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ST. JOHN'S WORT AND DEPRESSION KIDS GET HIGHER SCORES ON STATE EXAMS GOLF PRO SCORES AFTER SWITCHED-ON GOLF HYPNOSIS: ANOTHER OPTION FOR ADHD CHILDREN | July 2001 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! DEPRESSION AND YOUR BONES This is for women. The New England Journal of Medicine reported that depression at any time in a woman's life is associated with a decrease in bone density. It is also possible that the medications used to treat depression are also playing a role in bone density loss. This news is important since a 10% decrease in bone density will increase the rate of hip fractures by over 40%. So what to do…read the next story. ST. JOHN'S WORT AND DEPRESSION Recent newspaper headlines reported a study finding that the herb St. John's Wort did not help patients with severe depression. These results are questionable on two grounds. The first is that the makers of Prozac (which is the number one anti-depressant) funded the study. Second, the study did not include or analyze the impact on mild to moderate cases of depression. So my suggestion would be if you are experiencing mild to moderate depression, start or continue taking St. John's Wort. You might also want to experiment with Sammi which is another herbal product that research indicates will fight depression. GARLIC FOR A HEALTHY HEART Garlic is good for more than just seasoning foods. Researchers studied 100 adults taking 30 mg of garlic power for 2 years and compared them to a group not taking garlic. They found 300 mg of garlic had a protective effect on the heart. It also increased the elasticity of the aorta, which is the main artery carrying blood away from the heart. Garlic has also been shown to lower cholesterol by 15%. Finally, it thins the blood and reduces blood pressure, which helps prevent heart attacks. You can eat one or two cloves of garlic per day or take a supplement containing 300 mg of garlic. And for the sake of your intimate relationships make sure the supplement is deodorized garlic. KIDS GET HIGHER SCORES ON STATE EXAMS A recent study had one class of school children using Brain Gym® Movement Exercises a few minutes each time they were focusing on preparing for their state wide tests. The scores of these kids were compared with a control group that didn't do the exercises. The kids using the Brain Gym experienced their scores doubling. For information on finding a Brain Gym Practitioner in your area call the Educational Kinesiology Foundation at 800 356-2109 or you can go to their web site at One of the books I've written apply these exercises in the business area and is called Brain Gym For Business. You can find it on my web site at and comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. GOLF PRO SCORES AFTER SWITCHED-ON GOLF I recently conducted my Switched-On Golf and Par and Beyond: Secrets To Better Golf seminars in Canada. A golf pro who attended played in a pro-tournament several days afterwards. He reported that for the first time in 8 years he scored in the money.He came in second! Travel and Leisure Golf (T & L Golf) Magazine had a reporter (who does subscribe to the Teplitz Email Report) attend the seminar. He's written an article that should appear in the September issue of the magazine. For those who want to order the Par and Beyond video tape it will be out by September. The pre-publication price is now $50.00 plus $5.95 shipping and handling. Email us your order with your credit card. HYPNOSIS: ANOTHER OPTION FOR ADHD CHILDREN Neurofeedback, which is a type of Biofeedback used by hypnotherapists, is being used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Twenty sessions saw the 20 children in the study having as much improvement as conventional drug treatments. Call 303 422-8436 to find someone skilled in Neurofeedback. Another option that I've mentioned in previous Teplitz Email Reports is to get Steven Halpern's tapes Enhancing Self-Esteem and Accelerated Learning. They are both on my web site under Books and Tapes. CALCIUM: A MUST AFTER BED REST If you've been confined to bed for a week or more, you've been experiencing bone loss. Now you can make it up. Dr. Robert Heaney recommends your increasing your calcium level to 2,000 mg per day. Do it for seven times longer than your days in bed. I'd also suggest you take 400 to 800 mg of Vitamin D with the calcium, as Vitamin D is crucial for proper calcium absorption. MEDITATION AND PAIN REDUCTION Even the National Institute of Health now recognizes the ability of meditation to decrease pain. Here are some of the applications that have been studied:
I personally have been meditating over 30 years. It's something I love to do because it makes me feel so good. If you'd like to learn how to meditate, I'd suggest you go to my website and order a copy of my book Managing Your Stress: How To Relax and Enjoy. It has a chapter on meditation that teaches you everything you need to know including several techniques for you to use. If you have attempted meditation and had difficulty with it, this will clear up the myths that have evolved. That's it for this month. Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. |
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