to block Cholesterol Build-up Option
To Viagra
OW, those
aching knees
Checking Your
Women &
Heart Attacks
Selling |
October 1999 Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy
How about vitamins that surpass any drugs for blocking cholesterol with no
side effects? A Dr. Ishwarlal Jialal tested vitamins C, E and
beta-carotene. The results were vitamin E being 45% effective,
beta-carotene being 90% effective and vitamin C was 95% effective in
blocking cholesterol.
I would recommend taking all three at these dosages: Vitamin E-800 IU per
day, vitamin C-2,000 IU per day and beta-carotene-60 IU per day. I'd
also divide the dosage up between your meals - that way, it will absorb
There have been thousands of Viagra jokes. Well, I'm not going to make
Instead, there is a natural herbal substitute to Viagra without the side
effects of it. It's called yohimbe. If you experiment with it,
let me know.
If you've got aching knees or even osteoarthritis, there are a couple of
options to taking drugs. One option is glucosamine sulfate. A
study had 178 people with arthritis of the knee. Half took glucosamine
sulfate and the other half took ibuprofen. The glucosamine was more
effective in reducing pain, swelling and improving mobility. The
benefits continued for two weeks after treatment stopped.
The glucosamine also rebuilds cartilage. The recommended dose is 1000
to 1500 mg per day.
Another option is Coral Calcium. This comes from coral mined under the
island of Okinawa. It comes in a permeable baggy that's like a tea
bag, and you can put it in 1 1/2 liters of water. Within minutes it
turns the water alkaline and also releases almost 1,000 mg of ionized
calcium into the water. People who have been scheduled for knee
surgeries have reported canceling the surgeries.
I'd suggest you experiment with a two-month supply to see what it will do
for you. You can e-mail me with your fax number, and I'll fax you more
specific information.
How's your thyroid performing? If it's underactive, you may be
experiencing fatigue. Here's a simple, at-home way to check your
thyroid's functioning.
Take a Q-tip and a 2% tincture of iodine. Paint a silver dollar-size
area on your thigh or belly. If your iodine levels are normal, the
yellowish stain should disappear in 24 hours.
If the stain is gone in less than 24 hours, it means you are deficient in
To get your body back up to its normal level, simply keep applying the
iodine every 24 hours at different locations. When the stain lasts 24
hours, you'll know your thyroid is back to normal. If you're taking
thyroid medication, you might be able to cut back or discontinue your
medication. However, check with your doctor first.
Women's symptoms of a heart attack can be different from a man's symptoms.
One in five women may have these unique symptoms. They're still having
a heart attack, but they're just not realizing it.
1. Sever shortness of breath
2. Pain just under the breastbone
3. Nausea or vomiting
4. Profound fatigue or weakness
5. Unexplained anxiety or a feeling of not being well
6. Profuse sweating
Women experiencing any of these should seek immediate medical attention.
I've got a couple more Switched-On Selling Seminars scheduled. One is
October 16 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and the other is November 20 in
Washington, DC.
Here's what Ron Coffman, a recent attendee, said, "I've attended
probably about a dozen sales seminars over the years. This was the
best one yet!"
Email me with your fax number, and I will fax the flyer and cover letter.
This is also the one class that I teach that I certify others to be
The dates in Ft. Lauderdale are October 15-17, and the dates in Washington,
DC are November 19-21. Contact me for more information.
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Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz is an author, attorney, professional speaker and consultant in the
areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and
Brain Integration. Dr. Teplitz' keynotes and seminars have a long term impact on
performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information, to read a
free monthly article and to find past Teplitz Email Reports, go to www.Teplitz.com.
Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
228 N. Donnawood Dr, Ste 204, Virginia Beach VA 23452
(757) 431-1317, (800) 77-RELAX (800 777-3529), Fax (757) 431-1503
Copyright 1999 Jerry V. Teplitz - reproduction for publication is encouraged, with