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# 60 - November  2003


The Little Stickers on Fruits and Veggies Tell All

New Guidelines For High Blood-Pressure


Ovarian Cancer Test That Doctors Don't Know About

Single Men Make Quick Decisions
Cell Phones Can Cause Headaches and Nausea

Your Waistline Can Affect Your Vision

Impact of Vitamin C and E On Women

The Way The Brain Processes Information




Volume 2 #11 - November  2003

Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"!

Happy Thanksgiving - Bonus Supplement

Here is the latest issue of the Teplitz Email Report. Enjoy it.

The Little Stickers on Fruits and Veggies Tell All

Yes, the numbers on the little stickers that are on fruits and vegetables tell more than the number for the cashier to punch in.
The stickers actually tell you a lot about the food you are buying.
A label with four digits indicates conventionally grown food. Labels with five digits that start with an "8" indicate that the food was genetically modified. Labels with five digits that start with a "9" indicate that the food was organically grown.

So... the winning number is hopefully not an "8".

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New Guidelines For High Blood-Pressure

There are new guidelines for what is high blood pressure. Readings that are between 120/80 and 140/90 used to be labeled high normal. These readings are now considered "prehypertensive" which means you're at increased risk for heart disease and stroke.

There are now many things besides taking medication that you can do to lower that blood pressure. Here are some of them.

1. A research study reported at the American Society of Hypertension found that patients who didn't respond to drug treatment could use as a treatment slow-breathing exercises for only 15 minutes a day, three to four days a week. Their top number (the systolic reading) fell almost 14 points and the bottom number (the diastolic reading) fell about 9 points.

2. Men with elevated blood pressure drank 12 ounces of Concord grape juice a day. Within 12 weeks their top numbers fell by 5.7 points and the bottom numbers by 5.8.

3. Aerobic exercise like walking, swimming, jogging lowered top numbers by 3.8 points and bottom ones by 2.5 points.

4. People who ate five servings of fruits and veggies per day dropped their blood pressure also.

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Airlines will lower fares on some routes without warning and these fares may only be available for a few hours before they are gone. The way to find these fares is by going to and click on "big fare cuts". The other site is and click on "snooze you lose". When you're getting ready to book a flight, check these sites several times a day for several days. You may be surprised at the bargains that are available. One example was a Newark to Los Angeles roundtrip for $88.

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Ovarian Cancer Test That Doctors Don't Know About

There's a blood test to detect ovarian cancer that is similar in accuracy to a PSA test for prostate screening. The test is called a CA-125 blood test. The only problem is your doctor may not know about it and your insurance company may not know about it either. To get it covered you may have to do some education of your doctor and insurance company.

The normal range on the test is between zero and 35. If the number is slightly above 35, then have another test done in three to six months. Since there is no age factor for ovarian cancer, have the test done every year.

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Single Men Make Quick Decisions

On a first date, 79% of the men will decide how interested they are in a woman within the first 15 minutes of a date. So for the women, don't waste your time either. As the clock strikes 16 minutes, ask your date if it's going to be worth going to dinner and a movie. Why should you waste your time, if he's already decided no?

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Cell Phones Can Cause Headaches and Nausea

Bruce Lipton shared this information at a seminar he conducted. He said the way babies learn between birth and age six is based on their brain wave patterns as measured by EEGs. Babies operate in the brain wave states of delta and theta. Clinical hypnotherapists refer to this as the hypnogogic state. This is the state that the client's brain must reach so that they are susceptible to suggestion.

This means a baby is being programmed by everything that goes on around it. The baby is making the perceptions and behaviors of his or her parents its own. These then become the baby's fundamental beliefs and attitudes about life. So...if you have a baby, keep in mind that what you say and do has an impact.

For golfers, Time Magazine reported that over 300 pro golfers are now wearing the QLink.

Special Offer For Teplitz Email Report readers. You will receive $10 off the regular price if you purchase by November 30, 2004. The QLink comes with a 90 day money back guarantee. . To learn more about the QLink, go to

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Your Waistline Can Affect Your Vision

A recent study reported in AARP found that age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which can cause blindness, has a link to your waistline. Male subjects in the study who had mild AMD and a waistline of more than 40 inches had double the risk of moving onto advanced AMD. For women, the risk doubled when the waistline was more than 34.6 inches.

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Impact of Vitamin C and E On Women

A Harvard study of 15,000 women in their 70s found those who had been taking vitamin C (400-1,250 mg per day) and vitamin E (100-500 I.U. per day) for at least 10 years scored better on tests of memory, verbal fluency, and immediate and delayed recall than those who didn't take the vitamins or took them for a shorter period of time.

So ... today's the best time to start taking Vitamin C and E. I recommend 2,000 mg of C per day and 800 I.U. of E per day to create optimum levels of health.

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The Way The Brain Processes Information

Enjoy this next piece:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttare in what order the ltteers in a word are, the only iprmoetnat tohng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

The rset canbe a total mses and you can still raed it wouthit porbelm.

This is bcuseae the human mind deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.

Did you get it? If not, email me and I still won't translate. Oh well...

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The quote on the full spectrum lighting from Carol Shaheen said her Real Estate Company, Tomie Raines, Inc was in Grand Rapids. It is actually in the Greater Lansing area. Apologies, Carol.

Seminar Schedule


These are the seminars that use the Brain Gym movement exercises to do the brain rewiring. It's the easiest way to become better as a salesperson, network marketer or manager around. To see the research reports and read the testimonials for attendees, you can go to my website at

Here's what Serge Gravelle, President/CEO of MyMall Network Corporation, had to say about Switched-On Selling:

"The results were instantaneous; within 24 hours, we had closed seven contracts, seven times more than we had done during the preceding eight months. By the end of the week, we had signed eighteen contracts. The best part is that I enjoyed making the sales, a feeling I had a hard time experiencing in the past".

January 7-8, 2004 - Oakland, CA
February 11-12, 2004 - Virginia Beach, VA

January 9, 2004 - Oakland, CA
February 13, 2004 - Virginia Beach, VA

January 9, 2004 - Oakland, CA
February 13, 2004 - Virginia Beach, VA

For more information on these seminars and the registration forms go to If you would prefer me to email you any of the brochures, write me at

Also, you can become an Instructor of these seminars. For more information on the Instructor Certifications requirements, just click on the link that's above and then click on "How To Become and Instructor".

Please give my office a call at 800-777-3529 if you have any questions about these programs or if you'd like to register.

That's it for this month.

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Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports go to .

Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
228 N. Donnawood Dr, Ste 204, Virginia Beach VA 23452
(757) 431-1317, (800) 77-RELAX (800 777-3529), Fax (757) 431-1503

Copyright 1999-2001, Jerry V. Teplitz - reproduction for publication is encouraged, with attribution.



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