Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.

   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, Ph.D, CSP
Certified Brain-Gym 101 Instructor

 April, 2010



Hi, <$firstname$>, here's your Monthly Teplitz Report for April as you requested, enjoy!

Feedback From Readers

Here’s what reader, Ellen Davenport had to say about a couple of recommendations that I’d made. “I just wanted you to know that the heartburn recipe you gave in your newsletter works really well. My husband takes this daily and rarely needs any type of medicine, which he used to need once or twice a day.”

In the February issue I wrote - For heartburn drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a half-glass of water and sip it during a meal.

She further said, “Also, the arnica cream can also help with the muscle pain of fibromyalgia (Ed. note - I wrote about that in the February issue, too.) I really enjoy these newsletters.”

And here’s what Nancy Rosenstein said about Arnica that I recommended. “I’ve been using Arnica Gel, homemade cream, and taking Homeopathic pellets of Arnica for the last 15 years. I personally swear by it. It reduces bruising and speeds healing.”

You can buy both cream and pellets at a health food store.

To your success,
Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, Ph.D, CSP




The Flight Of A Humminghird


Licensed hummingbird bander and researcher, Doreen Cubie, tells the story of a Western species of hummingbird called the rufous hummingbird that she banded in South Carolina.

This hummingbird, the size of a thumb and weighing less than a nickel, then flew 2,000 miles or so to its breeding grounds somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.

The next autumn, she caught another rufous hummingbird in her banding trap. When she checked the band already on the bird she discovered it was the same hummingbird that she had banded last year.

That means this bird flew 4,000 miles round trip in all kinds of weather and conditions and found the same area to feed in a year later!

Talk about the little bird that could – this little hummingbird is a true testament to grit and tenacity. And we think our lives get tough sometimes.

(Reported in Nature Conservancy, Winter 2008)



Now A Screening Test Can Predict Dementia


A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine reported a longitudinal study conducted at the University of Florence, Italy, which followed 506 men and women (mean age of 72) for eight years. At the beginning of the study all the participants were neurologically healthy.

Participants were given a neurological exam which included balance and reflex checks and a cognitive exam, i.e., putting sticks into pegboard holes. The researchers developed a list of eight abnormalities, including diminished balance, tremors, muscle weakness, slow reflexes and differences in hand strength.

After four years, those with a higher number of abnormalities at the start of the study were more likely to have experienced greater cognitive and physical decline. The higher the initial score, the greater the decline observed later in the study. At the end of eight years, those exhibiting 3 or more of the abnormalities studied were more likely to have died or had a cerebral event.

This means, by getting tested, you may be able to take actions to delay or even stop this decline from happening. So…why can’t I get the square block to fit into that round hole?

Volume 9; Issue #4

Flight of the Hummingbird
Screening Test for Dementia
Some Humor from the Road
Top Ten List for Moving the Body
Are You Switched-On for Sales?
High-Fructose Corn Syrup..
Sunlight, Healing & Drug Costs
Increase Stem Cell Production

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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Dr.
Virginia Beach, VA  23454
1.800.777.3529 (phone)
1.757.496-9955 (fax)

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Be at the TOP of Page 1 in Google Maps Searches, Free One Month with Promo Code

Increase Stem Cell Production Naturally - with StemEnhance!

Natural Sunlight Indoor Lighting, save up to 25% until April 20th!


   Some Humor

I recently spoke to the Alabama Banking Department. When I was driving to the airport, I passed a building that said Plumbing Repairs on it. Underneath in foot high letters it said “We repair what your husband fixed.”



Move Your Body – The Top Ten List

I’m sure we can agree that there are many reasons to exercise. To motivate you to consider moving your body, here’s a top ten list from Prevention (February 2009).

  1. Improve Language Skills – Exercisers who ran just two 3-minute sprints, with a 2-minute break in between, learned new words 20% faster than those who rested.

  2. Get All-Natural Pain Relief – Adults who did aerobic activity consistently had 25% less musculoskeletal pain than couch potatoes. Arthritis sufferers experienced 25% less pain and 16% less stiffness after 6 months of low-impact exercises.

  3. Be Happier at Work – On days when staffers participated in on-site fitness activities, they reported thinking more clearly, getting more done, and interacting more effectively with colleagues.

  4. Feel Sexy at Any Size – Women ages 42 to 58 felt more attractive after 4 months of walking or yoga even if they didn’t lose weight. A study found that a 20-minute cycling workout enhanced sexual arousal up to 169% in women.

  5. Lower Dental Bills – Adults who did 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 or more times a week were 42% less likely to suffer from periodontitis.

  6. Slash Cold Risks 33% - Women ages 50 to 75 who did 45 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week, had a third as many colds as those who did once a week stretching exercises.

  7. Reach the Deep-Sleep Zone – Women age 60 and older who walked or danced for at least an hour, four times a week, woke up half as often and slept more per night than sedentary women.

  8. Beat Bloating – Mild physical activity clears gas and alleviates bloating by increasing your heart and breath rates stimulating natural contractions of the intestinal muscles.

  9. See Clearly – Being active can cut your risk of age-related macular degeneration by up to 70%.

  10. Enjoy Instant Energy – 70 different studies found that moving your body increases energy and reduces fatigue. Regular exercise boosts certain fatigue-fighting brain chemicals such as norepinephrine and dopamine.

So…start to move your body to get all these benefits.


Impact Of My Seminar

Here’s what Phil Mancil had to say about the impact of my seminar. “A number of years ago, you made a presentation that I attended in Tunica, MS at the Southeast Tourism Society conference.

Here’s what happened when I applied what I learned from you right after the conference. I had two potential clients in the Tunica area that I had never been able to get to first base with. When I left the conference, I drove down the street holding my index finger to my thumb. I also touched the tip of my tongue to the roof of my mouth. I was chuckling to myself all the way, feeling like a fool. I stopped at my first client, they let me in. I talked with her and walked out ten minutes later with a signed contract and a CHECK. I couldn't believe it!

I drove straight over to the next client doing the same thing and sure enough, the same thing happened. I walked out ten minutes later with a signed contract and a check. I was stunned to put it mildly. I have told many people about this and I am sure that they think that I am operating one card short of a full deck, but I don't care. Thank you so much for teaching me these things – they’re great!”)


High-Fructose Corn Syrup Can Cause Insulin Resistance

In a study published in Cell Metabolism 2009 found that mice fed a high-fructose diet could have problems with increasing insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is the precursor for developing type-2 diabetes. While this study explored turning off a gene that would allow a person to process more fructose, the better approach would be simply to eliminate high-fructose sodas and processed foods.

So…read your food labels; you will be amazed to see high-fructose corn syrup all over your pantry.


Impact Of Sunlight On Healing and Drug Costs

A study published by the American Psychosomatic Society tested how exposure to sunlight can speed healing and reduce the need for drugs. The study was conducted with 89 patients who had spinal surgery.

After surgery they were put in either the side of the hospital unit that received sun exposure (this group’s room was labeled as being on the bright side) or faced a building that blocked sunlight coming into the room (this group was labeled as being on the dim side). The patients on the bright side received 46% more natural sunlight per day than the patients on the dim side.

The patients on the dim side needed 28% more pain-killing drugs each day than the patients on the bright side. Taking 22% less pain-killing drugs per hour, the patients on the bright side reduced their medication costs by 21% as compared to the dim side. Finally, at discharge, patients on the bright side reported significantly greater decreases in stress and a marginal decrease in pain.

While it’s too late to attempt to reconfigure hospitals so everyone has a bright, sunlit room, I believe that changing the lighting in a patient’s room to full spectrum lights will achieve similar positive “bright side” results. For more information on full spectrum lighting, go to my website

There you will learn that you can get a 60-day money back guarantee so you can experiment with the effectiveness of these lights, which also come with a two-year burn-out warranty.

If you order by April 20, 2010, first-time buyers can get a 10% discount on a 10 -or 12-pack of tubes and a 25% discount on a case! Click here to learn more about these amazing full-spectrum lights.


 Increase Your Body’s Production Of Stem Cells

You have probably heard a lot about adult stem cells on TV, the radio, and the internet because of the big breakthrough it can have for helping us live healthier and longer.

I want to let you know about a company by the name of STEMTech that has broken the barrier in stem cell research!

They’ve created a patented product that can increase the production of our stem cells. It’s called StemEnhance! It’s a concentrated natural aqua botanical extract that “wakes up” your body’s stem cells and puts them to work to promote optimum wellness.

For readers of the Teplitz Report that want to know more about StemEnhance, please go to or call Jeff Chase at 702 430-9394.

Tell him I told you to call.  Check it out. I think you’ll be glad you did!



 That's it for this month!

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.

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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529