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Treatments For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Quercetin And Relaxation Therapy Found To Aid Prostatitis

Smog Can Kill

While Meditation Can Save

Your Music And Pixs CDs Have A Time Limit

Hearing What We Want To Hear

Dogs Sniffing For Cancer

Finding Out Whether Over-The-Counter Medications And Drugs Mix

Feedback From A Client

Change Your Fluorescent Lighting Into A Profit Center

April 2006

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor 
Optimum Brain Performance Educator

Treatments For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
There are many more alternative treatments now available for treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), which occurs from repetitive use of the wrist.
  1. A 12-year study by a Dr. Kasdan found that 68 percent of 494 CTS patients improved while taking vitamin B6 daily. The recommended dosage is 200 mg twice a day.
  2. A National Institute of Health panel reported that traditional, deep acupuncture and mircroamp transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) can all greatly reduce the pain of CTS. In one study 90% of the subjects reported either no pain or that pain was reduced by more than half. All patients returned to work and remained stable for up to two years. The treatments used in this study included the following: deep acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicines, moxibustion (which is the burning of herbs close to the skin), and omega-3 fish oil capsules.
  3. A 1998 study published in the American Medical Journal showed that yoga relieved some of the symptoms and signs of CTS more successfully than wrist splinting.
So…before you consider surgery in an attempt to alleviate the pain of CTS, give one of these alternatives a shot. Remember, you can always pursue surgery later if none of these approaches work.
Quercetin And Relaxation Therapy Found To Aid Prostatitis

Prostatitis is the name assigned to the pain experienced by men when they urinate. While there is no cure, a compound that sounds promising is quercetin. Quercetin is found in red wine, green apples and onions. In a study published in 1999, 67 percent of the prostatitis sufferers reported that their symptoms were reduced by at least 25 percent.

The disease of prostatitis is also beginning to be redefined. The new thinking is that rather than being caused by a disease per se’, it may, instead, be caused by chronic tension in the muscles of the pelvic floor that surround the prostate. New treatments include relaxation training and specialized physical therapy aimed at rehabilitating the tissue inside the pelvis.
Smog Can Kill

Over a 14-year period, researchers at Yale and John Hopkins Universities compared sudden increases in ground levels of smog (which is mainly ozone), with the death rates in 95 U.S. cities. They found that when the ozone levels went up, so did the number of deaths. The researchers concluded that a reduction in the ozone level by as little as a third could save 4,000 lives a year in those cities alone. If we multiply this figure by cities world-wide, we’re talking about a major health impact from a pollutant.

While Meditation Can Save
There’s some new research that validates the positive effects of meditation. One study at Massachusetts General Hospital found that the practice of meditation for 40 minutes a day thickens parts of the brain’s cerebral cortex that are responsible for decision making, attention and memory. Meditation may also slow the natural thinning that occurs in this section of the brain as people age. Meditation also improves a person’s productivity by preventing stress-related illnesses and reducing absenteeism. Advanced mediators even produce more gamma-brain-waves that synchronize and lead to increased awareness.
Another study conducted at the University of Kentucky had college students either meditate, sleep or watch TV in the afternoon. The researchers then tested the student’s ability to hit a button when a light flashed on a screen. Those who meditated had a 10% better performance while the nappers did significantly worse. The researchers concluded that meditation restores a person’s energy by restoring the ability of their brain’s synapses to fire without the grogginess of napping.
Many corporations are now offering meditation classes including Hughes Aircraft, Deutsche Bank, and Google. Since fewer people are taking smoke breaks, companies ought to be offering employees time to take a meditation break. With all the benefits, both the company and the employee will experience positive results. So…if you want to learn everything you need to know about meditation including the techniques, order my book Managing Your Stress: How To Relax And Enjoy either at my website at
Your Music And Pixs CDs Have A Time Limit
Physicist Kurt Gerecke reports that the CD-R and CD-RW discs that we are storing information, pictures, files, music on may have a limited life of two to five years. It seems that heat causes the recorder surface of the CD to degrade so that the laser beam cannot read the disc. So…either keep this information backed up on a computer hard drive or schedule a time every couple of years to redo your CDs.
Hearing What We Want To Hear

A study reported at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology shows that the brain only hears what it wants to hear. The researchers in this study had staunch Republicans and Democrats listen to statements by 2004 Presidential candidates George W. Bush and John Kerry. Brain scans showed that the emotional part of the brain was activated and not the logical part. The result? Participants were not spotting inconsistencies in what their candidate said but they caught the contradictions that the other candidate made. This means that we hear what we want to hear through the emotional side of the brain. So…who do you support in this next election – “I’m listening, I’m really listening…, what did you say again?

Dogs Sniffing For Cancer

A study published in Integrative Cancer Therapies reported on the use of dogs to sniff out cancers. The dogs were trained to identify lung and breast cancers by smelling the person’s breathe. The dogs were accurate in564 out of 574 lung cancer cases. In another study published in 2004, dogs were able to identify bladder cancer by sniffing dried urine samples. Based on this research, one could rightfully say medicine is going to the dogs or… that man’s best friend just got even better.

Finding Out Whether Over-The-Counter Medications And Drugs Mix
If you are taking prescription drugs and you need to also take some over-the-counter medications, you might be setting yourself up for a negative reaction from the side effects caused by taking all this stuff. Now you can find out if there is a danger or if it’s ok to mix meds by going to this website by the National Council on the Aging at
Feedback From A Client
I recently did a couple of presentations for River Valley State Bank in Wisconsin. Here’s what Steve Anderson, President/CEO had to say about its impact. “I want to take a moment to share with you what a positive reaction we had to your presentation to our employees. The feedback was wonderful: 60 percent rated your program as excellent and 96 percent said they would like to hear you speak again. You are a master at keeping people’s attention, making people comfortable, and presenting new material in a believable way. Thank you for making our recognition event a success!”
For information on having me speak to your group, call Sandra Lee at 800 77-RELAX.
Change Your Fluorescent Lighting Into A Profit Center
If you have ever been at one of my seminars or been a reader of this newsletter, you would know the importance I place on the overhead lighting in your offices. As I’ve mentioned previously, by changing the tubes from the cool white fluorescent tubes that are currently there now to the full spectrum tubes that we recommend, you’ll wind up increasing late afternoon productivity levels by 63% and reducing late afternoon fatigue levels by 60%.
I recently realized that there’s another element missing from the equation as to why you would want to immediately pick up the phone or go online to order full spectrum tubes, bulbs or flood lights for your office. That element has to do with what you pay people who are sitting under the wrong lighting. For example, starting around 3 pm, any employees who sit under the cool white tubes are likely to be operating at about 1/3 of their capability. This continues until they leave at 5 pm. Assuming that you are paying them $30 per hour, this means that their actual productivity late afternoon has a value to you of only $20 per hour. That $10 loss of productivity means you have effectively lost $20 for each and every employee every, work day.
Now imagine that your people are under the full spectrum tubes. Based on our research and the feedback from our clients, they would remain at high levels of productivity throughout the day. That means each employee would be “earning” the equivalent of $100 every week in increased productivity. In a short period of time, you’ll have recouped the costs of the full spectrum tubes and have turned your lighting into a profit generating mechanism in your organization.
For the employee, it means that even though they have been more productive, they would no longer be exhausted at the end of the day. Their attitudes will be more positive and they won’t be getting headaches! Since we give you a 60-day money-back guarantee, you have NOTHING to lose by getting a case of tubes and proving to yourself how powerful these lights can be (Several of our clients call them the “Happy Lights”).
To order call 800 77-RELAX or go online to and click on lighting products. You’ll see you can get discounts for the tubes ranging from 20 to 30% while bulbs and flood lights can be discounted at 10 to 15%.
That's it for this month.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.
The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  
Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit
Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)


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