Volume 3 #6 - June 2004
Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy
Search Engine Now Available For Teplitz Email Reports
I've just put a search engine on the Archives section of the Teplitz
Email Reports so you can search it to find out if I've previously
written about something you are interested in learning more about.
Just click here and enter your search word.
Have fun!
It's Mosquito Time – Defend
Yourself Now!
It's mosquito time again. Yes you can buy bug sprays, but do you
really want that poison in or on your body. Well there's a natural
alternative available that I wrote about a couple of years ago in
the Teplitz Report. Since there are so many new subscribers to the
newsletter, let me share the solution with you again. It's Vitamin
B1. All you need to do is take 100 mg every six to eight hours when
you are going to be outside.
The Army did the original research on this years ago. They sent
two groups of soldiers out into the bush for two weeks. One group
was given bug goop and the other group took Vitamin B1. When they
came out of the bush, the group using the bug goop was covered with
bug bites. The Vitamin B1 group had hardly any bites on them.
I went camping last summer with some friends who have hiked the
Appalachian Trail. They were willing to use the Vitamin B1 and were
surprised when they had no bites at all at the end of the weekend.
So give it a swallow and let me know how it works for you.
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TV May Cause Attention
Deficit In Kids
A study published in Pediatrics had parents of 1,345 children aged
1 and 3 report on their children's viewing habits. The researchers
found that for every hour of TV the children regularly watched on
a daily basis they increased their chances of developing attention
deficit disorders later in life by 10 percent. This means that kids
who watched three to four hours daily had a 30 to 40% increase in
risk. The researchers believe it’s the unrealistically fast-paced
visual images typical of most TV programming that may be altering
normal brain development.
From the research that's been done in the field of Brain Gym, this
over stimulation may cause the survival part of the brain to increase
its development. This means the child has a reduced ability to focus
and concentrate while acting restless and impulsive and being easily
So…if you have very young children, do your best to not turn
the TV into their babysitter.
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A New Way To Build Your
There's a new nutritional component for protecting your joints that
comes from avocado and soybeans. It's been used in Europe for nearly
a decade and is called FASU. In studies it's been shown to help
improve joint mobility, stimulate collagen synthesis which is critical
in building cartilage and strengthening connective tissue. It also
promotes greater joint lubrication and helps ease joint discomfort.
The only place I am currently aware of that has it in a formulation
is through www.drwhitaker.com where it's in a supplement called
Joint Essentials.
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Speaking Of Joints
Besides lowering your risk of bone fractures, Vitamin D may also
reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. A recent study found that
women who took more than 200 IUs a day of Vitamin D had a 33% lower
risk of rheumatoid arthritis.
If you take a supplement, make sure it has around 400 IUs of Vitamin
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As You Age, Watch Those
The federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reported
that one in five Americans over 65 has been improperly prescribed
drugs – mainly barbiturates and tranquilizers. These drugs
can impair balance, cause fatigue and mental confusion. As a matter
of fact, experts believe that one in four admissions to nursing
homes involves drugs. An example would be hip fractures. The fall
that causes the fracture is often a result of the person losing
their balance because of taking sedatives and tranquilizers.
One way of understanding this statistic is that the number of pharmacy
alerts to patients on potential problems with the mix of drugs they
are taking jumped from 3.4 million per year in 1999 to 7.9 million
in 2002.
So…elderly people need to be more careful of the drugs they
are taking. The more they are taking the more they can have problems.
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You Want To Fall Asleep
Then Warm Your Feet
A study published in Nature found that warm feet and hands may help
you fall asleep. It turned out that warm extremities were closely
tied to falling asleep quickly. Grandma knew what she was talking
when she said bed socks were good for you. Just make sure you're
not too warm under the covers.
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Exercise and Talking
For Fibromyalgia Relief
Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia compared drug
and nondrug treatments by analyzing 49 studies involving 2,066 people.
They found that people who used regular physical activity and cognitive
behavioral therapy which involves substituting positive thoughts
and feelings for negative ones felt less pain and fatigue and performed
daily tasks more easily than those taking just drugs.
So…if you know someone with fibromyalgia suggest they do
walking, swimming, yoga 30 minutes every other day. Also suggest
they experiment with cognitive behavioral therapy or a half an hour
of meditation five or six times a week.
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A New Concept In Weight
A researcher and physician at Yale University analyzed more than
700 studies on weight loss. Here's what he found – every one
of the diets he investigated worked for some people. Some even had
as high as a 30% success rate. What this means is you might succeed
by matching the right diet to the dieter and a key element is finding
one that matches up with your natural preferences. For example,
if you enjoy fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods you'll do
well on a low-fat diet. One size doesn't fit all seems to apply
to weight loss as well as clothing.
So…experiment with diets that that allow you to eat foods
that you enjoy already whether its Atkins, Weight Watchers or Ornish.
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Now Available On The
Internet – Migraine and Headache Relief
I'm excited, I've just completed putting my 90 second Headache Relief
Treatment and my 5 minute Migraine Relief Treatment on the internet
so that you can stream them and receive immediate relief. The site
also contains treatments for sinus colds and stiff necks and sore
shoulders. The cost of each treatment is only $9.99. To find out
more about it and to take advantage of these treatments and several
free bonus gifts go to www.instantheadacherelief.com
– you'll be glad you did.
If you run a website and would be interested in becoming an affiliate
to offer these treatments to your clients as well as earn income,
just send me an email and I will get you the necessary information.
That's it for this month.
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Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than
1 million people over the last 26 years including many Fortune 500
Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal
success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal
energy system.
The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused,
energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and
has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults
in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training,
Sales Development and Brain Integration.
Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and
seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and
productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs,
to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email
Reports go to www.teplitz.com
Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
228 N. Donnawood Dr., Ste 204
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
757 431-1317
757 431-1503 (fax)
Copyright 1999-2001, Jerry V. Teplitz
Reproduction for publication is encouraged, with attribution.