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Stopping Antibiotic Resistance

Yes, Stopping Alzheimer's Is Possible

New Hope For Macular Degeneration

Avoid Antihistamines In Kids With Ear Infections

Halpern's Subliminal CD Impacts

Dissolve Blood Clots The Natural Way

Exercise Can Stop Jet Lag And Reset Your Biological Clocks

Dr. Teplitz'
Instant Migraine
Headache Relief:
Migraine Relief in 5 minutes NATURALLY Click here

Volume 3 #8

Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy Doctor"!

You Can Now Search Past Issues Of the Teplitz Email Reports
I've put a search capability on the Teplitz Email Report site on my website. You can now enter your search word and find out if I've written anything on what you are interested in researching. All you need to do is go to

Stopping Antibiotic Resistance
As you may know, strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics is becoming more and more of a danger. We are losing the benefit of many of the drugs that have been effective against diseases. One of the key ways this resistance is being spread is through the use of antibiotics the raising of commercial poultry and livestock. The Government Accounting Office has called this situation "an unacceptable risk to the public health."

There is a way out of this mess and the damage can even be reversed! A report from the World Health Organization reveals a decline in bacterial resistance in Denmark after most feed uses for drugs were banned in 1998. An Environmental Defense scientist, Dr. Rebecca Goldberg thinks that the elimination of drugs gives bacteria that had been nonresistant to drugs an advantage in survival over the drug resistant strains. Therefore, bacterial resistance declines to our drugs.

Now we need to get this message to the government regulators.

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Yes, Stopping Alzheimer's Is Possible
Researchers in Germany published a study in Arch Gerontol Geriatr where 9 Alzheimer's patients were given 600 mgs of alpha-lipoic acid daily for a year. During the year testing revealed that their condition stabilized and they didn't experience any further loss of cognitive function.

Where can you find alpha-lipoic acid? Just head down to your local health food store!

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New Hope For Macular Degeneration
As reported in Alternatives, Dr. Merrill Allen of the University Of Indiana School Of Optometry has been treating patients for the dry for of macular degeneration and his results have been miraculous. He's been using a combination of nutritional supplements and a TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) device. A TENS device delivers a specific electrical current to an area of the body and has been used for years to help stop lower back pain.

Dr. Allen has been seen a dramatic improvement his patients. The scientist believes that the treatment both improves blood flow to the eye and appears to trigger regrowth of the retina and photoreceptors in the eye.

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Avoid Antihistamines In Kids With Ear Infections
University of Texas researchers treated 176 kids with achy ears with an antihistamine and an antibiotic. These kids wound up with middle-ear fluid build up that lasted for 73 days. This build up hurts, can muffle hearing and can serve as a breeding ground for repeat inflections.

In kids who didn't get the antihistamine, the ears drained in 23 to 25 days. So…if your kid gets an ear infection and you want to give him an antibiotic, stay away from also giving him or her an antihistamine, too.

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Halpern's Subliminal CD Impacts
Reader Lori Miller wrote to me about Steven Halpern's Subliminal Music CD on Sleeping Soundly. Here's what Lori had to say. "I purchased the Sleeping Soundly CD and I've been sleeping through the night (or falling asleep quickly upon waking) since I started listening to it. It's my first time experiencing subliminal music CDs and I'm interested to witness the results of Attracting Prosperity, which I listen to during my drive to work."

See the most popular of these Subliminal CDs

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Lower Your Possibility Of Prostate Cancer
There's an herbal mineral formula called Formula HP that can lower PSA levels and stop Prostate cancer cell growth. In a small study it was shown to stop cancer cell growth in 80 to 90% of the prostate cell lines. In a group of 14 men 70% had lowered their PSA levels by 43.5% after just 6 months. The men also reported an improvement in feelings of general we-being, improved ability to pass urine and a significant reduction in pain and discomfort.

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Dissolve Blood Clots The Natural Way
From Japan comes a cheese-like fermented food called natto that contains a very potent enzyme called nattokinase that can both prevent blood clots from forming and even dissolve clots that have already formed. To date there have been 17 published studies validating the impact of natto and showing that natto has no side effects (Person's on warfarin should not take natto. Taking 100 grams of natto has similar clot-busting activity as compared to a therapeutic dose of a leading clot-busting drug. It also works 48% faster and keeps the blood clear for four to eight hours vs. 4 to
20 minutes for a drug.

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Exercise Can Stop Jet Lag And Reset Your Biological Clocks
Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco have discovered that our muscles contain mini clocks which can help your body's master clock reset faster when you change time zones. To get the benefit all you need to do is to exercise for two or three workouts after you have arrived at your destination. What kind of exercise will work – walking, aerobics and lifting weights will do it. So…when you land at your destination, get those sneakers on as soon as you can.

Another recommendation that I make is to use meditation as a means of beating jet lag before you even get off the plan. If you know how to meditation, just do an extra couple of meditations while you are flying.
If you want to learn how to meditate you can purchase my book Managing Your Stress: How To Relax and Enjoy and learn how to meditate successfully in minutes. To order go the and click on Books and Tapes.

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That's it for this month.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports go to .

Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Dr
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
757 431-1317
757 431-1503 (fax)






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