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IT'S FLU AND COLD SEASON - HERBAL OPTIONS PREVENTING COMPUTER FINGER SORENESS DATES CHANGED FOR SWITCHED-ON SELLING | January 2001 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"! HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND ALZHEIMERS It's more important than ever to know your diastolic blood pressure (it's the number on the bottom when you get your reading). A study published in Lancet tracked 400 men and women, beginning at age 70, for 15 years. The ones who developed Alzheimer's disease were the same ones who had a higher diastolic blood pressure reading at the beginning of the study. So when you're young is the time to take the necessary steps of doing aerobic exercise and moderate weight training to keep your blood pressure low. INSTANT EAR PLUGS If you're ever in a situation where you need ear plugs (on a commuter airline, in a hotel bedroom that is noisy, at a rock concert) and you don't happen to have a pair in your purse or pocket, here's what a friend of mine did. Take a piece of tissue paper and tear off a 2" square (larger if you have big ears). Crumple it up and check that it will fit in the ears. Next dampen it and insert it into each ear. Voila, you have ear plugs. It may look silly, but it works. If you can plan in advance, I'd suggest you look into buying an ear plug called EarPlanes especially if you fly alot. They seem to eliminate ear discomfort and popping when the plane is taking off and descending . IT'S FLU AND COLD SEASON - HERBAL OPTIONS Now that cold and flu season is here, here are several herbal approaches to take to prevent or cure a cold or the flu.
PREVENTING COMPUTER FINGER SORENESS If you're typing at a computer and you wind up with sore hands and fingers, you might take a different approach. Just like an a athlete warms up before a sporting event, you need to warm up your fingers before you start typing. You can begin by stretching your fingers as wide as you can without straining them. Next, curl them closed slowly. Next, straighten your fingers while you bring your thumb into the center of your palm. DATES CHANGED FOR SWITCHED-ON SELLING Due to a mailing mix-up, I've had to change the dates of the Switched-On Selling seminar and Instructor Certification scheduled for Los Angeles. The new dates are January 26-28 for the Instructor Certification and January 27 for the seminar. Send me you fax number if you want the details. IT'S THE '50s AGAIN If you have high cholesterol there's a supplement discovered and researched in the 1950s. It's called phytosterol. Studies done have shown that phytosterol can lower cholesterol without side effects. You'll need to take 1,500 to 3,300 mg per day in divided doses. Take it 30 minutes before a meal. COW'S MILK - GOOD IN A NEW WAY I've run across an exciting substance that until now is only available to new born babies called Colostrum. When a baby is born, the first milk the mother secretes is 100% Colostrum which is important for triggering the body's immune system, destroying viruses, bacteria and fungi. In adults it can also keep weight down and even slow down the aging process. Researchers have discovered that a cow's initial milk has 100% Colostrum and provides all the benefits of mother's milk. There's one company that's "bottling" it the right way. For more information, you can call Judy Rothschild Lawson at 866 300-OILS. Tell her I told you to call her. 60 SECONDS TO GREATER FLEXIBILITY How long should you stretch to gain greater flexibility. A study done with healthy 85 year olds had them stretching their hamstring muscles for 15, 30 or 60 seconds. The group stretching for 60 seconds increased their flexibility and range of motion almost twice as much as the other groups. Their mobility increased, they had greater ease bending over, and they had less back pain. All from only 60 seconds of stretching. So can you afford not to take an extra 60 seconds and stretch your hamstrings? Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than
1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500
Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and
personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their
own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more
positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more
Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on
over 200 radio stations.
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