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MEMORY ENHANCEMENT = NOW IF I COULD ONLY REMEMBER | April 2001 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! TAKE A MULTIVITAMIN A 15-year study of almost 90,000 women showed the those who took a multivitamin daily had 75% less chance of developing colon cancer than whose who didn't pop one (Annals of Internal Medicine, Oct. 1, 1998). I recommend taking a high potency multi-vitamin for optimum wellness - one that when you read the label has many ingredients listed at 50 mg. BE CAREFUL OF PROZAC Prozac and related drugs can cause a manic condition of physical and mental agitation. About 1 in 16 people who use these drugs report this side effect. Far more people experience nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, and uncharacteristic aggressiveness. Another side effect associated with these antidepressants is increased thoughts of suicide. Dr. David Healy published a study in 200 showing that when people with no mental illness or prior history of depression were administered the drug Zoloft, 20 percent became suicidal! This class of drugs also increased the tendency towards self-harm. So my suggestion is, if you're taking these drugs, let a friend know so they can give you feedback on your behavior. THERE IS AN OPTION FOR PROZAC For mild to moderate depression, clinical studies suggest that the following natural antidepressants, which are available in health food stores, are effective. S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe) elevates serotonin levels and balances other important neurotransmitters. Studies show that 70% of depressed patients who try SAMe notice improvements in mood within days. The recommended dose is 200-400 mg twice a day on an empty stomach, before breakfast and before lunch. St. John's Wort is an herbal antidepressant that is also very effective. Take 300 mg of a standardized extract twice daily with meals. Another herbal antidepressant is 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). A dose of 30-50 mg on an empty stomach at bedtime. MEMORY ENHANCEMENT = NOW IF I COULD ONLY REMEMBER An herbal extract called vinpocetine exerts powerful memory-enhancing effects. Vinpocetine enhances blood circulation and oxygen utilization in the brain and protects brain cells from the devastating effects of disrupted oxygen delivery. Researchers administered vinpocetine or a placebo to 203 patients with mild to moderate dementia. After 16 weeks significantly greater improvements were observed in measures of cognitive performance and overall quality of life in the patients taking vinpocetine compared to the placebo group. FIND OUT YOUR CANCER RISK If you are a 44-year-old male smoker who eats plenty of vegetables, what's your risk for lung cancer? Find out at this Harvard site, where you can get a personal health assessment for 12 different cancers, along with information about preventive measures to lower the danger. ( ACUPUNCTURE FOR TENNIS ELBOW A study at the Mayo Clinic used Acupuncture on 22 people who had not gotten relief from standard medical treatments. The results - 80% got complete relief and another 10% experienced a marked improvement. Quite a change. Call the American Association of Oriental Medicine at 888-500-7999 for an acupuncturist in your area. SLOW DOWN PROSTATE PROBLEMS At least six major studies are testing the power of selenium supplements to either prevent prostate cancer or slow the growth of existing tumors. A promising 1994 Arizona study in which men who took 200 micrograms (mcg) of selenium a day of 10 years cut their prostate cancer risk by 63%. Experts admit that the only sure way to get 200 mcg of selenium is to take a supplement. CHOMP SLOWER AND LOSE WEIGHT Eat slowly for the first 10 minutes of a meal, and you brain will help you lose weight. High-tech images of the brains of 21 adults showed that 10 minutes after they started eating a meal, their brain turned off their appetite switch. At that point, the urge to continue eating lessen. So learn to pace yourself for 10 minutes instead of wolfing down you food, and you'll find yourself satisfied with a smaller meal (Nature, June 29, 1997-2001). YOUR THYMUS IS KEY The thymus gland trains young blood cells to know which disease-carriers to attack and which cells to leave alone. Mature cells, called T cells, leave the thymus ready for battle. A team at the AIDS Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston announced they had created a lab-grown thymus- a crucial first step on the road to rebuilding devastated immune systems. Poznansky's team is betting it will be able to manipulate artificial thymuses to produce disease-specific T cells. "It will be potentially useful for reconstituting the T cell system of a patient who has AIDS, because in AIDS you get both a depletion of T cells and damage to the thymus," says Poznansky. ELDERLY BENEFIT FROM TAI CHI Tai Chi consists of breathing exercises performed in conjunction with a series of body postures. In a recent issue of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, researchers found that tai chi "may be beneficial to elderly individuals for muscular strength and endurance enhancement," and that it is safer, more cost-effective and easier to perform than other forms of exercise. Every session consisted of a 20-minute warm-up period, 24 minutes of Yang tai chi training, and 10 minutes of cool down exercises. Both men and women appeared to show "significant" increased in muscle strength after participating in the tai chi program. SWITCHED-ON MANAGEMENT SEMINAR I'm looking for a couple of companies to conduct a research project on my Switched-On Management seminar. My regular training fees will be reduced for companies that want to take part in this study. You can go to my website for a description of the program, or email me at WANT TO BE A SPEAKER? If you want to get into the speaking business, you might want to contact a friend of mine, Burt Dubin, who does consulting and also publishes a newsletter. You can contact him at his work number - 520-753-7546, his fax number is 520-753-7554 and his email address is NEW MIGRAINE SUPPLEMENT I'm excited, I'm ready to release a new herbal supplement that will stop migraines from happening. It's called MigraMax and all the ingredients have been clinically researched and been shown to stop or lessen migraines from happening. Since it can take 2 to 4 months for the formula to kick in, to it's optimum level, I want to make you this special offer. Buy three bottles at the regular price of $34.95 and receive the fourth free. It comes with a 60-day back guarantee on the unopened bottles. Call us at 800-77-RELAX and ask for Dorothy. If you get migraines or know someone who does, try it, you'll love it. Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. |
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