This And More In This Month's Teplitz Report

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   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2017
Volume 16,  Issue # 2




Some interesting topics in this month's report:

RADIO: Michelle De Sousa - An Energy Approach To Healing Proof That Drugs Don't Work
A Powerful Alternative To Vaccinations
Options To Drugs When You've Got A Virus

Cinnamon Helps Mice Learn And It May Help Us Too
Interpreting Breast Biopsy Results May Not Be Accurate 
New Therapy For Stroke Victims  
SPECIAL - Use Your Mind Body Connection to Energize Your Life with This Months Special - Switched-On Living! 

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This Week's Expert:
Michelle De Sousa

Kay Meyer

Healing through energy is the focus of Reiki, a Japanese healing approach, that came to this country in the 1970s. It’s a powerful approach that has research backing its ability to create change in your body. Join my guest, Reiki Master Michelle de Sousa, to learn about the different kinds of Reiki, how it works and most importantly, how you can heal by using Reiki.

Enjoy the show!


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 A Powerful Alternative To Vaccinations

If you’ve read my previous Teplitz Reports, you know that I’ve been concerned about vaccinations - especially the high number that are given to babies and children over a short period of time. I’ve just learned about an option that is much safer. It’s call homeoprophylaxis, (HP) and it’s delivered differently from vaccines. Whatever disease you are looking to be protected against, you’ll have HP placed on tiny sugar pellets. The substance has no adjuvants, preservatives, antibiotics, animal viruses, GMOs or excipients of any kind in it. It contains only the frequency of the disease. This means that your immune system only defends itself against one disease at a time and the side effects are much milder than the possible side effects with multiple injections and multiple substances and additives in one injection. The HO side effects might be a brief runny nose or needing to take a long nap.


There has never been a death or dangerous side effects from using HP. On the plus side, there have been a number of large-scale observational studies conducted against a number of diseases using HP, including, a study of Leptospirosis with 2.5 million people in Cuba, Meningitis with 85,000 people in Brazil, Influenza and Japanese encephalitis with 20 million people in India. It’s also been effective for the prevention of childhood diseases as reported in a study with 3500 children over a 15 year period.

To find out where to get a kit for your child, google homeoprophylaxis kit.

(Reported The Healthy Home Economist, the Green Vaccine Alternative, July 2016)



Cinnamon Helps Mice Learn And It May Help Us Too

A study published in the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology found that cinnamon given to mice turned poor learners into good ones. It appears that when cinnamon is broken down in the body it produces sodium benzoate and when the sodium benzoate enters the hippocampus it stimulates plasticity in the brain. 

The kind of cinnamon you want to take is from Ceylon or Sri Lanka. The cinnamon in stores is the Chinese variety and it may be toxic to the liver in large amounts. You can order the Ceylon one from The Vitamin Shoppe and have it delivered to your local branch and there will be no shipping charges.

 New Therapy For Stroke Victims

Strokes are the leading cause of long-term disability affecting almost 800,000 people a year. A new procedure is going to begin clinical trials that could improve the physical rehabilitation of stroke victims. It’s called beep brain stimulation (DBS) and it has been used in the past to treat tremors from Parkinson’s disease. The way it works is that electrodes are inserted into the brain and a stimulator like a pacemaker is implanted just under the skin. Its aim is to stimulate the growth of brain cells and synaptic connections. That’s what happened in research done using rats. The rats receiving DBS developed twice as many synapse between nerve cells as those who did not receive it. The DBS rats also had a higher level of proteins which is associated with increased brain plasticity. The Cleveland Clinic Neurological Institute will be leading the trials.


So…a little electrode here and a little electrode there, may have a major impact of people recovering from a stroke.

(Reported Dan Burrus,


Proof That Drugs Don't Work

An article in the journal Nature by Nicholas J. Schork, director of human biology at the J. Craig Venter Institute reported that we are wasting our money on expensive drugs that don’t work. He looked at the top ten blockbuster drugs and found that even the most effective ones work for only 1 in 4 patients. As an example, Crestor is effective in one in eighteen patients and Nexium is effective in only one in twenty-five patients. This means that Nexium has a failure rate of 96%. Those are not great odds for gambling that you will be one of the 4% that the drug will help.

In addition to all of the money spent on these drugs, one other problem is all of the terrible side effects that these drugs may cause. Not only do we all get stuck paying for the costs of the drugs by an increase in our insurance premiums or taxes, we also get stuck paying for attempting to heal the person of the side effects. So…these statistics are why I look at all kinds of healing options and write about them so that you can find an option that will really work.


Options To Drugs When You've Got A Virus

There are a lot of viruses out there. Since the article above talked about the uselessness of the blockbuster drugs, I thought I’d share with you some simpler options that may work for you.

  1. For congestion, sprinkle some cayenne pepper into your soup. 

  2. To break up mucus, take 600 mg twice a day of N-acetyl cysteine. 

  3. Use a neti pot to relieve congestion. 

  4. For a sore throat, gargle with warm salt water.  

  5. Use honey to suppress a cough.  

  6. Use zinc lozenge to reduce cold symptoms by 2 or 3 days.  

  7. Use Echinacea, elderberry and aged garlic for colds and flu relief.

  8.  Take Vitamin C (500 to 1,000 mg every hour) at the first sign of a cold.

  9. Get intravenous Vitamin C to kill viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells.

  10. Keep your Vitamin D3 level between 50-80 mg/ml and take some Vitamin k2 to help the D work.

   (Reported Dr. Whitaker’ Health and Healing, November 2016)


Interpreting Breast Biopsy Results May Not Be Accurate 


A study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association reported on the results of having two groups of docs examine breast biopsy slides. One group was analyzed by pathologists while the second group was composed of experts who were internationally recognized pathologists and were experts in diagnosing breast pathology. While there was almost complete agreement on diagnosing invasive breast cancer and benign ones, their results differed dramatically when the patient had atypical ductal hyperplasia called DCIS. The regular pathologists were in agreement with the experts only 48% of the time. That means if you have DCIS, you really need to get a second and even a third opinion from a real expert in the field

(Reported Bottom Line Personal, May 1, 2015)




SPECIAL :Use Your Mind Body Connection to Energize Your Life with Switched-On Living! 



Combining proven techniques and the latest research on the mind-body connection, Switched-On Living is based in Behavioral Kinesiology, a proven do-it-yourself biofeedback system that enables you to identify --and overcome-- unsuspected sources of stress that interfere with the body's energy; its immune system, and it's basic health and well-being!

Among the techniques you will learn:

* The Seven Quick & Easy "Energy Enhancers"
* Easy ways to identify and release stress
* Simple methods to take charge of your life
* How to unleash the power of your mind
* How to strengthen the body's wellness & energy
* How changing your mind changes your energy level

From overcoming fears to improving diet to alleviating learning disabilities, your body knows the problems and solutions ... even if you don't.  This book explains how to tap that knowledge!

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 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529