What If Your
Baby Has Colic
Sprouts That Can Be Great For You
A Vacation - Its Better Medicine Than You Ever Thought
Speaking Of Living Longer
Eating Organic May Be More Important Than You Think
There's A Power In Nodding Your Head And Smiling, Too
If You're Using An Internet Pharmacy, Is It
Blueberries Can Stop Alzheimer
Is Managing Your Time an Issue For You?
Comments from a reader
Switched-On Seminars & Instructor Trainings
| |
Volume 3 #3 - March 2004
Dr. Teplitz - the "Energy
Here is the latest issue of the Teplitz Email Report. Enjoy it.
What If Your Baby
Has Colic
There's a great herbal remedy for colic. It's fennel. In clinical trials
with 125 colicky babies from 2 to 12 weeks old, one half were given fennel
and the other group received water. After seven days of treatment, 65% of
the fennel group significantly improved after taking fennel-seed-oil called
Pediacalm. Only 24% of the placebo group improved. Use 1/4 teaspoons between
feedings and up to 2 oz per day. And best of all there are no side effects.
In addition fennel has been shown to relieve indigestion, including pain,
nausea, belching, heartburn and colitis.
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Sprouts That
Can Be Great For You
There's a compound found in a type of sprout called BroccoSprouts that
contains a chemical called SGS which helps prevent breast and colon cancer.
Johns Hopkins University researchers found three-day-old sprouts contained
20 times more SGS than mature broccoli. This means 1/2 cup of BroccoSprouts
is the equivalent of 3 cups of cooked broccoli. You can order the sprouts
from 877 747-1277.
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A Vacation -
Its Better Medicine Than You Ever Thought
A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine followed 12,000 men for fourteen
years. It was found that men who took an annual vacation were less likely to
die from heart disease, as well as from any cause. So...even though this
study was done on men, make sure you take your partner or significant other.
You'll have a much better time and definitely live longer.
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Speaking Of Living
Cynthia Kenyon, a structural biologist at University of California at San
Francisco, was able to suppress a single gene in worms extending their
normal life span six fold. Usually these worms live about 20 days. Her worms
lived more than 120 days plus they remained robust almost until they died.
She's working on creating a human antiaging pill. So...until the pill is
perfected, keep taking that vacation.
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Eating Organic May
Be More Important Than You Think
A study reported in Prevention Magazine found that the higher
price for organic groceries is worth the price. Kids, ages 2 to 5, who ate a
75% organic diet, had chemicals at a level six times lower in their diet
than kids on a conventional diet. These chemicals cause neurological damage,
leukemia and other types of cancer. The chemicals they were looking at are
the ones commonly used in agricultural pesticides in the US. So...organic
may really pay for children and even adults.
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There's A Power
In Nodding Your Head And Smiling, Too
That's right nodding your head and smiling can build your
self-confidence. Researchers from Ohio State University asked volunteers to
nod their heads while listening to radio commentaries. When asked their
opinion of what they heard, the people who nodded had stronger convictions
than the control group. So...think positively about yourself while you nod
your head. You can even do it silently. Also, if you're smiling you'll
increase the impact even more.
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If You're Using An
Internet Pharmacy, Is It Legitimate?
There are a lot more fraudulent internet pharmacies showing
up on line. Even ones that claim that they are from Canada may not be.
So...here's a way to determine if the e-pharmacy you want to use is legit.
Go to www.nahp.net/vipps/into.asp to check them out.
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Blueberries Can Stop
There's an antioxidant in blueberries that boosts an enzyme
that helps to keep the brain cells communicating and thus, preventing
Alzheimer. So...I guess you'll need more than just a blueberry a day to get
a sufficient quantity of blueberries into your system.
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Is Managing Your Time an Issue For You?
If it is, there is an online answer for you. We now have
available an online profile called the Time Mastery Profile by the Inscape
Publishing Company. You fill the profile response form out online and you'll
immediately receive a complete analysis of your time management strengths
and areas that need improvement. You'll then be led through a complete
analysis of what you need to be doing to increase your effectiveness.
To take this profile, send us an email to
Dorothy@Teplitz.com and put Time
Mastery Profile in the subject line and we'll send you all the necessary
codes and billing information. The cost of the entire profile report is
regularly $22.95. Your special price is only $19.95. This offer is good
until March 31, 2004.
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Comments from a reader
Tim Durkin emailed me, "I just want to thank you for your incredibly
valuable newsletter which pleases me every time I see it in my mailbox. It's
just full of great ideas on health and nutrition and has a positive vibe. I
have been enjoying oil of oregano for about a year and have been virtually
disease free." Thanks, Tim.
Switched-On Seminars & Instructor Trainings
Here's the schedule for my upcoming Switched-On Selling, Switched-On Network
Marketing, and Switched-On Management Seminars and Instructor
Also, I am teaching the special Switched-On Golf & Par and Beyond: Secrets
To Better Golf seminars.
These are the seminars that use the Brain Gym(r) movement exercises to do
the brain rewiring. It's the easiest way to become better as a salesperson,
network marketer, manager, or golfer. To see the research reports and read
the testimonials for attendees, you can go to my website at www.Teplitz.com/switched.htm.
Here's what Serge Gravelle, President/CEO of MyMall Network Corporation, had
to say about Switched-On Selling:
"The results were instantaneous; within 24 hours, we had closed seven
contracts, seven times more than we had done during the preceding eight
months. By the end of the week, we had signed eighteen contracts. The best
part is that I enjoyed making the sales, a feeling I had a hard time
experiencing in the past".
Here's what Chuck Hogan had to say about the golf seminar. "It's an elegant
way to improve your game".
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April 29 and 30 in Burnaby, BC, Canada (near Vancouver)
April 23, 2004 - Frankfurt, Germany
May 1, 2004 - Burnaby, BC, Canada
April 23, 2004 - Frankfurt, Germany
May 1, 2004 - Burnaby, BC, Canada
May 4, 2004 - Burnaby, BC, Canada
For more information on these seminars and the registration forms go to
www.teplitz.com/switched_main.htm. If you would prefer me to email you any
of the brochures and registration information, email me at info@teplitz.com.
Also, you can become an Instructor of the business seminars. For more
information on the Instructor Certifications requirements, just click on the
link that's above and then click on "How To Become and Instructor".
Please give my office a call at 800-777-3529 if you have any questions about
these programs or if you'd like to register.
That's it for this month.
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Dr. Jerry Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last
30 years including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. This results in a work force being more positive, more effective, more focused, more energized and more Productive. He's author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations.
Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports go to www.Teplitz.com .
Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
228 N. Donnawood Dr, Ste 204, Virginia Beach VA 23452
(757) 431-1317, (800) 77-RELAX (800 777-3529), Fax (757) 431-1503
Copyright 1999-2001, Jerry V. Teplitz - reproduction for publication is
encouraged, with attribution.