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Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 



   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2013
Volume 12, Issue #





Some interesting topics this month in the Teplitz Report:

RADIO: WE'VE MOVED!  This Week's Show: Great Advice from a Health Coach The Health Benefits Of Prayer
Mistaking Iron Deficiency For ADHD A Mom Carries A Baby & A Cat Carries A Kitten – They’re Tied Together
Using Bromelain To Kill Cancer Cells Tibetan Buddhist Monks Can Raise Their Body Temperature Dramatically
Can you Overdose on Water? Eating The Right Foods Can Make You Happier
Using Yoga And Tai Chi To Reduce The Effects Of Fibromyalgia NEW: Now Anyone in the World can Become a Certified Brain-Gym Instructor from the Comfort of Your Home with My New Online Certification Courses!

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RADIO: This Weeks Show: GREAT ADVICE FROM A HEALTH COACH - with Tim Pendry

We've moved my Radio Broadcasts over to a new location - You can bookmark them here: 

This Week: Tim Pendry went to the University of New Hampshire on a football scholarship where he studied sports medicine and biochemistry.

Tim then got into nutrition and orthopedics.
He now is a Health Coach and owns Sunshine Health Foods in Titusville, Florida.

Join us as we talk about your brain, your thyroid and that sexist of topics, your sex hormones

Go here: Healthy Alternatives Radio to listen or download the program.

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Mistaking Iron Deficiency For ADHD

The symptoms attributed to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are poor concentration, attention span and irritability.

Well, it also turns out that these symptoms can also be symptoms of iron deficiency anemia in children.

So…if you, school officials or your doc thinks your child is ADHD, make sure you have them checked for iron levels before putting them on drugs.

he Health Benefits Of Prayer

There has now been hundreds and hundreds of studies validating the power of prayer. Here’s a summary of what a half a dozen of them have found:

1. People who prayer for the well-being of a close friend daily for four weeks were more willing to forgive the friend and even others verses people who just thought positive thoughts about their friend.

2. Prayer affects the regions of the brain that improve self-control allowing people who view their goals as sacred to put more effort and energy into attaining their goals.

3. Praying in an online support group helped breast cancer patients experience less stress, have lower levels of negative emotions and experience a greater sense of well-being.

4. People who undergo heart surgery who pray with a positive hopeful attitude experienced less depression and anxiety after the surgery. They also had fewer complications and shorter hospital stays.

5. People recovering from drug and/or alcohol abuse who were the most religious were 34% less likely to need readmission for further treatment.

6. Patients who had advanced cancer who had a religious belief in having a positive outlook dramatically improved the quality of their life.

So…get your own group together and start praying positively for yourself, for each other, and for others.

Using Bromelain To Kill Cancer Cells

Chemotherapy is hard on the body. It has a long list of side effects that the body experiences. What if you had an option for using a natural compound to kill the cancer cells with no side effects? Well, you may have that choice available to you.

One of these natural substances is bromelain, which comes from pineapple stems.

A study published in the journal Planta Medica found that bromelain was even superior to the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorauracil in treating cancer in an animal study to the extent that the survival rate was 263% higher compared to the untreated controls. And there were no side effects!

While this study injected the bromelain directly into the abdominal cavity, you can juice the core of a pineapple to get the bromelain, which can be absorbed into the body or you can take a supplement.

Just make sure to take it on an empty stomach.

(Report July 11, 2012)

A Mom Carries A Baby & A Cat Carries A Kitten – They’re Tied Together

Maternal behavior affects many species.

Researchers have found that mothers carrying a baby and a cat carrying her kitten by the scruff of the neck had similar results.

The researchers looked at pulse rates, crying and squirming behavior of 12 human infants, aged 1 to 6 months, when the baby was left in a crib and when held by the mother when sitting in a chair or carrying the baby.

The carried babies cried and squirmed the least and had the lowest pulse rate. The babies left in the crib were the fussiest and the mom’s sitting produced in-between results.

Here’s the interesting part, when the mother who had been sitting holding the child started walking, the infant’s pulse dropped, and the crying and squirming stopped within 2 to 3 seconds. That’s right, 2 to 3 seconds.

When the researchers measured what happened when a cat picked up a kitten, they got similar results. The kitten’s heart rate plunged, it became passive and assumed a compact posture. The researchers got the same results when they picked up the kitten by the scruff of the neck.

So…if your baby is upset, do like our furry friends do instinctively - pick the baby up and start walking and expect a change in 2 to 3 seconds!

Tibetan Buddhist Monks Can Raise Their Body Temperature Dramatically

Dr. Alexander Levitov has conducted some fascinating research in Tibet.

He found that Buddhist monks who have trained for years are able to sit cross-legged, naked or nearly naked on icy mountains or in glacial waterfalls while meditating.

The practice is called tumo and these monks can do it for hours. Some can even be wrapped in a cold wet sheet while in a cold room and raise their body temperature enough to dry the sheet!

Dr. Levitov measured the monk’s body reactions when they began to meditate in the cold. Once the monks were in deep meditation, he found that their heart function improved, blood vessels dilated and brain activity increased.

A control group of volunteers just got colder.

Levitov said that the monk’s skin were actually hot to the touch.

So…since there are all kinds of benefits from meditating beyond meditating in the cold, you might want to experience it for yourself.

If you’ve never meditated or felt that it didn’t work for you, you can learn all about how anyone can meditate by reading my book Managing Your Stress in Difficult Times. You can click here to learn more.

(Reported The Virginian Pilot by Elizabeth Simpson, 4.21.13)


Can you Overdose on Water?

Can you over hydrate if you are an endurance athlete? The advice has been when you are an endurance athlete like a runner that you should drink ahead of thirst. This advice is being challenged by Dr. Tim Noakes.

Dr. Noakes used to believe that drinking ahead of thirst was the correct approach. However, since he accepted into this recommendation 30 years ago, he’s seen a dozen deaths that have occurred in endurance events due to drinking too much fluid. He’s written a book called Waterlogged: The Serious Problem of Overhydration in Endurance Sports.

He’s actually found that over drinking can actually worsen an athlete’s performance. When you consume too much water, your cells will start to swell leading to gastrointestinal upset, dizziness and soreness. Drink way too much and your sodium can drop to dangerously low levels. Dr. Noakes says to use our thirst mechanism to trigger when to take a drink of water since it’s a 300 million year old warning system for telling us when we need water.

Now, while there isn’t a lot of evidence for drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, it probably will not cause you any harm. And…if you’re an endurance athlete, use your thirst mechanism to tell you when your really need extra water.

Eating The Right Foods Can Make You Happier

Researchers from France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research examined the eating habits of 12,000 women and men.

They found that those who where the happiest were eating fruits, vegetables, fish and healthy oils.

These happy people were not eating fast foods, French fries or buttery croissants with lots of sugar filled jam and cheese.

What healthy foods do is give a person a sense of lasting happiness. So…a large salad anyone?


Using Yoga And Tai Chi To Reduce The Effects Of Fibromyalgia

A study from the Comprehensive Pain Center at Oregon Health and Science University found that women with fibromyalgia who attended a 2-hour weekly yoga program and practiced the poses at home for 20 to 40 minutes a day experienced a 31% drop in symptoms, including pain and fatigue.

This study shows the importance of doing yoga both in class and also at home.

With Tai Chi, Tufts University researchers found that doing Tai Chi improved the ability of women with fibromyalgia to sleep better and reduced the pain and depression from the disease.

In both studies the researchers think that it’s both the controlled breathing and movements that are interrupting the pain cycle.

My thought is it could also be the attitude of the mind that develops when you do these two approaches.


NEW: Now You Can Become a Certified Brain-Gym Instructor From the Comfort of Your Home Anywhere in the World

Shiatsu for Migraine HeadachesYou can now get certified to teach the Brain Gym® International approved Switched-On Selling, Switched-On Management and Switched-On Network Marketing seminars via long distance.

That’s right, you can get certified from the comfort of your own home.

Let me tell you the steps in the process. There are two categories of persons that these steps apply to – one is Currently Certified Brain Gym 101 Instructors.

The other is people who are not
Brain Gym Instructors who want to teach any or all of these seminars.

Steps for Brain Gym 101 Instructors

1. Contact me if you are interested in being certified and for which seminars. Call me at 757-496-8008 or email me at

2. We will either mail you a video of the course for you to watch or you can stream the videos to your computer, your choice.

3. We will either mail or email you the Instructor’s Manual which contains the participant manual, a full script of the seminar and marketing materials.

4. After you have reviewed the videos and the script and are comfortable with the materials, we will arrange a several hour phone call (on a Skype call if you are in Canada or international) where we will discuss teaching, marketing and other details.

5. You will need to do an audio recording of your teaching a portion of a live seminar to complete certification process.

6. The fee is currently the same for taking this live training or the long distance version which is $675.

Steps for Non Brain Gym Persons wanting to be certified

1. Steps 1 to 6 above apply.

2. You must also do a video of your doing the Brain Gym Movements for me to review.

3. You have to take a Brain Gym 101 Class as part of your Certification.

Depending on the demand for long distance training, the fees may be going up, so contact me today to answer any questions you may have! 




 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.


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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529