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Oops! I Made An Error

Talking On A Cell Phone And Driving Don’t Mix

One Minute Test For Alzheimer’s

Green Tea For Alzheimer’s

The Effect Of iPods On Your Energy System

Use Coffee To Reduce The Pain Of Canker Sores

Besides Lemon Juice Healing Cuts, You Can Also Use Honey or Sugar

I’ve Got A Book Recommendation For You

Long-Term Benefits From Attending My Seminars

85% Of Top Level Executives Play Golf

Coming Soon: Switched-On Selling, Network Marketing and Management Seminars and Instructor Certification

Seminar Dates

Become An Instructor

February 2006

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor 
Optimum Brain Performance Educator

Oops! I Made An Error

In the last issue I talked about cell phone numbers being released to telemarketers. Well, it turns out that it is not true and (thankfully) the cell phone companies are not releasing cell phone numbers. My apologies.

Talking On A Cell Phone And Driving Don’t Mix

Speaking of cell phones, if you’re between 18 and 25 and chatting on your cell phone while you are driving, your reaction time will be equivalent to that of a 65 to 74-year-old person. In research done by psychologist David Strayer, he found that teenagers had the greatest difficulty combining driving and talking on the cell phone. He found that the problem affects all generations and that the accident rate is about four times greater when people are using a cell phone while driving. So…while telemarketers calling you on your cell phone is not an issue, talking to others while you drive is.

One Minute Test For Alzheimer’s

Scientists from the United Kingdom have discovered a one-minute test for detecting early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. The test is to name as many animals or fruits as you can in one minute. The researchers found the early Alzheimer’s people were able to name 10 to 15 animals or fruits whereas healthy adults listed 20 to 25. Also, the early Alzheimer’s people did not come up with the more unusual names like zebra or kiwi. So…cat, Fuji apple, pineapple, platypus, pomegranate (uh, uh…)

Green Tea For Alzheimer’s
In The Journal of Neuroscience, researchers have reported that there is an antioxidant in green tea called EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) that is showing promise as a preventative or a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers gave daily injections of 20 mg over a 60 day period to a group of five mice that were specially bred to be Alzheimer’s prone and compared them to a placebo.

The mice receiving the EGCG had greatly reduced buildup of beta-amyloid which can lead to Alzheimer’s. So…until EGCG becomes commercially available, a cup of
tea - green of course - anyone?

The Effect Of iPods On Your Energy System
At a program I recently did for the Young President’s Organization – Hawaii Chapter, I talked about and did a demonstration of the effect of low energy electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from cell phones on peoples’ energy systems. After the program, several people asked me about the effect of iPods. I realized that I’d never muscle checked the impact of iPods on anyone’s energy system, so I couldn’t give a definitive answer.
Well, I have muscle checked an iPod now and I found something interesting that I don’t have an explanation for yet., First, I found through the muscle checking, that there was no negative effect from just holding the iPod in the person’s hand. However, I found that when the person put the ear buds into her ears, and muscle checked her arm it came down easily demonstrating a negative impact (For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept of muscle checking, it means when I applied pressure to the person’s extended arm, even though they attempted to resist, it came down easily).

Now, here’s the part I can’t explain. On a whim, I put a knot in each of the wires leading to the ear buds and when I muscle checked her again, the negative impact disappeared (meaning the subject’s arm stayed up and strong when I applied the same amount of pressure on it). As to the question of why the knot in the wire would affect the electromagnetic field, I do not have an answer. However, I would suggest you consider putting a small knot in your kids’ iPod ear buds as an initial way of limiting the negative effects from EMFs. An even better option is to wear a QLink since that prevents you from being affected by any EMFs. For information and to order a QLink go to and visit the Books-CDs-DVDs section.

Use Coffee To Reduce The Pain Of Canker Sores

To stop the pain of a canker sore, you can hold a pinch of instant coffee crystals on the sore. To speed healing and keep the canker sore from coming back, rinse with a teaspoon of salt and one of baking soda in warm water several times a day. (Reported in Prevention, September 2005).

Besides Lemon Juice Healing Cuts, You Can Also Use Honey or Sugar

In previous issues, I’ve talked about using lemon juice to speed healing for your cuts, scrapes and open wounds. Now you can also use honey or sugar. Both have antibacterial properties. Sugar, however, is less messy than honey, so you might want to experiment with it first. To use sugar, create a dam using petroleum jelly around the cut. Pour in the sugar and then cover it with an airtight bandage.

I’ve Got A Book Recommendation For You
I've run across a fantastic new book called "The Millionaire Maker" by Loral Langemeier, and I believe it's now the definitive guide for people who want to enjoy financial freedom and success. In the book, Loral details all of the strategies she and her team of coaches have used to make hundreds of people into millionaires - she calls it a financial makeover.

Loral has teamed up with me and a long list of friends including Chet Holmes, T. Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hansen, all of whom have donated a total of over $12,500 worth of valuable bonus gifts that are available to you when you purchase the book online. Just visit to learn about all the gifts - including two tickets to attend one of her famous "Team Millionaire" events for F.R.E.E.

Long-Term Benefits From Attending My Seminars
Here’s what Cheryl Line, Tourism Manager, Cleveland, MS had to say about the effect of attending my seminar: “I first heard you speak at a Governor’s Conference on Tourism, about ten years ago. I remember the different methods you demonstrated for stress relief. Would you believe I still have your Quick Reminder Card on my desk? I am grateful to you for these life changing exercises that I use daily.” Thanks, Cheryl. Your comments are the reason I enjoy what I do – to impact people’s lives in a positive way.

How about creating this kind of long-term benefit for you and your people? Call Sandra Lee at 800 77-RELAX to arrange for me to speak to your organization, association or group.

85% Of Top Level Executives Play Golf
Are some of your best clients golfers? Would you like to say thank you to them in a way they will never forget? If you sponsored a seminar and their golf game improved, do you think they will love your company forever?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to sponsor my Par and Beyond: Secrets To Better Golf Seminar. This is a three hour seminar that can be held in the morning and then you and your clients can play a round of golf while schmoozing and using the techniques they learned in the seminar.

Golfer have literally taken my seminar and gone out and shot their personal best scores ever. When you client’s game has improved, you've got a client for life. My spring dates fill up quickly for these seminars, so make sure you start your planning now and call Sandy in my office to arrange your golf seminar. Call her at 800 77-RELAX.

Coming Soon: Switched-On Selling, Network Marketing and Management Seminars and Instructor Certification
I will be conducting my Switched-On Selling, Switched-On Network Marketing and Switched-On Management Seminars and Instructor Certification Trainings on the East and West Coasts the end of February and the beginning of March. These trainings are brain rewiring programs that use the Brain Gym technology to create immediate improvements in your levels of success! For information and to register, visit
Make sure to look at the proof that we have! You'll find the research studies that we did validating the amazing results that people who attended the Selling and Network Marketing seminars have achieved.
Here's what Jay Horton, an insurance agent who has been in the business eighteen years, said about the SOS Seminar: "My reason for taking your Seminar was to try and overcome my call reluctance that I had struggled with my entire career. After the Seminar, it became necessary to 'get on the phone' and book appointments for presentations. The ease with which I was able to make those calls and the positive responses that I received from the people I was calling was truly amazing. Literally, I had a 100% positive response to the calls I made, all appointments were booked and the presentations completed."

So…don't miss this opportunity to dramatically increase your sales or improve your management abilities. These seminars are unlike anything you have ever experienced. They really do work to immediately increase your level of success.

Seminar Dates:
February 27 – Virginia Beach, VA,  March 7 – Ontario, California
Switched-On Selling, Switched-On Network Marketing – Virginia Beach, VA
Both SOS and SONM are taught at the same time

March 2-3 – Virginia Beach, VA,  March 5-6 – Ontario, California
Switched-On Management Seminar

Become An Instructor
I certify people to be Instructors of all these Seminars. The Instructor Training and Certification dates are:
February 26-28 – Virginia Beach, VA March 7-9 – Ontario, California
Switched-On Selling and/or Switched-On Network Marketing
March 1-3 – Virginia Beach, VA March 4-6 – Ontario, California
Switched-On Management

For more information on becoming a licensed instructor, visit , the Instructor Certification button.

That's it for this month.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people over the last 26 years, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.
The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  
Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit
Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)


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