Healthy Alternatives - The Teplitz Report this month...

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   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2013
Volume 12, Issue # 10






Some interesting topics this month in the Teplitz Report:

RADIO: Most of Us Have Had It - An Aching Back! So What Can You Do About It? A Powerful Herb Is Stopping Cancer
Using The Mind To Connect The Brains Of Two People The Difficulty In Comparing Health Care Costs
Microbeads In Cosmetics Causing Plastic Problems Using Exercise to Reorganize The Brain
Getting Fit By Age 50 Helps Prevent Disease Later In Life
A Hidden Problem With Google Glass and Smart Watches
Successfully Growing Crops In A Crazier Climate

REMINDER:  Switched-On Seminars Coming To Norfolk, Virginia in November!

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This Week's Expert:
Kathi Casey

Kathi Casey

It’s almost universal. At one time or another, most everyone has suffered from back pain. For some of us, it’s more than a minor bother. It’s a real pain in the back and it affects how you live your life. Join me, Dr. Jerry Teplitz, as I talk with my guest, Kathi Casey, about what you can do to stop the pain. Kathi Casey’s latest book has just been published. It’s called STOP Back Pain – Kiss Your Back, Neck and Sciatic Nerve Pain Goodbye! (

Kathi Casey is known as “The Healthy Boomer Body Expert.” She’s a health and wellness coach and has her own TV show “To Your Health.” Kathi has appeared on Fox 23, and ABC 8. She is also a columnist for The South Shore Senior News, Life After 50 and other Boomer Magazines.

Since the medical route to the treatment of back pain is not the most effective, we’ll be talking about the alternative and breakthrough methods she recommends in her book, STOP Back Pain – Kiss Your Back, Neck and Sciatic Nerve Pain Goodbye! Kathi will be give you some real tips that you can use right away to stop the pain. You’re not going to want to miss this one!

Learn more about Kathi at

Go here: Healthy Alternatives Radio to listen or download the program.

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Using The Mind To Connect The Brains Of Two People

Researchers at the University of Washington found that one person’s thoughts can control the movements of another person’s body. First, the researchers placed electronic probes against both volunteer’s heads. Next, they had one man look at a computer game on a screen while he thought about what moves he would make in the game if he were actually using his right index finger. The second man was located across campus and had no view of the first man’s computer screen. Almost instantly the right index finger of the second man made the move that the first man visualized.


The second man described the sensation as a nervous tic. By the final session of the experiment, the first person hit all the targets by sending his thoughts to the second person. The researchers believe that this is one of the first demonstrations of human brain-to-brain communication, but I’ve been demonstrating this for years at my programs. It’s nice to get scientific confirmation of what I’ve been doing.


Mircrobeads In Cosmetics Causing Plastic ProblemS

They’re in your facial cleansers, soaps, sunscreens and even toothpaste. They’re called microbeads. They’re made of plastic and they’re getting into our water ways and our water supply. Researchers were curious as to how much pollution these microbeads were causing. They found that some of the water samples that they took from Lake Erie, Huron and Superior had as many as 450,000 bits per square kilometer. As the researchers said it was like someone took an entire bottle of facial cleanser and poured it into their water sample.

One of the concerns about the mircrobeads is that they look just like fish eggs. This means the marine life that feed on fish eggs are eating plastic instead. Instead of getting nutrients into their bodies, they are getting nothing but plastic. The beads are so tiny that they pass through the filters at sewage treatment plants and they could wind up in our drinking water since they can also pass through the filters in water treatment plants.


Some companies, such as, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble, are starting to move very slowly towards removal of these beads from their products. P&G has said it will take 3 ½ years to phase the beads out. So, read your labels carefully and if you see microbeads in products, don’t buy them and also let the company know why you made that decision. With enough people complaining, the companies might move faster to remove the beads in their products.
(Reported One Earth Fall 2013)


Getting Fit By Age 50 Helps Prevent Disease Later In Life

Researchers from the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center and the Cooper Institute followed 18,670 men and women for almost 40 years. The researchers compared fitness levels to the overall health of volunteers aged 40 to those in their 50s.They found that those volunteers who were the least fit in their 40s and 50s developed the most number of chronic conditions earlier in the aging process.

These diseases included heart disease, type 2 diabetics, Alzheimer’s, COPD, kidney disease, and lung or colon cancer. This means that if you want to enjoy your old age while improving your quality of your life, you’d better be in shape earlier in your life. Those who were physically fit did develop some of the same diseases, but they happened later in life and the illness lasted a much shorter period of time. So…the slogan move it or lose it becomes even more important in slowing down the aging process.

 Successfully Growing Crops In A Crazier Climate



With droughts increasing and the weather getting hotter and hotter, we need to look at how our crops are grown. Monsanto and other biotech companies are attempting to develop drought resistant crops, however, there is a better research proven option available.


The Rodale Institute, which publishes Prevention Magazine, has been conducting a farming systems trial for 30 years. They have been tracking the performance of organically grown grain crops (such as corn and soybeans) with the same crops that are grown in a synthetic and chemically reliant environment. By comparing the performance of both types of crops in four out of five drought years, they found that the organically grown crops produced significantly more corn by a factor of 28.4 to 33.7% more yield. The Rodale crops were also more successful under drought conditions than the drought-tolerant seeds that were used in the industry trials.


What is creating these figures is that the organic matter in The Rodale fields acted like a sponge soaking up water and then providing the plants with a water reserve during the drought. The organic matter also prevented water run off during times of heavy rains.


During the drought the organic fields were even able to continue to recharge groundwater at a 15 to 20% higher rate than the conventional fields. So…even if you are doing a home garden, make sure you learn how to do it organically.

  A Powerful Herb Is Stopping Cancer 



There’s a new herb on the block that is stopping cancer. It’s called the thunder god vine. Research published in the journal Science Translational Medicine found that this Chinese herb eliminated pancreatic cancer in mice within 40 days of treatment with the herb. Even after the use of the herb was discontinued, the cancer did not return. The researchers believe the compound responsible for these results is called triptolide, which was identified as a cancer fighter in previous research that was reported in 1972. Recently, researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that the compound works by blocking gene control machinery in the cell.


When used at low doses on the National Cancer Institutes 60 cancer cell lines, triptolide blocked the growth of all the cancer cell lines and even caused some of the cell lines to die. Now, don’t expect the drug companies to rush out and research the healing power of triptolide because it’s an herb which means drug companies can’t patent it. Without the ability to have a patent, this means no research money from the drug companies.


So, how can you get a hold of triptolide? Contact a Tradition Chinese Medicine practitioner and ask for thunder god vine or use the Chinese name for the herb - lei gong teng.

The Difficulty In Comparing Health Care Costs

You need to have surgery done and you’d like to know the cost since you may have to pay 20 to 30% or more of the cost depending on the coverage in your insurance policy. You would also like to shop between hospitals and outpatient surgical centers to see if there is a difference in their prices.

You’d think that this would be pretty easy to do because you’re used to seeing a price attached to a product when you go in to a store or go online. Well, it turns out it won’t be easy to find that information in the health care arena.

Fortunately, some cracks are starting to appear in this wall of hidden information. As an example, the Surgery Center of Oklahoma publishes the price of its procedures on its website. For instant, the price would be $3,975 to have a laparoscopic hernia repair done at the Center. By comparison several other hospitals in the same city were found to charge $17,200 for the same procedure. A gallbladder removal would be $3,200 at the Surgery Center and $24,000 at the hospitals.

People in other parts of the country are starting to use the Surgery Centers prices to lower their own costs for their surgeries. The people are printing out the Centers’ prices and then going to their health care providers and saying match the price or they’ll fly to Oklahoma City to get the procedure done at the Center. So…this is a great example of how power is slowly moving to the people to stop the rip off in health care costs.

(Reported by Tina Rosenberg,

Using Exercise To Reorganize The Brain

Researchers reported in the Journal of Neuroscience that exercise reorganizes the brain to reduce its response to stress and anxiety. The researchers took mice and had them exercise regularly. Next, they introduced a stressor, which was to expose them to cold water.


They discovered that the activity in the part of the brain that regulates stress and anxiety was reduced. Exercise also prevented the activation of new neurons in response to the stress. In the sedentary mice, the cold stressor activated the production of new neurons in the hippocampus which led to a greater level of stress and anxiety.


So…if you want to reduce your stress and anxiety levels, keep on moving that bod.
(Reported Herman Trend Alert, 7/10/13)

A Hidden Problem With Google Glass and Smart Watches

As I’ve reported a number of times, cell phones give off radiation that can impact the brain and cause cancer and in children this penetration is deeper.  Last year, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that a man’s brain tumor was, in fact, linked to his heavy cell phone use. The US Federal Government standard for radiation experiments was set over 20 years ago and only applied to an adult male who used a cell phone for one hour.  How many kids and adults today use a cell phone for only an hour a day?


Here’s the problem with Google Glass, you may be wearing it all day and evening.  It will be constantly emitting radiation into your brain.  With the Smart Watch, you’ll be wearing it on your wrist all day long and no one knows how this will affect the body.

Now is the time before too many people start wearing Google Glass and Smart Watches to require the companies to prove a benign impact.

REMINDER: Switched-On Seminars Coming To
Norfolk, Virginia in November!

I will be conducting my Switched-On Seminars in Norfolk Virginia on November
19 and 20.


These are revolutionary, research proven brain
rewiring seminars that make immediate changes in
how you succeed.


The Switched-On Selling, Switched-On Network Marketing and the new Switched-On Start-Up Entrepreneur Seminars will be on November 19. Depending on which seminar you decide to take, you will received a customize participant manual for that Seminar.


The Switched-On Management and the new Switched-On Advanced Entrepreneur Seminars will be on November 20. You will also received a customize participant manual depending on the seminar you select.


To learn more about the seminars and to register, go to and select on the Specialized Seminars. You’ll get a drop down menu and then select Switched-On Seminars. You can then select the seminar you are interested in learning more about.


Keep in mind that there are special lower prices and a bonus gift if you take advantage of Early Bird Registration.


Finally, I am now certifying people to be Instructors of most of my Switched-On Seminars. You can now get certified Long Distance from the comfort of your home.


To learn more about The Switched-On Start-Up Entrepreneur Seminar, go to:

To learn more about The Switched-On Advanced Entrepreneur Seminar, go to:  


Finally, I am now certifying people to be Instructors of most of my Switched-On Seminars. You can now get certified Long Distance from the comfort of your home. To learn the details, go to









 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529 


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