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The Placebo Is Real And It Can Aid Our Ability To Heal

Monsanto Is Making A Pig Of Itself

Since I'm On A Monsanto Kick, Let's Look At The Dangers From Roundup

The New High-Definition TV's Use a lot Of Energy

Avoid The Fear Of Flying By Taking GABA

Take Lycopene As Part Of Prostate Cancer Treatment

Here's A Great Piece On The Benefits of Hugging

Feedback From A Participant At A Program I Did For GMAC Realty
Last Month

I Talked About Hire Golden To Help You Find the Right Person

Switched-On Selling and Network Marketing Seminars and Instructor Certification

Becoming An Instructor


Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor 
Optimum Brain Performance Educator


The Placebo Is Real And It Can Aid Our Ability To Heal
Brain researchers are discovering that there are biological mechanisms in the brain that turn a thought, belief or desire into an agent that makes changes in the body's cells, tissues and organs. Our internal perception affects our internal response to things. Some of the studies validating the placebo effect include one in which doctors in Texas faked knee surgery. Two years later, the patients who were given the fake surgery reported the same amount of relief as the ones who had actually received arthroscopic knee surgery. Another study found that 86% of men taking a baldness remedy had increased hair growth while 42% of the men receiving a placebo did as well.

Culture can also influence the placebo effect. In a study published in the journal Medical Anthropology Quarterly, researchers compared 122 double-blind studies of ulcer treatments from around the world. In all countries, the doctors used the same technique: drugs and placebo pills. The drugs worked 75 to 80 percent of the time while the placebo effect varied from country to country. In Germany the healing rate with the placebo pills for the ulcers was 60%, the US was 36% whereas in Brazil the rate was only 6%. So... if you're taking a pill or other treatment, you've gotta believe that it's going to work to get the most value out of the treatment.

Monsanto Is Making A Pig Of Itself
Monsanto has recently filed patents in 160 countries to own the rights to pigs. Monsanto is claiming that it owns the legal rights to certain types of breeding techniques commonly used by farmers around the world. It is requesting that it be given ownership of all the pigs born using their techniques as well as of all the herds of pigs that have been developed as a result of pigs initially born from that technique. Simply put, this would place total control of the pig industry in the hands of one company. All the pig farmers in the world would then become employees of Monsanto. This is a great example of corporate greed attempting to overstuff itself on bacon ...without the eggs.  

Since I'm On A Monsanto Kick, Let's Look At The Dangers From Roundup
Roundup is Monsanto's best selling pesticide and it is labeled by Monsanto as "safe". Three recent studies, however, dispute this "fact." A study in Environmental Health Perspectives found damage to human placental cells at exposure levels ten times below what the company claims as safe. Two other studies have linked Roundup with an increase in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and an increase in miscarriages. Another study found an increase in ADD (attention deficit disorder) from exposure to Roundup. So... if you are going to use Roundup around your house, do it sparingly and keep it away from kids.

The New High-Definition TV's Use Alot Of Energy
The manufacturers of high-definition TV's are ignoring informing you of one important fact. Your new TV will be using as much electricity as two refrigerators and amount to 10% of the typical American household's electricity bill. With all the concern about the costs of power and electricity, it's absurd that these manufacturers aren't doing a better job of reducing electrical usage. So, if you buy a new TV, you'll know why your electric bill jumped.  

Avoid The Fear Of Flying By Taking GABA
Do you experience a fear of flying? Do you get sweating palms, racing heart and shortness of breath? If so, gammaminobutyric acid (GABA) may be the natural answer. All you need to do is take 750 mgs of GABA thirty minute before boarding the airplane and another 750 mg a few hours later, if needed and say goodbye to panic attacks about flying.

Take Lycopene As Part Of Prostate Cancer Treatment
A study published in British Journal of Urology International reported on the use of lycopene as a way to reduce the activity of prostate cancer while reducing bone pain and the people lived longer, too!  The study compared 54 men with advanced cancer whose testicles were surgically removed with a group that had the surgery plus oral supplementation with 4 mg of lycopene a day. The results found that after six months the PSA levels in the lycopene group were 65% lower than the group that had the surgery only. After two years the lycopene group's PSA was in the normal range while the surgery group's PSA was more than twice the upper limit of normal. The lycopene group also had less bone pain.

Finally, after two years the survival rate of the lycopene group was 87% versus 78% for the surgery-only group. Lycopene is found in tomato products and must be cooked for the lycopene to be activated.  While this study used 4 mg per day other studies have used 25 mg per day. So, guys... low sodium tomato juice is much healthier than a beer.  

Here's A Great Piece On The Benefits of Hugging
Hugging is healthy: It helps the body's immunity system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it reduces stress, it induces sleep, it's invigorating, it's rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects, and hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug.

Hugging is all natural: It is organic, naturally sweet, no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients and 100% wholesome.

Hugging is practically perfect: There are no movable parts, no batteries to wear out, no periodic checkups, low energy consumption, high energy yield, inflation-proof, non-fattening, no monthly payments, no insurance requirements, theft-proof, non-taxable, non-polluting and, of course, fully returnable.

So... hug away for optimum health and wellness.

Feedback From A Participant At A Program I Did For GMAC Realty
"I literally had an emotional meltdown just last week due to the many overwhelming stressors in life (one major one is that my husband is in Iraq and in a dangerous area to boot). Your class has helped me release and unload so much of my negative energy - words could never describe how grateful I am."

Carol Jamison
Home Team GMAC

Last Month I Talked About Hire Golden To Help You Find the Right Person
Jeff Geyer, Senior VP of Hire Golden, was so pleased with my having mentioned his company's using the power of the internet to hire employees that he would like to offer a $100 discount to any of my subscribers who are first-time users of his company's system. You can get the discount by emailing Jeff Geyer at or calling him at 970 225-0333. Make sure you tell him I referred you and give him this code ABC111. If you use his services, let me know how it works out.

Switched-On Selling and Network Marketing Seminars and Instructor Certification
I will be doing my Switched-On Selling and Network Marketing Seminars and Instructor Certification Trainings near Danbury CT in mid-November. These trainings are brain rewiring programs that use the Brain Gym technology to create new and immediate levels of success! For information and to register, go to You'll also find the research study that I did with over 350 salespeople validating the amazing results people who attend the seminar achieve. A study on the tremendous results for Network Marketers located in that page, too.

Here's what Jay Horton, an insurance agent who has been in the business eighteen years, said about the SOS Seminar: "My reason for taking your Seminar was to try and overcome my call reluctance that I had struggled with all my career.  After the Seminar, it became necessary to 'get on the phone' and book appointments for presentations.  The ease with which I was able to make those calls and the positive responses that I received from the people I was calling was truly amazing.  Literally, I had a 100% positive response to the calls I made, all appointments were booked and the presentations completed. 

This Seminar has completely changed my feeling of self-esteem and self-worth and it is quite vividly evident in the response I am getting from the people I am contacting.  I would recommend that anyone and everyone be encouraged to take the Seminars you offer because they are literally 'life changing' and will produce noticeable, positive results immediately."

So... don't miss this opportunity to dramatically increase your sales. This is a seminar that really does work to immediately change your level of success in the selling and network marketing game.

Seminar Date: 
Switched-On Selling and Switched-On Network Marketing
- both are given at the same time on November 18.

Becoming An Instructor
I also certify people to be Instructors of these Seminars.  The Instructor Training and Certification is November 18-21. For more information go to and click on the button Instructor Certification.  

That's it for this month.
Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports go to

Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach
, VA 23454
757 496-8008
757 496-9955 (fax)



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