Some Myths About Aging
survey conducted by the AARP and
University of Southern
California has exposed
a number of myths we have about aging. The first
myth was that a majority of older people live in
poverty. The truth is less than 14 percent were
living in poverty. The second myth is the belief
that 1 in 10 elders are institutionalized. The truth
is that fewer than 1 in 20 people age 65 and older
are in long-term care facilities. The third myth
is that older people have no capacity for sex. The
truth is that 86% of those who are 45 and older
engage in sexual activity at least once a week.
appears that it's time to relax and skip worrying
about aging. The truth is much brighter than the
myths. As a matter of fact, since elders are staying
for so much longer, it may be time to start planning
for what you are going to do with the rest of your
longer, healthy life. Are there hobbies you have
neglected or organizations you'd like to have the
time to volunteer for? If so, your years as an elder
may be the time to do all those things that you've
said "if I only had the time." By doing
what you love and by helping others, not only can
you live longer, you also have the potential to
be the happiest that you’ve ever been in your life.
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Folate Supplements Help to Lower
Women's Blood Pressure
Researchers studied 150,000 women in the
Nurses' Health Study I and II. They found that women
who took a folate supplement of 800 mcg per day
had a 48% reduction in the risk of having high blood
pressure as compared to women who consumed less
than 200 mcg per day and did not take a supplement.
...for women, taking a folate acid supplement is
an easy way to protect yourself from hypertension.
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Asthma Linked To The Plastics
We Breathe
Asthma is rampant in our society. Between
1980 and 1994 the incident of asthma among pre-school
aged children rose 160%. With 9 million kids now
diagnosed with the disease, asthma is now the leading
cause of illness in children.
What's causing this epidemic? First a little background.
Plastics are manufactured with a substance called
Readily released by plastic products, phthalates
make plastic flexible so that it can be shaped into
anything from siding to flooring to food wrap to
soft plastic toys. The problem is that phthalates
are readily able to volatize. An example is the
"new car smell" which is actually coming
from phthalate vapors in the vinyl dashboard.
A large study of Swedish children found that house
dust contaminated by phthalate is associated with
a higher rate of asthma and eczema. This study examined
400 children between 3-8 years old who were living
in 390 buildings. About 50% of the kids had asthma
or other persistent allergy symptoms. The researchers
found that the homes the kids with asthma were in
had the higher levels of phthalates. The higher
the level of phthalates, the more likely the children
were to have asthma or allergies.
The fix on this one will have to come from forcing
the manufacturers to find non-toxic substitutes
for phthalate. It may help to start the ball rolling
if you email or write your representative in
. So... until that happens, and for the health of
your children, attempt to keep the amount of plastic
you use in your house to as low a level as possible.
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New Clarity About Chronic Fatigue
People who have chronic fatigue syndrome
have had to live with a lot of skepticism and doubt
from others that they do, in fact, have a real disease.
A report in the Journal
of Clinical Pathology may change all that. Researchers
in the study found that certain genes in white blood
cells are much more active in people with chronic
fatigue than in healthy people. So... for people
with chronic fatigue, it's good news to know that
it's not all in your head.
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How To Tell If Your Seafood
Is Safe To Eat
There has been a lot of concern recently
about the toxins that have been showing up in seafood.
Even though seafood is very good for you, consumers
haven't known who or what to trust. There's now
a way to find out. A company called Seafood Safe
has begun a testing, labeling and educational program
so you that you can learn how many servings of a
specific product you can eat each month without
risking overexposure to mercury and PCBs.
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Feedback From A Reader
Kurt Buchl wrote: "I have attended 2
of your seminars. I always enjoy the seminars as
well as the tidbits of info in your newsletters."
Thanks, Kurt.
to top of page
Mid-Winter Blahs Time Is Approaching
We're have just changed from Daylight Savings
time back to Standard Time. This is a signal that
winter is on its way and, with winter, comes the
mid-winter blahs. There is one easy way to beat
the blahs and that's to change the lighting in your
home or office to full-spectrum tubes and bulbs.
The correct full-spectrum lighting will give you
feeling of brightness that you get when on a summer
vacation. Several of our clients that have the tubes
call them their "happy lights".
Our research shows that with these tubes lighting
your work areas, late afternoon fatigue levels disappear
while productivity levels are soar! Think
about it: With the hourly salaries employees are
being paid, what is the value of having them sit
under tubes that are actually causing them to be
less productive in the late afternoon. Full-spectrum
tubes can become the equivalent of a profit center
for your company.
I've arranged a special deal for you with my supplier.
By ordering at least one case of any size full-spectrum
tubes by November
25, you will receive a special discount of 25% off
the regular price. There is a limit of three
cases per address. To receive your discount, go
to https://teplitz.com/JTVlightsdiscount.html
and when it asks for the discount code, enter in
lower case - lightsjtv - to receive your discount.
Keep in mind you'll still receive a 60-day
money-back guarantee and you will see that you will
start seeing them as the "Happy Lights"
to top of page
Switched-On Selling and Network
Marketing Seminars and Instructor Certification
This is the last announcement about the Switched-On
Selling and Network Marketing Seminars and Instructor
Certification Trainings in
Danbury CT in mid-November.
These trainings are brain rewiring programs that
use the Brain Gym technology to create new and immediate
increases in your level of success! For information
and to register, go to www.Teplitz.com/switched-main.htm.
On this site, you'll also find the research study
that I did with over 350 salespeople validating
the amazing results seminar participants have achieved.
A pilot study on the tremendous results for Network
Marketers who have taken the seminar is also on
that same page.
Here's what Jay Horton, an insurance agent who has
been in the business for eighteen years, said about
the SOS Seminar: "My reason for taking your
Seminar was to try and overcome my call reluctance
that I had struggled with all my career. After
the Seminar, it became necessary to 'get on the
phone' and book appointments for presentations.
The ease
with which I was able to make those calls and the
positive responses that I received from the people
I was calling was truly amazing. Literally,
I had a 100% positive response to the calls I made.
This Seminar has completely changed my feeling of
self-esteem and self-worth and it is quite vividly
evident in the response I am getting from the people
I am contacting. I
would recommend that anyone and everyone be encouraged
to take the Seminars you offer because they are
literally 'life changing' and will produce noticeable,
positive results immediately."
So...don't miss this opportunity to dramatically
increase your sales. This is the seminar that really
does immediately change your level of success in
the selling and network marketing game.
Date: Switched-On
Selling and Switched-On Network Marketing - both
are given at the same time on November 18.
Becoming an Instructor
I also certify people to be Instructors of these
Seminars. The
Instructor Training and Certification is November
18-21. For more information go to https://teplitz.com/switched-main.htm
and click on the button Instructor Certification.
to top of page
That's it for this month.
Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations
to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years
including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught
people how to have greater business and personal
success by showing them how to tap into the power
of their own personal energy system.
The result
is a work force that is more positive, effective,
focused, energized and more productive. He is
an author of four books and has been interviewed
on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults
in the areas of Stress Management, Management
and Leadership Training, Sales Development and
Brain Integration.
Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining
keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact
on performance enhancement and productivity.
For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz'
programs, to read a free monthly article, or
to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports go
Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-8008
757 496-9955 (fax)