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WOMEN EXPERIENCE STRESS DIFFERENTLY | August 2001 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN YOU'RE ALONE Since heart attacks don't set an you could be alone if one strikes. You can do the equivalent of CPR on yourself by doing very vigorous, repeated and prolonged coughing. Take a deep breath before each cough. You'll need to repeat the breath and cough every two seconds until help arrives or your heart returns to normal beating. This is one tip I hope you never have to use, but if you do COUGH! IT'S ALMOST HAY FEVER SEASON I've had uncontrollable hay fever ever since I was six years old. I had weekly shots for 9 years and took two pills every day of the season. It was still not completely controlled. Thirty years ago I became a vegetarian because a friend told me meat produces histamine in the body and when you have hay fever you take anti-histamine pills. Well, was I amazed at the change. My suffering went way down. A couple of years later I discovered that Vitamin C in mega doses acted as an anti-histamine with no side effects. Well, I was further amazed at the change. So here are some things you might want to do if you do have allergies. Just before and during the hay fever season eat vegetarian style. Start taking 2000 mg of Vit C (spread the dose over the day). When your hay fever hits, take about 500 to 1,000 mg of Vit C every 5 to 10 minutes. At some point your hay fever symptoms will stop. If they start again, keep taking the C as I described. You don't have to be concerned about taking too much Vit C for several reasons. First, it gets used up immediately whenever the body is under stress and a hay fever attack is an attack. Second, Vit C is water-soluble so it doesn't collect in the body. Third if you do take too much Vit C, you'll get diarrhea so just reduce the dosage. In 30 years of doing this I've never had a problem with C. ERROR DISCOVERED One of the readers pointed out an error in mast month's issue. I missed the correct spelling of Sam-E. It's Sam-E not Sammi WOMEN EXPERIENCE STRESS DIFFERENTLY In the August Prevention magazine it reported a study of women and their response to stress. It seems there's a chemical released when women are under stress called oxytocin. It actually encourages the woman to tend children and gather with other women. When she does tend and gather, even more oxytocin is released which continues to counter stress effects and also produces a calming effect. My suggestion for women when stress hits show your boyfriend or husband this blurb and head to your support network of female friends. BACKACHES - TAKE WILLOW BARK In a study in the American Journal of Medicine reported that for a group taking 240 mgs a day of willow bark, 40% of them became pain-free. The study had 191 people with lower back pain. Half of them took a sugar pill and the other half took 1 or 2 doses of willow bark extract. In addition for long-term treatment willow back is better than aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs because it prevents cartilage damage and a lower risk of side effects. You can get willow bark from Nature's Way. Take two to four capsules daily for pain. BEAT JET LAG The government of New Zealand developed an herbal, homeopathic remedy for jet lag for their country's airline pilots. Believe it or not it's called no-jet-lag. You take one pill every two hours. If you can't find it in health food stores you can go to MY VISION GETS BETTER AND BETTER I've reported previously about my taking the herb bilberry to improve night vision. Well, I've continued to take 60 mgs twice a day and my night vision has gotten better and better. IT'S A PAIN IN THE KNEE A study reported in Military Medicine found that Navy men taking 500 mgs of glucosamine and 400 mgs of chondrotin three times a day had significantly less knee pain and stiffness after taking the supplements for eight weeks. Check with your doctor first since some drugs can be interfered with when you take this supplement. LICORICE TEA MAY STOP ASTHMA Asthma is reaching epidemic levels. Now there's an interesting alternative to medicines. It's been reported that drinking licorice root tea can stop the symptoms of asthma. Try drinking it a couple of times a day. You may not need your inhaler. LIGHTING AND KIDS The Summit Charter School in Florida just finished doing a study on the impact of the JTV Energy Lights full spectrum fluorescent lighting. The school is for children with Learning Disabilities and many of them are ADHD. The teachers kept records for six weeks first under the regular cool white tubes and then under the full spectrum tubes. The teachers reported significantly better behavior patterns. The ADHD kids calmed down dramatically. They had fewer headaches and eyestrain. Classroom productivity also went up. Here's the most interesting result. The teachers with the full-spectrum tubes would not allow the cool whites to be put back in their rooms. One teacher said "If you intend to remove these from my room you will have to FIGHT me for them. I've even looked into changing the locks if necessary!" Email me if you'd like to see Dr. Smolowe's full letter. With school starting soon, now's the time to get your local school system to make the change. You can get more information on the tubes and bulbs at my website - under Lighting. GOLF IMPACT Last issue I mentioned that Travel and Leisure Golf magazine will be running an article on my golf seminars PAR AND BEYOND and SWITCHED-ON GOLF. I was just told it won't be in the September issue. I'll let you know when it will appear. The reporter, Tom Fox wrote me and told me he played a personal best ever a week or two after the seminar. He showed me a draft of the article and I was impressed with the very positive outcome. The August 30 will be the last time for you to get the special pre-publication discount on the PAR AND BEYOND: SECRETS TO BETTER GOLF. It will be $50 plus shipping and handling instead of $85. To place your order email me or call Dorothy at my office 800 77-RELAX. That's it for this month. P.S. I will be sending you a second email in a few days on a great idea that I've run across. Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. |
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