Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.

   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, Ph.D, CSP
Certified Brain-Gym 101 Instructor

 May, 2010



Here's your Teplitz Report for May, enjoy!


Successful Meetings Magazine Features Dr. Teplitz
Yes, my profile is featured in the March issue of Successful Meetings Magazine.  If you’d like to read it, you can click here to go to Successful Meetings Article, "Always on Call".

       Let me know what you think of it.

To your continued success,
Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, Ph.D, CSP




Using Alternative Therapies To Get Relief From Cancer


Dr. Barrie R. Cassileth, Chief of Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, has some interesting recommendations for the use of alternative therapies to reduce the unwanted side-effects from cancer drug treatments and improve a cancer patient’s quality of life.

Here they are:

  1. Use acupuncture to relieve nausea caused by chemotherapy.

  2. For patients with head and neck cancers whose salivary glands were destroyed by radiation treatments, use acupuncture.

  3. Use self-hypnosis to ease the severe hot flashes that plague women battling breast cancer.

  4. Join support groups to improve quality of life and increase survival time for cancer patients.

  5. Use massage and meditation to reduce stress, which may help the body in its fight against cancer.

To learn more about alternative therapies, visit, a website that is a clearinghouse about unconventional approaches to cancer treatments.

(Reported April 2010)



Staying Focused Is Another Reason To Eat Dark Chocolate – Yummy!


Research presented at the British Psychological Society’s annual conference found that eating dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa may keep the brain alert by increasing blood flow.

When adults consumed a drink containing this amount of cocoa, they reported less mental fatigue.

For more Chocolate/Health Info, search my Past Issue Archives and this -  Chocolate, Good for You?.

Volume 9; Issue #5

-Alternative Therapies for Cancer Relief
-Another Reason to Eat Dark Chocolate
-What Time You Go To Sleep Affects Depression
-Meaningful Relationships Getting Harder
-Marathan Runners Can Keep from Getting Ill after Races
-What Words Doctors Can Say That Are The Most Valuable
-High Heels Without the Pain
-Comfrey for Back Pain
-Is a Brain Necessary?
-Get Autographed Copies of My New Books

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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
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Virginia Beach, VA  23454
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What Time You Go To Sleep May Affect
Your Level Of Depression

Brazilian researchers found that people who go to sleep late at night are nearly 3 times more likely to experience depression symptoms than people who go to sleep early and wake up early.

The researchers speculated that there may be an optimal time to fall asleep and to wake up.

My guess is that this may be accurate since it is only a relatively short period of time that we’ve had electricity which has allowed us to stay up far later into the night than our ancestors who had no electricity.



Having Meaningful Relationships
Has Gotten Harder...

According to research done by Kodak, while it’s easier to say in touch with family and friends using email, texting, and sites like Facebook - the contacts may be less meaningful.

As a matter of fact, Kodak researchers found that 60% of the respondents felt like they have fewer meaningful relationships now.


Marathon Runners Can Keep From Getting Ill After A Race


It turns out that marathon runners are susceptible to becoming ill after a race according to David Nieman, DrPH, Director of the Human Performance Lab, North Carolina Research Campus.

Dr. Nieman studied 50 marathon runners and found that they are six times more likely to get sick after a race. He found that the runners’ immune cells functioned abnormally for a day or so after such extreme exertion.

He also found the solution - that a combination of quercetin (found in cranberries and red onions), the green tea extract EGCG and fish oil can prevent the likelihood of illness striking the runner.

(Reported in Prevention, Dec 2009)






What Words Can A Doctor Say That Are The Most Valuable To A Patient?

Dr. Andrew Weil, a pioneer in the use of natural therapies, found out what is the most helpful thing he could say to a patient –

      “I know you can get better.”

Many of his patients have told him it was the first time a doctor told them that they can get better.

Just by doing that, I believe, Weil is tapping into the placebo effect which, as I've discussed in previous issues, triggers the release of pain-reducing chemicals in many parts of the brain. This lets the body participate in the healing process for that person.

  Women Can Wear High Heels Without The Pain

Researchers at Schering-Plough Healthcare Products have developed an insole to prevent foot pain in women who wear high-heels.

What the insole does is shift the woman’s weight back on the heel and off the front of the foot, which is where women have their foot pain.
Check out Dr. Scholl’s for Her High Heel Insole.

Interestingly, the researchers also found out that insoles can also provide pain relief for osteoarthritis in the back, hips and knees.

Stop Back Pain With Comfrey Extract

A recent study reported that comfrey extract ointment can ease back pain.

After applying the ointment to sore spots for 5 days, 95% of the participants reported improvement as compared with 38% of the placebo group.

Limit topical use to 10 days maximum and don’t apply to broken skin or take orally. The brand used in the study was Kytta-Salbe f which is available at

(Reported Prevention March 2010)


A Brain Might Not Be Necessary

In his Schwartz Report Stephan Schwartz tells the story of a young woman who was a cheerleader, an honor student and about to go to Brown University when she was in a terrible car accident.

When the doctors opened her skull to relieve pressure, they were stunned to discover that instead of a brain, the cavity contained only a sack of fluid.

Dr. John Lorber, a neurology professor at the University of Sheffield, reported performing a CAT-scan that showed no brain in the skull of an academically bright student with a high IQ.

Instead Lorber found a small piece of brain tissue covering the top of his spinal column.

This is not unusual according to Lorber, who identified several hundred people who appeared normal but had very small brains.

Even the medical journal The Lancet has published an MRI of a 44-year-old man with very little brain tissue.

So…all of this raises a number of interesting questions, the most prominent being “Do I need my brain and what does it do anyway?”




 You Can Still Get Autographed Copies Of My New Books

Well, it took longer than I thought, but my two new books are at the printers as I write this. They are due to be shipped to me the middle of May.

So…since they are not officially on the market yet, I want to give you the opportunity to get an autographed copy of either or both books with a 10% discount, and if you order both books, you will receive FREE shipping and handling.

The books are Managing Your Stress In Difficult Times: Succeeding In Times Of Change (reg. $17.95) and Switched-On Selling: Balance Your Brain For Sales Success (reg. $19.95).

AUTOGRPAHED COPY:  The regular price for my soon to be released book Managing Your Stress In Difficult Times (120 pages) will be $17.95. Order today for 10% discount! and I'll autograph it too!

AUTOGRPAHED COPY:  The regular price for the Switched-On Selling book (approx. 200 pages) will be $19.95. Order today for a 10% discount! and I'll autograph it too!

Order BOTH books, and you'll get FREE SHIPPING.  Use Coupon Code 2010Free at checkout when ordering both or more than one book.

We will first send you an email for autograph preference information
To order either or both books, click here, and select your options.

By the way, Brian Tracy, author of The Psychology of Selling and Jack Canfield, co-author of the Chicken Soup For The Soul book series have both endorsed the Switched-On Selling book.



 That's it for this month!

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.

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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529