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DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEADACHES or SORE THROATS? PAINFUL TRAUMA CAN BE HARD WIRED IN THE BRAIN BRAIN GYM APPLIED TO SWITCHED-ON SELLING SEMINAR | March 2001 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! STRETCHING THE HAMSTRINGS DOES WORK! A couple of reports ago, I reported a study that said stretching the hamstring muscles in the legs for 60 seconds makes a big difference in how you whole body functions, as well as reducing lower back pain. Well, even though I do Hatha Yoga every morning, I was only holding the hamstring stretch for a few seconds. I increased the time of my stretch to 60 seconds and discovered what they reported is true. I've been noticing much less lower back discomfort during the day and more flexibility, too. So if you haven't started doing the stretching, right now's a good time to start. A CURE FOR GOUT If you suffer from gout, there is a very effective natural remedy reported in The Doctors Book of Food Remedies. Believe it or not, it's simply eating 6-cherries a day (black cherry juice also seems to work). It's one of those cures that doctors don't understand the why but do know it does work. DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEADACHES or SORE THROATS? If you suffer from headaches, sore throats, or laryngitis, I'm going to do my first Tele-Seminar teaching you how to get rid of all these things. I'll be taking you through a Japanese Pressure Technique called Shiatsu. You'll actually experience doing it on yourself and will also learn how to do it on someone else. You may be concerned about learning a technique like this over the phone. Well, I've now done over 200 radio interviews where I've taken callers with headaches through the treatment and gotten rid of their headaches. This last weekend I took 2 people through the laryngitis treatment on the phone. Both of their voices dramatically improved. I'll be doing the call on March 14, at 9 p.m. EST. The call will run less than an hour and it will cost you $15 to participate. The line is limited to 30 people. To register hit the reply button and say you want to register. You'll need to include your Credit Card # (Master, Visa, Amex) and expiration date, the name on your card and your daytime phone number. If you prefer you can fax the information to me at 757 431-1503 or call 800 77-RELAX. Once we receive your registration we'll email you the phone number to call for the Tele-Seminar. PAINFUL TRAUMA CAN BE HARD WIRED IN THE BRAIN A study in Toronto found that painful trauma in infancy seems to rewire the nervous system. Young rats were injected with an irritant that caused several days of pain and swelling. In adulthood these rats experienced more pain and had 25 more pain fibers linked to the area where they experienced pain earlier. BRAIN GYM APPLIED TO SWITCHED-ON SELLING SEMINAR I've applied these brain gym exercises to the selling process to allow a salesperson to re-wire the circuitry of their brain as it relates to all parts of the selling process. It allows what was difficult about selling to become easy in minutes. That's right, in just minutes! I'm now completing a research study of over 450 people who have been through the SOS Seminar. Each participant completed a Pre Seminar Questionnaire at the beginning of the class, a Post Seminar Questionnaire at the end of the day, and another Questionnaire one-month later that was mailed to them. The results are simply spectacular! On the Overall Totals over 40% disagreed with their abilities on each question at the beginning of the class. By the end of the day only 6.3% still disagreed. This means that over 93% were in agreement about their abilities to perform each facet of the selling process. This change was validated by one of my insurance clients, the South Carolina Farm Bureau. They found sales people who took the course increased premiums 71% over those who did not. If you'd like to receive the complete research study when it's done just send me an email and put in the subject line to send SOS Research Report IT ALSO APPLIES TO NETWORK MARKETERS I'm also finishing a pilot study of the effects of Brain Gym on people who are involved with network marketing. What we've found are even more dramatic changes. While 58.3% disagreed with their abilities on the Overall Totals at the beginning of the class, only 4.6 % still disagreed at the end of class. This means by the end of the day over 95% agreed with their abilities to do network marketing. Let me know and I'll send you a copy of this report, too. CLASS SCHEDULE I've discovered I can teach both Switched-On Selling and Switched-On Network Marketing during the same class since each participant is actually customizing the class to their needs and benefit. Switched-On Selling & Switched-On Network Marketing Classes March 24 - San Diego, CAYour investment in your success is $199 if you register in advance otherwise the cost is $250. For more information you can go to Switched-On Selling at my web site at or email me your fax number and I will fax you the materials. You can also become an instructor of the SOS Seminar. Contact me for more information. Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. |
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