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Available for hiring, placement, and performance coaching:
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Everthing DiscSoftware Online Report

Now, the power of the
Wiley Brand Everything DiSC Personal Profile System Software is available to create the most powerful online tool for hiring, personal development and performance coaching.

For information on uses and applications, and
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For Organizations
Click Here
For Individuals
Click Here

Personal Profile System Software
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Here's what some organizations have to say about the
Wiley Brand Everything DiSC Personal Profile System Software Report:

"...It has been a very valuable tool in managing my staff...I would
highly recommend this program to anyone!"
  James D. Green, CHA
General Manager
Best Western InSuites Hotels

"The biggest question in our mind was “Would the profile work?”
The answer is YES!"
  David Durovy, President
Tape Resources
Virginia Beach, VA

Click here for more quotes >>>


The products and training materials from the Inscape Publishing Company can be used in training programs in areas such as diversity, time mastery, team development, sales training, leadership and management development.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz receives the Ruby Distributor Award from Jeffrey Sugarman, President of Inscape Publishing for outstanding sales.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has been a distributor with the Inscape Publishing Company for the past 25 years.

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