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   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2015
Volume 14,  Issue # 7






Some interesting topics in this month's report:

RADIO: Dr. Kevin Ross Emery - ADHD, ADD – POWERFUL LETTERS – DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE IT AND WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT  How You Treat People At Work Impacts Their Lives 


Go Nuts And Live Longer A New Approach To Stopping Alzheimer's Disease
The Power Of A Hug To Keep The Bugs Away   New Method Approved For Breast Reconstruction Trial  
Understanding How To Use 100% Of Your Brain  Where Is Consciousness Located? 
Using Worms To Heal  SPECIAL: Guess Who's Meditating And A Special Offer Too!

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This Week's Expert:
Dr. Kevin Ross Emery

Michelle De Sousa

A child with these letters is labeled as learning disabled by teachers, friends and family. The child can be put on drugs and in special education classes. What if we’re looking at this all wrong? What if these kids shouldn't be on meds? What if ADHD and ADD can be viewed as a gift? What if these kids are actually exceptional? Join me as I explore this topic with Dr. Kevin Ross Emery. Dr. Emery is an expert on learning disabilities and he’s author of the book Managing The Gift: Alternative Approaches For Attention Deficit Disorder.

Learn more about Dr. Kevin Ross Emery  at


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Go Nuts And Live Longer!

We’ve all heard the expression “An Apple a Day Keeps The Doctor Away”. Well, now it’s time to add another expression “A Few Nuts a Day Could Keep The Doctor Away”. A study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that men and women who ate a minimum of 10 grams of peanuts or tree nuts a day were at lower risk of dying from major causes of death including cancer, diabetes as well as diseases that affect the brain, heart and lungs.


This was a 30 year study which included over 120,000 people from the Netherlands who were between the ages of 55 to 69. The participants who reported their daily consumption of nuts and peanuts had a 23% reduction on mortality. Ten grams of nuts is about 7 almonds a day. So…now’s the time to go nutty over nuts!

(Reported The Huffington Post, Kate Bratskeir, 6/12/15)



The Power Of A Hug To Keep the Bugs Ways

A study published in Psychological Science reported that hugging after being exposed to a common cold virus could protect the person against the cold. In this study,the researchers exposed participants to a common cold virus. The participants who received daily hugs were far less likely to develop symptoms than those who were seldom hugged. It seems that the touch resulting from a hug lowered the person’s stress levels which protects the person against catching a cold.

Understanding How To Use 100% Of Your Brain


Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. His is a stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, In this video, he explains where the express we only use 10% of the brain came from and how we have the ability to use 100% of the brain. Bruce also recommends using Braing Gym® to increase your abilities. His thoughts go reinforce the Switched-On Seminars that I’ve developed. You can watch it at


Using Worms To Heal  

How about a strange way to heal by using worms. We have bacteria that are beneficial to our intestinal system so how about hookworms? Hookworms have been used to heal people of a disease which requires very close monitoring of your food intake called Crohn’s disease There seem to be two reasons that the worms work. One is that the worms’ excretions increase the number of regulatory T cells in the person’s body. These T cells are known as the peacekeepers of the immune system and keep inflammation in check. The other is explained in an experimental biology publication, The Journal of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology (FASEB).  The FASEB Journal describes how peptides found in the hookworms inhibit the proliferation of effector memory T cells which trigger inflammation.


Over a millennia the hookworm developed what James Cook University biologist Alex  Loukas has called an “exquisite strategies” to suppress the host’s immune inflammation response while doing as little harm to the host’s system so they can reproduce and infect the next host. So…this means that it’s strategy can heal the person who has this an inflammation in their system.

(Reported DISCOVER July/August 2015)


How You Treat People At Work Impacts Their Lives  

I thought you'd like to see this article in The New York Times on how people and bosses negative or positive attitudes can affect other people’s performance and health. It confirms what I’ve been talking about with how our thoughts and words affect you as well as the people around you. Click here to read this article


A New Approach To Stopping Alzheimer’s Disease

A study published in Science Translational Medicine used ultrasound to remove the plaques that can form in the brain with Alzheimer’s. The researchers developed a particular type of ultrasound called a focused therapeutic ultrasound which beams sound waves into the brain tissue. By oscillating super-fast, these sound waves are able to gently open up the blood-brain barrier and activate the brain’s microglial cells. These cells are waste removal cells and they clear out the beta-amyloid clumps in the brain.


The process has been done on mice and the researchers reported that they were able to fully restore the memory function of 75% of the mice. The researchers are aiming to get human trials going in 2017. So…this breakthrough is exciting news to possibly stopping Alzheimer’s even when it is severe.

 New Method Approved For Breast Reconstruction Trial

The FDA has approved clinical trials for a novel breast reconstruction process. The method uses the woman’s own fat and stem cells to create the reconstruction. The doctors took the stem cells out of the woman’s body and kept the strongest ones, spun them and put them into that fat. Dr. Joel Aronowitz has conducted over 1,000 of these reconstructions at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

(Reported, 6/7/15)


Where Is Consciousness Located? 

I just ran across a powerful video on The Mystery of Consciousness video Here’s the write up about it.           Perhaps the greatest mystery of human experience is consciousness itself. Today, the fields of neuroscience and neurotechnology provide astounding insights into the electrical and chemical processes of the brain. Consequently, institutional science proposes with confidence that the brain alone creates conscious experience. Yet despite all that science has learned, the very source and essence of consciousness remains a puzzle. Thunderbolts colleague Dr. Michael Clarage shares with us his thoughts on the enduring mysteries of consciousness.


Guess Who's Meditating and a Special Offer Too!

There’s no doubt about it—times are difficult, and that’s leading people to experience more and more stress. From being laid off, to losing your house, to being unable to retire, you may be facing a difficult time yourself. Even if none of these calamities is affecting you personally, you know people who are or you are feeling nervous about the future just from listening to the news. 

Welcome to the stress that’s going on in the world today. All this stress is not benign either. High levels can lead to high blood pressure, digestive problems, difficulty concentrating, and increased risk of disease. This book presents easy, effective techniques to reduce stress, eliminate pain, relieve insomnia, and gain an overall sense of well-being. From a ninety-second cure for headaches, to five minute relief from a migraine, to a twenty-second tapping technique that delivers immediate energy, this fully illustrated book offers hands-on, proven methods to immediately manage stress. 

Author Jerry V. Teplitz, J.D., Ph.D, pioneer in the area of stress management, teaches people how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system. 

The only way this book doesn’t work for you is if you don’t read it!


This books is regularly priced at $18.00 plus shipping  Click below and get yours today for only $15 and free shipping!   (free ship offer only good for US orders)

US -  Only $15 Plus FREE SHIPPING!    CANADA - Only $15 Plus Shipping










 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529 


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