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NATURAL THERAPIES FOR FIBROIDS A BETTER WAY TO CHECK YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVEL IRON MAY BE NECESSARY FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS I'M RELEASING A NEW GOLF VIDEO WEARING A Q LINK CREATES WINNERS AT GOLF | June 2001 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! WHAT ABOUT ACNE? A subscriber to the Teplitz Report emailed asking what to do about "zits". So here's my suggestion - take 30 mg of zinc per day. The research I've read on it says it very effective in eliminating acne. NATURAL THERAPIES FOR FIBROIDS Several years ago, a friend asked if I knew of natural remedies for getting rid of uterine fibroid tumors. While fibroid tumors are not cancerous, they can grow large enough to cause heavy menstrual bleeding and pain. At the time, I didn't know of any option. Now I do. Dr. Julian Whitaker had several suggestions. First, he says, is to reach your optimum weight since fat cells produce estrogen and estrogen may be causing the growth to occur. Second, take natural progesterone since it balances the negative impact of estrogen. If you need surgery investigate a laparoscopic or laser removal of fibroids, which saves the uterus. ALLERGIES AND RELATIONSHIPS Dr. Devi Nambudripal in her book Say Goodbye to Illness presents both an interesting theory and actual results from applying her allergy work to relationship. What the doctor says is if you have someone close in your life that you spend a lot of time with and whenever you are around them your behavior is very different from when you are around any other people, then you may have an allergy to that person. She talks about situations of mother and daughter as well as husband and wife. Now, don't despair. In her book she has a natural treatment method for making a very fast change in the condition. This means if your relationship has an allergy basis it can be corrected. SOME HUMOR Most Chinese restaurants will list the different provinces in China that their food recipes come from, such as Hunan. Well, I just received a flyer in the mail that their style of cooking was from Hunan, Canton, and New York. NEW YORK??? When did New York become a province of China? I didn't know they had their own unique style! ASPARTAME'S IMPACT Several subscribers wrote in wanting to know where the blurb was that I wrote on the negative effects of Aspartame, which you might know as Equal or Nutrasweet. If you want to read the blurb yourself you can go to my web site at and click on the monthly reports button. You'll find it in the Feb '99 issue. Gilda Steiger wrote that she is so sensitive to Aspartame that within 20 minutes after taking it her word retrieval skills go south MORE POSITIVE FEEDBACK Thank you to both Angela Onysio who emailed me that she loves reading the reports and really finds the information very valuable and Anabelle Smith who says she always looks forward to reading them and passes them onto friends. (I encourage you to pass the info around). A BETTER WAY TO CHECK YOUR CHOLESTEROL LEVEL I was surprised to learn that 50% of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels. Besides looking at cholesterol, it's now advisable to look at blood vessel inflammation. Inflammation can cause hardened plaque on vessel walls to break off leading to heart attack and stroke. To discover whether inflammation is something for you to deal with you can request that your doctor run the hs-CRP test, which picks up inflammation. You want your CRP level to not be between 0.21 and 0.83. IRON MAY BE NECESSARY FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS A study done by the International Conference on BioIron found that college students might be iron deficient. College women who were diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia took tests requiring memory and logic. After taking an iron supplement for 3 months their test scores improved with some increasing 10 to 20 percent. So if memory and logic are issues for you, get your iron levels tested. I'M RELEASING A NEW GOLF VIDEO For the golfers, I'm finishing up a new video called "Par and Beyond: Secrets to Better Golf." It should be ready for release by August. It will be selling for $85.00. For my subscribers, there is a pre-publication special of only $34.95 plus $7.50 shipping and handling. If you'd like to reserve a copy at this price, you can call Dorothy at my office 800 77-RELAX or email me at We'll need your name, address, daytime phone, credit card number and expiration date. WEARING A Q LINK CREATES WINNERS AT GOLF The Q Link, which is a pendant worn around the neck, has been creating winners on the PGA Tour. The primary purpose of the Q Link is to reduce stress levels by protecting the body from low energy magnetic fields. Tom Nettles, co-host of Golf Central, in a news segment reported the following: "For the record, new Q Link wearers finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd and one tied for 5th and two tied for 7th in Los Angeles. And the next week at the tour championship in Myrtle Beach wearers finished tied for 3rd place." If you'd like to try the Q Link, it comes with a 90 day, money-back guarantee. You can go to my web site at in the Books and Tapes section to order one. That's it for this month Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. |
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