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GET THE BEST FROM YOUR WEIGHT TRAINING IT'S VITAL TO KEEP YOUR STRESS LEVEL DOWN IT'S SPRING TIME SO WATCH THOSE BUGS HELPING OTHERS CAN REALLY PAY OFF HERE'S MY SEMINAR AND INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE FOR THE GOLFERS IN THE AUDIENCE | May 2001 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! VITAMIN B12 CAN HELP KEEP YOUR MEMORY A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that out of 3,000 American adults ages 26 to 83 one of five were deficient in vitamin B12. For people who took a multi-vitamin that contained vitamin B12, only 1 of 12 were deficient. A deficiency of B12 can show up as a memory loss. So if someone you know is having memory loss, make sure to check out their B12 levels. GET THE BEST FROM YOUR WEIGHT TRAINING Is it better to lift weights 1 day a week or 3 days a week. In a study where two groups lifted the same total amount of weights, one group did all 3 reps on one day while the other did one set of reps per day over the 3 days a week. The results were pretty amazing. The people who lifted 3 days a week improved their strength 60% more than the once-a-week exercisers. So lift those weights but don't work too hard. Weight training is also important because it helps build strong muscles and bones. It improves balance. It can help you sleep more soundly while boosting a low mood. IT'S VITAL TO KEEP YOUR STRESS LEVEL DOWN A study of 33,000 men found that chronic or serious anxiety increased the likelihood of sudden cardiac death six times more than those who scored low on an anxiety symptom questionnaire. Since 200,000 men die each year, reducing your stress level is even more important. IT'S SPRING TIME SO WATCH THOSE BUGS Once again spring is finally here so let me share again the B1 method for preventing mosquitoes from biting. All you need to do when you're going to be outside is take 100 mgs of Vitamin B1 every 6 to 8 hours. Lo and behold it'll keep the bugs away. THE POWER OF HYPNOSIS In a study of a dozen adults with broken ankles, one half had hypnotherapy. Their bones healed quicker, they felt less pain, used fewer painkillers and could walk farther and bear more weight. X-rays showed that the hypnotized group's fractures at 6 weeks appeared to be healed to the 9 week level. So if something breaks, get thyself to a hypnotherapist. HELPING OTHERS CAN REALLY PAY OFF It may pay to volunteer an hour a week. People who volunteered for that amount of time had a 30% lower mortality rate than those who did more, less, or none at all. SO make sure to volunteer that hour per week. STOP MIGRAINES MigraMax, the herbal nutritional supplement that I developed is now available. The ingredients in it have all been researched to stop migraines from happening. Since it takes 1 to 3 months for the full effect to occur, I'd like to make you a special offer of buy 3 bottles at $34.95 each and get the 4th bottle free plus $7.95 for shipping and handling. There is a money back guarantee on any unopened bottles. Call Dorothy in my office to place your order right away - 800 77-RELAX. HERE'S MY SEMINAR AND INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE I'm teaching both Switched-On Selling and Switched-On Network Marketing Seminars on May 30 in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Oakville is 45 minutes from Toronto. If you'd like to become an Instructor of these seminars, you can by attending the Certification class on May 29-31. While I'm in Oakville I will also be teaching my Switched-On Management seminar on June 2 and 3 (until noon). Yes, you can also be certified as an Instructor of this seminar by attending the Certification class on June 1-3. FOR THE GOLFERS IN THE AUDIENCE Finally, I'll be conducting my Switched-On Golf seminar on June 5 in Vineland, Ontario, Canada.(It's about 75 minutes from Buffalo, NY). For more information on all these seminars, you can go to Switched-On Seminars section at my web site at or email me your fax number and I will fax you the materials. Just say in your email which seminars or certifications you want information on. READER RESPONSE Here's the response from Barbara Cantor on a blurb I wrote on Aspartame. " I wish I knew about the dangers of Aspartame. I now have vasculitis which I believe may be due to this product. I have all of the symptoms you mentioned... Mine, like lupus is an immune system disease that is life threatening. I recently realized that I get pains mostly in the arms and legs after drinking diet sodas that have aspartame in them. I will stop tonight as you have confirmed my belief. Keep up the good work." Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. |
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