Healthy Alternatives - The Teplitz Report this month...

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   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2013
Volume 12, Issue # 11






Some interesting topics this month in the Teplitz Report:

RADIO: Bringing Integrative Medicine Into Traditional Medicine Study Proves Chelation Therapy Helps Cardiac Patients
Statin Drugs May Not Be Good For Your Health Now You Can Help Keeping Track Of Drug Side Effects
Eating Dark Chocolate Keeps Getting Better And Better! What Happens When Fruits or Vegetables Fall To The Ground?
Smoking Can Be Deadly and Quitting Can Be Healthy Wal-Mart Announces A Ban On 10 Toxic Chemicals!
The Power Of Mushrooms

Last Chance to Attend My Switched-On Seminars in Norfolk, Virginia!

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RADIO: We've moved my Radio Broadcasts over to a new location - You can bookmark them here: 


LOSING WEIGHT: Bringing Integrative Medicine Into Traditional Medicine

This Week's Expert:
Ruth Kent

Kathi Casey

My guest this week is Ruth Kent ( Ruth has been in the nursing field since she was 16 and worked as a Nursing Assistant in a Nursing Home. She went on to become a Registered Nurse and has been involved for many years in Orthopedics and in Intensive Care Units. Ruth has also been involved in integrative medicine. For the past 15 years she has been a Certified Nikken Wellness Consultant. More recently she has been a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. Listen to how Ruth has been bringing both traditional medicine and integrative medicine together as she focuses on giving you the knowledge you need to know so you can live a healthier life.

Go here: Healthy Alternatives Radio to listen or download the program.

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Statin Drugs May Not Be Good For Your Health

Since arterial plaque is a major indicator of cardiovascular disease and increases your risk of mortality, a study published in Artherosclerosis found that statin use caused a 52% increase in calcified coronary plaque compared to non-users. None of the 6,673 had any known coronary artery disease at the time of getting a CT scan.


Another study, which was published in the journal Diabetes Care, found that people with type 2 diabetics and advanced atherosclerosis who were frequent statin users had significantly higher amounts of coronary artery calcification compared to less frequent users of statins.


Statins have also been shown to significantly increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 48% in postmenopausal women. Finally, just in 2009 there were over 900 studies proving the adverse effects of statins.


So…if you are going to take statins, then there is one thing you must add to your diet which is 100 to 200 mg of the supplement CoQ10 in the form of ubiquinol. What statins are doing in the body is keeping CoQ10 from binding to the cell’s receptors, which prevents CoQ10 from being used by the cell. Taking CoQ10 as a supplement allows you to get the supplement into your cells.


There is also one thing you can do physically which is to exercise. Researchers at Harvard and Stanford Universities compared the effectiveness of exercise versus drug interventions on mortality outcomes for diabetes, coronary heart disease, heart failure and stroke. The researchers analyzed 305 studies with 339,300 people and they found that exercise was more effective than drugs after a stroke.

Eating Dark Chocolate Keeps Getting Better And Better!

Great news! The list of the health benefits from eating dark chocolate keeps growing. There is a class of substance in chocolate called flavanols which do great things in the body.


Studies have shown that flavanols widen blood vessels, reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow.leads to improving cardiovascular health, cognitive function, memory and mood. Just make sure your dark chocolate contains at least 70% cocoa. There are now some brands of dark chocolate that don’t have sugar including Lily’s dark chocolate. The one with almonds is terrific!

Smoking Can Be Deadly and Quitting Can Be Healthy

As you know, stopping smoking can be good for your health and for women it can extremely important. Researchers found that women who quit smoking before the age of 40 reduced their risk of dying from cigarettes by 90%. If women quit before they were 30, then the benefits from quitting was increased to 97%.

(Reported November 12, 2012)


 The Power Of Mushrooms


A study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that dogs with hemangiosarcoma, an aggressive, malignant cancer that develops in the cells of blood vessels, that were given a compound derived from mushrooms lived the longest ever reported for dogs with this type of cancer.

The mushroom is a common one found around the world and goes by several names including Coriolus versicolor, Trametes versicolor, Yunzhi mushroom and turkey tail.

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine conducted their study with 15 dogs that had this disease. The dogs were split into 3 groups and received different dosages of the mushroom. In the past, dogs with this disease survived tended to get no further treatment after 86 days since there was nothing else to be done to treat them. The dogs in this study lived over a year with just the mushrooms being used for the treatment. There was no statistically significant difference in the length the dogs lived between the groups taking the different doses.


  Study Proves Chelation Therapy Helps Cardiac Patients


In case you are not aware of chelation therapy, it is the injection into a patient’s blood stream of organic chemicals which can bind with and remove heavy metals from the blood stream. While integrative medicine doctors have been using chelation therapy, convention docs have been against the use of chelation therapy.


A seven-year study funded by the National Institutes of Health called the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy compared, in a randomized, double-blind study, heart attack patients who were treated with medication and intravenous chelation therapy to those receiving just medication. This study found that the patients who received both the medication and chelation had fewer subsequent surgeries than those who just received the medication. The chelation patients had a reduction in deaths from heart attacks by 18% and over 39% from diabetes.
So…if you are a heart attack patient or know someone who is, consider using chelation therapy in conjunction with medication.

(Reported The Alliance ofr Naturla Health USA, November 5, 2012)


Now You Can Help Keeping Track Of Drug Side Effects

FDA has a 20 year old program collecting data on serious side effects from drugs and other health products that health care providers were making. The FDA is now asking consumers to detail their negative reactions to drug prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, safety issues with medical devices and dangerous reactions to foods and cosmetics.

So…if you have a negative reaction to any of these, you can report it a


What Happens When Fruits or Vegetables Fall To The Ground?

We all know the answer, if they are not picked up, they rot. Well now you can find locations where fruits and vegetables are free for the taking – no rotting. The online maps at show you where you can gather crab apples, raspberries, grapes, pears and other produce. The site also identifies public water wells and trash bins with excess for waste.

(Reported AARP Bulletin/Real Possibilities September 2013)


Wal-Mart Announces A Ban On 10 Toxic Chemicals!

Wal-Mart recently announced that it will ban 10 chemical toxins from all fragrances, cosmetics, household cleaners and personal care products sold in its stores. As the world’s largest retailer, the company’s new policy will likely cause most other companies to eliminate these chemicals from their products.


At the same time, Proctor & Gamble is removing the hazardous chemical triclosan and diethyl phthalate from its products by 2014.It’s great that manufacturers and retailers are starting to look at what’s actually in the products they manufacture and sell. May they keep up the good work!

LAST CHANCE: To Attend My Switched-On Seminars Coming To
Norfolk, Virginia!

I wanted to remind you that I will be conducting my Switched-On Seminars in Norfolk Virginia on November
19 and 20.


These are revolutionary, research proven brain
rewiring seminars that make immediate changes in
how you succeed.


The Switched-On Selling, Switched-On Network Marketing and the new Switched-On Start-Up Entrepreneur Seminars will be on November 19. Depending on which seminar you decide to take, you will received a customize participant manual for that Seminar.


The Switched-On Management and the new Switched-On Advanced Entrepreneur Seminars will be on November 20. You will also received a customize participant manual depending on the seminar you select.


To learn more about the seminars and to register, go to and select on the Specialized Seminars. You’ll get a drop down menu and then select Switched-On Seminars. You can then select the seminar you are interested in learning more about.


Finally, I am now certifying people to be Instructors of most of my Switched-On Seminars. You can now get certified Long Distance from the comfort of your home.


To learn more about The Switched-On Start-Up Entrepreneur Seminar, go to:

To learn more about The Switched-On Advanced Entrepreneur Seminar, go to:  


Finally, I am now certifying people to be Instructors of most of my Switched-On Seminars. You can now get certified Long Distance from the comfort of your home. To learn the details, go to









 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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 Join Jerry on Twitter so he can join you!     Jerry's Facebook is a place for all things, connect with Jerry here     Natural Health Alternatives Blog, latest updates here      Jerry's linkedIN, a place for your business links     Jerry's MySpace - a place for background, all his videos, and other information - here!     Jerry's FriendFeed - a place to link your items and friends       DIGG THIS - link Jerry to DIGG     STUMBLEUPON:  What sites do you like?  Share with Jerry at StumbleUpon!    Watch Jerry's Videos on his YouTube Channel!  Connect your YouTube!



Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529 


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