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YOU'D BETTER TAKE A SUPPLEMENT SWITCHED-ON SELLING SEMINARS | February 2001 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! OOPS! BROKEN YOUR NEW YEARS RESOLUTION So you've already broken your New Year's Resolutions. There's an answer for getting back on track. This suggestion is one I picked up from Dr. Julian Whittaker's newsletter. First make sure the habit or behavior you want to change is something you really, really want to change even though you already broke your resolution on it. For example, to stop smoking or to lose weight. Next, pick an organization that is the exact opposite of the things you believe and value. For example, if you are pro-choice pick a pro-life group; if you're pro-environment pick a pro land use group. Basically, it needs to be a group you would never ever give money to. Next, find a friend who is willing to help you reach your goal. Tell him or her what habit you want to break and how you will measure your success; e.g. exercising 3 times per week for the next 4 months. Ask them to monitor you by asking you periodically if you're still keeping your promise. Next, pick an amount of money that for you is a meaningful sum, i.e. it would make a dent in your wallet. Let's say it's $500. Now give your friend the $500, and tell him or her if you don't keep your commitment to your resolution they are authorized to give the entire $500 to that organization that you despise. Suddenly your motivation will be a lot higher because just having that one cigarette or missing that one workout will have very costly ramifications for you. You'll lose the $500 and you will have helped a group you don't believe in! Give it a whirl, the only thing you have to lose is your money and your pride. A NEW EXCUSE FOR BEING LATE Many times when people are late for an appointment they will give the excuse that the traffic was bad (whether true or false). For people who are meditator's there's a new excuse for being later -"Sorry I'm late, but I over-meditated!" WORKING WOMEN END YOUR GUILT For those of us who grew up in the 50's and 60's at a time when mom's tended to stay home, the image has been that the kids had more quality time. Well…this idea appears to be a myth. In Time it was reported that several university studies found that modern working moms actually spend up to a half-hour a day more with their kids than did the earlier moms. What the earlier moms were doing with their time was cooking, cleaning, socializing with their friends and sending the kids out to play with their friends. KNOW THY PAIN RIGHTS While I believe in looking for natural alternatives first, there are times when medications to control pain can be a good thing. An example would be right after extensive surgery. In the past, a patient in a hospital might not get enough pain medication to control their pain. The reason could be because it "wasn't time for another pill" or the doctor was afraid that the person might become addicted to the pain medication. Recent research has show that the reduction and elimination of pain can actually be a tremendous boost to faster healing with the patient having fewer emotional scars. That difficulty has just changed. An organization that certifies the quality and safety of most medical facilities in the US has developed the equivalent of a patient's pain bill of rights. They require that:
This still means a person must tell the doctor or nurse that they are in pain. Be pro-active. Ask about side effects and well as different drugs. YOU'D BETTER TAKE A SUPPLEMENT Many people think if you eat a diverse diet you're getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs and that taking supplements is a waste of money. Well, in the Doctor's Guide to Natural Medicine author Linda Grover states that "in 1948 you could buy spinach that had 158 ug of iron per 100 grams. By 1964 it had dropped to 27 ug of iron and by 1973 it was 2.2 ug." That means it would take your eating 75 bowls of spinach to get the same amount of iron that you could get from eating one bowl in 1948. If this was a stock market investment, you would have gone belly up many times over. So don't go belly up nutritionally. Make sure you include a daily high potency vitamin and mineral supplement in your diet. And while you're at it don't forget the Vitamin A, E, D & C. AND SPEAKING OF VITAMIN C A recent study in Mature Medicine found that 15% of college students and 30% of the general population were deficient in Vitamin C. The way this deficiency manifests itself is in symptoms of fatigue, exercise intolerance, increased infections, increased colds and allergies. If this sounds like you then I'd suggest you get some Vitamin C and start taking about 2,000 mg per day. Make sure you get a C that contains bioflavinoids which help the Vitamin C to be absorbed more effectively. POWER OF PRAYER In previous issues of the Teplitz Email Report and at some of my seminars I've talked about and demonstrated the power of prayer at the level of 4 and 5 times faster healing with fewer complications. I recently received an email talking about A Million-Prayer March. What if a million prayers were silently sent to the Middle Eastern conflict between Israel and the Palestinians? If you want to send an email prayer you can go to Even if it doesn't work it will be a statement of the concerns of the people of the world. SWITCHED-ON SELLING SEMINARS SWITHED-ON NETWORK MARKETING SEMINAR I've have several more Switched-On Selling classes scheduled: February 11 - Sebastian, FL(I'm also doing Switched-On Selling Instructor Certification classes March 24-26 in San Diego and April 30-May 1 in Walker Valley, NY. Email me with your fax number so I can send you details if you are interested in being able to become an instructor of this class.) I've have one Switched-On Network Marketing class scheduled - April 21 - Houston, TX Call or email for more information I recently conducted a Switched-On Network Marketing class. Here's what 2 of the attendees said about the class: "This seminar has changed my entire way of focusing on the people I talk to daily as well as my decisions on planning my days. I am confident and committed to continue building my Network Marketing Business." Bobbi Greenstreet, Enrich Distributor "Two days after the seminar, I've already signed up a new member and am 2 days ahead on my "order-a-day" program. And most importantly when W was getting my daughter ready for school, my usual buttons didn't get pushed" Debra Mundy, Enrich Distributor Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than
1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500
Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and
personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their
own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more
positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more
Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on
over 200 radio stations.
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