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Change What Your Kids Eat At School - Change Their Behavior

A Water Filter In A Drinking Straw For Emergencies

Stop Feeling Groggy When You Wake Up

What Have You Done For Your Stem Cells Lately?

Can't Hear In A Crowded Room? There's A Solution

You Can Also See Better If You Have Macular Degeneration

Use Vinegar To Lower Glucose And Insulin Reponses

Cleaning Grease Without Chemicals

It May Sound Fishy, But Eat Fish To Lower The Risk of Alzheimers

Protect Your Liver From Losing Insulin Sensitivity and Hepatitis

Christmas Special From Me To You



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Volume 4, # 12

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor 
Optimum Brain Performance Educator


Change What Your Kids Eat At School - Change Their Behavior
The Central Alternative School in Appleton , Wisconsin eliminated candy and junk foods from vending machines and their cooks started serving fresh, whole foods. What kind of results could you expect? How about the following: discipline problems just about disappeared, attendance skyrocketed and academic performance improved. In addition problems with dropouts, expulsions, weapons, drug use and suicides dropped to zero. That's right - zero!

The program was so successful that the superintendent introduced it to all schools in the district. You can get a DVD that highlights the five year study on the school's nutrition program at

So...if the schools your kids attend aren't showing these kinds of positive changes, get the study and start pushing your school district to change the foods it serves your kids. It's your kids, their health and their performance that's at stake.  

A Water Filter In A Drinking Straw For Emergencies
With so many disasters we've recently had to deal with from hurricanes and tornadoes to tsunamis and earthquakes, finding a way to get safely filtered drinking water in an emergency situation can save your life. Enter the LifeStraw, a drinking straw that uses seven types of filters including mesh, active carbon and iodine. It can clean 185 gallons of water and prevent waterborne illnesses such as typhoid and diarrhea. All this in a large drinking straw! It will be available in early 2007 for around $3.  To learn more go to If you live in an area that's prone to natural disasters, it might be a good idea to put a couple of them in your family's emergency preparedness kit.  

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Stop Feeling Groggy When You Wake Up
Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling groggy and sluggish? It may be because your alarm clock goes off while you are at a deep level of sleep. A watch has been invented that can correct this situation. It's called the Sleeptracker watch and it is designed to wake you only when you are in a light sleep. It has a built in motion sensor that senses when you are in a light sleep since you will move around more during that level of sleep. For the watch to work most effectively, you'll need to allow a window of 20 minutes for the Sleeptracker to sense the best time in your sleep cycle for the alarm to go off. For information, go to

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What Have You Done For Your Stem Cells Lately?
Science is now finding that the stem cells in your body are responsible for more than 70% of your healing. CNN has listed the recent advances in stem cell research as one of the most significant health-related stories in the past 25 years, second only to the complete mapping of the human genome.

As an adult, stem cells are found most abundantly in your bone marrow and they can be thought of as "master" cells that circulate throughout your body. One of their functions to replace dysfunctional cells, thus fulfilling the natural process of maintaining optimal health.

As you age, your body produces fewer and fewer 'usable' stem cells. What if you could find a product that would dramatically improve the number of stem cells in your system? No kidding! No outside invasive technique, no embryonic stem cell controversy and no side effects. Well, I've run across a product that does all this called StemEnhance. It even has a US Government Patent.

When you take two capsules, the ingredients help to support the release of stem cells from your bone marrow into your bloodstream. Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel to the areas of your body where they are most needed. If you are interested in finding out more about why I am excited about this product, you can simply place a telephone call to 620 294-2904 and listen to a 7-minute recording, or you can go directly to to take a look at this phenomenal product.

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Can't Hear In A Crowded Room? There's A Solution
If you're at a cocktail party and can't hear the conversations, it's due to chemical changes in the brain. We lose some of the ability to filter out unwanted sound to give your ears the proper feedback it needs. There's now a solution: Robert Sweetow, Director of Audiology at the University of California, San Francisco has come up with an interactive software program called LACE (Listening and Communication Enhancement). The program feeds your brain exercises that will re-train it to listen in crowded situations.

There is a free demonstration version of the software available for download at Check out this software if you, or someone you know, CAN'T HEAR CLEARLY. Sorry about having to shout.  

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You Can Also See Better If You Have Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration can cause loss of vision and eventual blindness. The "wet" version strikes 200,000 Americans every year. Treatment for this version of macular degeneration includes a drug called Macugen and another called Avastin. A third drug, which should be available in 18 months, is called Lucentis. These drugs have been shown to slow and possibly even reverse vision loss from Macular Degeneration. While the "wet" version only accounts for 10% of the cases in the US , Lucentis is the first breakthrough drug that can possibly restore vision.

One study of 716 patients found that 34 percent of those who received a dose of 5 mgs reported improved vision to the extent that they could read three lines lower on an eye chart. So if you know someone who is developing Macular Degeneration, suggest that they inquire with their doctor about experimenting with these drugs.

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Use Vinegar To Lower Glucose And Insulin Reponses
With the rampant increase in the number of Adult Onset Diabetes patients, there may be a way to lower your glucose and insulin responses to eating carbohydrates. It's by using vinegar. In a study reported in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, volunteers drank about three tablespoons of vinegar diluted in water while they ate white bread that contained 50 grams of carbohydrates. Ninety minutes later, the volunteers had a 25% reduction in blood glucose levels and serum insulin levels.

So...if you are overweight and concerned about developing diabetes, then a glass of water with vinegar (2 teaspoons apple-cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons honey) 2-3 times per day could make a difference in preventing diabetes.  It has also shown great results for energy levels (probably due to it's slight blood thinning properties and all those steaks!), and weight-loss.

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Cleaning Grease Without Chemicals
Household degreasers and other cleaning products are made with petroleum-based solvents with fumes that can harm kids and babies. While these products get the job done by dissolving stubborn grease and gunk, it is dangerous to have these products in your home.

Well, now there's a natural option available called Citrus Degreaser that is made by Seventh Generation. It will get rid of all grease, oil, tar, pet stains, crayons and other cleaning challenges. It is fully biodegradable and without any toxic fumes. Seventh Generation products are available at many health oriented food markets.

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It May Sound Fishy, But Eat Fish To Lower The Risk of Alzheimers
A study published in Archives of Neurology found that people who eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can lower the decline for a person with Alzheimer's disease. Those who ate fish once a week reduced their mental decline by 10% while those who ate fish more than once a week reduced their decline by 13%. The lead researcher reported that this reduction in mental decline is the equivalent of being three or four years younger in age. So...if you can remember to get it and cook it, eat fish at least once a week.

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Protect Your Liver From Losing Insulin Sensitivity and Hepatitis
The liver is an amazing organ in that it has a unique ability to regenerate itself even when it has been badly damaged. In his newsletter, Dr. Julian Whitaker reports on nutritional ways to maintain the health of your liver as well as on ways to stop hepatitis and other serious diseases that can cause liver failure. The nutrients Dr. Whitaker is recommending are increasing the liver's anti-oxidant defenses, stimulating the production of new liver cells and curbing the proliferation of the hepatitis virus.

For initially maintaining a healthy weight and improving your insulin sensitivity Dr. Whitaker recommends the following nutrients: 100 mg vanadyl sulfate, one-half teaspoon cinnamon, 200-400 mcg chromium and 500 mg magnesium.

For defending your body against liver failure and hepatitis, Dr. Whitaker recommends 600 mg lipoic acid, 900 mg silymarin and 400 mcg selenium. Additionally, for hepatisis Dr. Whitaker suggests that patients ask their doctors to give them intravenous Vitamin C and glutathione.


Christmas Special From Me To You
Offer expired December, 2006


That's it for this month.


Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports go to

Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach
, VA 23454
757 496-8008
757 496-9955 (fax)





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