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2002 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! Here is the latest issue of the Teplitz Email Report. Enjoy it. There have now been numerous studies reporting that pets can have
tremendous medical benefits. While no one knows exactly why pets have these
benefits, the benefits are indisputable. IT'S OK TO EAT WHEN SURGERY IS SCHEDULED Three years ago the American Society of Anesthesiology declared that prolonged fasting before surgery was no longer recommended. They reported that fasting doesn't prevent vomiting or other complications and it can lead to headaches, irritability and even dehydration. In a recent study 90% of patients are still being instructed not to eat or drink after midnight before surgery. The suggested guidelines now say have a normal meal if the procedure is eight hours away or a light meal if it's six hours away. Clear liquids can be had up to two hours before surgery. So if you have got surgery scheduled, let your Doctor know you've got the real scoop or should I say knife and fork. ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES BECOME MORE POPULAR A study published in 2001 in the Annals of Internal Medicine reported that people turning to alternative therapies come from every level of society. The largest group was people aged 21 to 35 with 70% of them seeking alternative therapies. Many people use these methods to stay well and prevent disease in the first place. The methods most popular in the 1990s were yoga, aromatherapy, energy healing, herbal medicine and massage. SUMMER IS COMING - DRINK WATER While it's recommended that we all drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day, only 34% actually do. Most drink around six glasses and 10% don't drink any water at all. Coffee, tea, alcohol and soda are not substitutes for water. As a matter of fact, the average American drinks 41 GALLONS OF SODA a year. This was reported in the American Journal of Nursing. Imagine a goldfish swimming in a bowl of water. Now imagine it swimming in a bowl of coffee. Not a pretty sight. You need water not other beverages. The way I make sure to get enough water is I sip water all day long. When I travel I take a water bottle with me. When I fly I take 11/2 liters with me. So with summer coming on, make sure you get enough water. MEDICAL TESTS SAYING NORMAL MAY NOT BE NORMAL You get tests results back from your doctor and he or she reports that your readings are normal or high normal. So you think everything is fine. What you may not realize is that these levels are based on an average for the population. This figure is average and according to Doctor Bernadine Healy it doesn't mean it's healthy. My quest is always to look for how we can achieve optimum health and well being. Let's look at several tests.
LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR SWITCHED-ON SEMINARS I'm conducting my SWITCHED-ON MANAGEMENT Seminar on July 23 and 24, SWITCHED-ON SELLING Seminar on July 25 and SWITCHED-ON NETWORK MARKETING Seminar on July 25. All will be taking place in Hampton, Virginia. Let me know if you want the brochure emailed to you. Also, you can become an Instructor of these seminars. You can go to my website for more information. Just click on Switched-On Seminars and go to the seminar you are interested in teaching. That's it for this month. Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. |
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