures, reducing the impact of MS, inflammation, opioid use, depression, dementia and even the side effects of cancer treatments. There’s now some research studies showing that it may even have antitumor effects for many different cancers, including brain, breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, colon, pituitary, melanoma and leukemia.

The cannabinoids trigger cancer cells to die while leaving healthy cells untouched. They also cut off the tumor’s blood supply. The researchers have found that the best benefits come from combining, CBD and THC together with chemotherapy. They surprisingly found that the most effective method was to administer the cannabinoids right after the patient had chemotherapy. Cannabinoids also allowed the dose of the chemo drug that was needed.

Marijuana is still classified by the US Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, which means it has no accepted medical use. Maybe the reason for this is financial due to the influence of the drug companies. If cannabinoids is so effective over a broad range of ailments, the drug companies may be fearful that a lot of medications will be proven to be less effective than cannabinoids and that the cannabinoids have fewer side effects. So…the corporate bottom line means our health has to continue to suffer so they can keep making profits!

(Reported, May 16, 2018)


Increase Muscle Mass And Strength In Seven Days

After age 50, you lose about 20% of your muscle mass and strength every decade. To stop this loss, you can use a nutritional supplement called creatine. Professional athletes use it for increasing muscle mass and strength. It can also help older people improve their muscle mass and strength. 

To prove this, researchers took a group of older men and tested their muscle strength. They then gave half the men creatine and the other half a placebo. The men taking the creatine got greater muscle strength and more power in just seven days. So…should I lift weights or take creatine? I’d recommend that you do both!

(Reported BottomLine Health)


Working Togethether: Effective Ways To Build Successful Teams

Learn how you can increase productivity an promote team building by learning more about your own and your team's needs, work styles and how both fir into your organizations overall goals.


You will discover practical strategies that foster cooperation in the business environment as well as your personal life. You will learn how people with different work styles can resolve incompatibilities and interact more effectively as a team.


  • Live Presentation in Webinar Format on 4 DVD's

  • Team Building Workbook

  • DiSC Classic Profile

SPECIAL -  20% off - Your Choice:

Regularly $95 NOW ONLY $76
Regularly $75 NOW ONLY $60!

(Offer good within the US and Canada only). OFFER GOOD ONLY UNTIL June 30, 2018 SO ORDER YOURS TODAY! 












 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529