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Melatonin May Be A Potential Cancer Therapy

Genetically Engineered Cotton Fields Creating Superweeds

There’s Arsenic In Them Thar Chickens

Get Your Test Results Before You Leave The Hospital

Processed Meats Create A Huge Increase In Cancer

Cut Migraines By Taking Butterbur

Cool Sun Protection Options Now Available

Reducing Death From Child Birth In Developing Countries

National Association Of Realtors - Executives Institute Feedback

Golf Seminars That Can Change Your Game & Possibly Win $1,000,000

Your Next Opportunity To Attend My Switched-On Selling, Network Marketing or Management Seminars Is Coming Up In Virginia Beach

May 2006

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor 
Optimum Brain Performance Educator

Melatonin May Be A Potential Cancer Therapy
The Journal of Pineal Research published a meta-analysis of ten randomized clinical trails on melatonin as a therapy for treating solid-tumor cancers. The studies covered 643 patients and looked at the effect of doses of melatonin ranging from 10 to 40 mg per day. It was found that the melatonin reduced the risk of death by 34%.
Genetically Engineered Cotton Fields Creating Superweeds

The majority of farmers growing cotton in the US are using Monsanto’s genetically engineered Roundup Ready cotton which is resistant to the pesticide glyphosate. This means that farmers can use large amounts of this pesticide against the weed pigweed and not harm the cotton. The result, as reported by the University of Georgia, is that this heavy use has resulted in the development of varieties of pigweed that are amazingly resistant to glyphosate. There appears to be no pesticide that is be able to stop this weed. So…when we genetically modify plants, we really have no idea what we are doing and what the unintended consequences will be.

There’s Arsenic In Them Thar Chickens

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy has released a study revealing arsenic in 55% of the non-organic supermarket chicken products and 100% of the fast food chicken products. This is caused by the industry’s practice of adding arsenic to chicken feed for the purpose of killing parasites and promoting growth. Arsenic is not allowed in organic chicken feed. So, now that you know another one of the ingredients in your fast food chicken!

Get Your Test Results Before You Leave The Hospital
Forty-one percent of the patients leave the hospital before all of their test results are in. For some patients, this leaves them in danger a missed diagnosed medical condition. So…when you are being discharged from a hospital, make sure to ask if all your test results are in. If not, find out when they will be ready and then check with your physician.
Processed Meats Create A Huge Increase In Cancer
The University of Hawaii has reported that the risk of pancreatic cancer in people who eat processed meats is 67% higher than for those who consume little or no meat products. That’s right, 67%! The study was done over a seven year period and involved 200,000 people. The researchers pinned the blame on sodium nitrite. There are not many processed meat products that do not have it as an ingredient. So…if you don’t want to consume sodium nitrite, read labels carefully. If the label doesn’t say anything, then assume it contains sodium nitrite. Another alternative is to purchase organically processed meats. Applegate Farms is an excellent producer of high quality sodium nitrite- free products. You can learn more about them at
Cut Migraines By Taking Butterbur

Butterbur is a plant that grows in Europe and Asia. A study reported in Neurology found that subjects who took 75 mg of butterbur extract twice a day experienced a 48% reduction in the frequency of their migraines. The placebo group experienced a 26% decrease in frequency. This change occurred during a 16-week period. So…if you have migraines, try butterbur; it might be the ticket for reducing your migraines.

Cool Sun Protection Options Now Available

It’s getting to be that time of year when sunburns can happen. Here are some of the latest options to keep you protected.

1. Neutrogena Age Shield Sunblock SPF 30 and 45 and Ulta Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock SPF 40, 45, and 50 have two substances in them that allows them to last twice as long as other sunscreens. One substance, Avobenzone, gives the best protection known against deeply penetrating UVA rays while the other substance, Helioplex, stabilizes the Sunblocks.

2. Rubbing sunscreen vigorously into the skin reduces its effectiveness by at least 25%. So smooooooth it on gently!

3. When you’re going to the beach (like I do where I live in Virginia Beach, VA) and there are reports of jellyfish, use Safe Sea SPF 15, 30 and 30+ because it contains a natural chemical that repels jellyfish so you won’t be stung.

4. Conventional Wisdom has believed that most of our sun damage exposure occurs in our teens and twenties. Researchers are now realizing that sun damage occurs thoughout our lives.

5. Reapply sunscreen after you come out of the water because water dilutes your sunscreen’s SPF. Be sure to dry off before you reapply.

6. When you do get a sunburn, take an aspirin and soak in a cool or lukewarm bath to which you’ve added a hand-full of baking soda. Soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Once you’ve dried off, gently apply a few drops of a good quality Lavender essential oil.

7. Wash your laundry in Phoenix Brands SunGuard. It coats all your fabrics with a UV absorbing coating without changing its texture or color. A white tee shirt has what’s called a UPF protection level of only 5. Adding the SunGuard jumps the UPF to 30.
(Reported in the May 2006 issue of Prevention Magazine)

Reducing Death From Child Birth In Developing Countries
Loss of blood is the leading cause of death in women giving birth in developing countries. There is now a re-usable, garment that resembles the bottom half of wetsuit that restores blood flow to vital organs in women who are in shock and bleeding during and following childbirth. The British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, reported on a pilot study that was conducted on 364 women in Egypt. The study found that the suit reduced death and severe illness by 69%. Amazingly, even women who appeared to be clinically dead, with no palpable pulse, were resuscitated when the suit was put on.

Just imagine uses that this suit could be put to in the future. One example that comes to mind is in stopping bleeding from a major car accident or injury.


I Recently Spoke To The National Association Of Realtors - Association Executives Institute and The Feedback Was Great
The NAR-AE Institute had me conduct two seminars for their executive attendees. In the first one –Waking Up And Starting Your Day Energized, 80 % of the participants rated the program as Excellent and 20% rated it as Good. In the second program – Increasing Your Leadership Power To New Levels Of Excellence, 79% said that it was Excellent and 20% said it was Good.

To find out how I can serve your group’s needs, call Sandra Lee in my office at 800-77-RELAX or email her at

Golf Seminars That Can Change Your Game & Possibly Win $1,000,000
I’ve got a couple of my golf seminars scheduled for the Spring. You can take Par and Beyond: Secrets To Better Golf and Switched-On Golf both on the same day. Anyone who signs up for both classes will receive a coupon for a Razor Wedge (a $70 value) and a copy of my Par and Beyond DVD (an $85 value). This will allow you to review the information you learn in the seminar as well as share it with others.

In addition, (DRUM ROLL), I’ve arranged a $1,000,000.00 Hole-In-One Contest. One person from the class will be selected at random from the attendees and that person will go out and take one shot for a hole-in one. If the lucky golfer makes it, they will win A Million Bucks. We have an insurance company insuring it. The insurance company just doesn’t know how immediately powerful these seminars are.

The dates and locations are May 24 in Marquette, MI and June 29 in Chesapeake, VA. For more information and to register go to and click on the Switched-On Seminars button.

If you’d like to sponsor a golf seminar for your group, or as a gift to special clients (including the $1,000,000.00 offer), call me at 800-77-RELAX or email me at

Your Next Opportunity To Attend My Switched-On Selling, Network Marketing or Management Seminars Is Coming Up In Virginia Beach
Take a vacation to Virginia Beach in July and attend one of my Switched-On Seminars at the same time. The seminars will be towards the beginning of July. For exact dates and times, visit You can also become certified to teach these seminars. Click on the link above and you’ll see the button to click to become an instructor.
That's it for this month.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.
The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  
Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit
Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)

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