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   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

, 2016
Volume 15,  Issue # 3






Some interesting topics in this month's report:

RADIO: Dr. Ken Mapes: A Doctor's Eye View Of Using Integrative Medicine Hydrogen Water As A Way To Heal
Comparing Strength Training Verses Stretching For Women

Duct Tape For Warts 
The Importance Of Reading To A Child Vitamin D And Autism

An Unusual Example Of A Good Samaritan  SPECIAL: Creating High Energy Websites and PR Materials
 How to Tell When A Loved One With Cancer Is Dying  

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A Doctor's Eye View Of Using Integrative Medicine

This Week's Expert:
Dr. Ken Mapes

Kay Meyer

Join me and my guest Dr. Ken Mapes as we talk about his journey from being an Emergency Medicine Doc to an Integrative Medicine Specialist 

Dr. Ken Mapes began as a firefighter-paramedic. He then went to the University of Cincinnati for Medical School and later studied Internal Medicine before specializing in Emergency Medicine. It was his frustration with not being able to help his patients that lead Dr. Ken to explore alternatives. And he found them. And he’ll share some of them with you.

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Comparing Strength Training Verses Stretching For Women

A study conducted by researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver compared the benefit of strength training to stretching by women. They found that women who exercised with weights twice a week for a year had fewer signs of a certain type of brain damage than did the stretching group. The lead author thinks the difference may be the way blood is pumped to the brain in pulses during strength training. So…for women, start lifting those weights and remember, it only needs to be done twice a week.

(Reported, January-February 2015)



The Importance Of Reading To A Child

Depending on your age when you were a child, you may have experienced your parents reading aloud to you. The question is, how importance was that? Some researchers have found out. They discovered that 60% of wealthier families read to their children daily from birth to 5 years of age verses only 33% of families living below the poverty line. By the time they were entering school, the children who were read to had heard a million or more words giving them an advantage.

There are critical aspects of brain development that occur during the first three years of life and reading aloud during this time, as well as afterwards, may help build the child’s vocabulary and and communication skills. It leads to language development while also building motivation, curiosity and memory. Additionally, it helps the child practice listening.

In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics began recommending that parents read aloud to their children from birth. So…go grab some good books, your kids, and start reading!
(Reported, May 14, 2015)

An Unusual Example Of A Good Samaritan


We usually think of ourselves as a species capable of being a Good Samaritan by assisting others that we don’t know in their time of need. While this is good for our ego, we may not be alone in having this trait. So, how about taking a look at how rats are Good Samaritans. In a study published in the journal Animal Cognition, the researchers placed two rats in a cage divided in half with a see through wall that had a small door in the wall. On one side, the rat was soaked and forced to sit in a pool of water (keep in mind that rats hate to get wet). The rat on the other side of the wall was in a cage that was dry. In nine of 10 cases, the rate in the dry cage opened the door letting the rat in the pool escape.


In a powerful variation on this experiment, the rat in the dry cage could choose to help the wet rat in a cage with a deeper pool get out or enjoy a tasty treat placed in a different room. In almost all the cases, the rat in the dry room, helped the wet rat get out before going for the treat. In some instances, they even shared the treat with the wet rat.  So…we are not alone in being a Good Samaritan.



How To Tell When A Loved One With Cancer Is Dying

I know this is a sensitive topic, but it’s important for family members to be able to make sure that they have had the opportunity to say their goodbyes.  


There are eight specific physical signs that doctors have identified when a cancer patient is dying. They are:

Inability to close his/her eyelids

Lessening ability to react to visual stimulation

Reduced ability to react to sounds and words

Facial drooping

Non-reactive pupils

Hyperextension of the neck

Vocal cord grunting

Bleeding in the digestive tract

So, if your loved one is exhibiting some of these signs, please make sure you have said everything you want to say to the person while they are still alive.
(Reported, The Jourrnal of Gerontology, Series B, 2015)


Hydrogen Water As A Way To Heal


I’m sure you’re saying to yourself, what is hydrogen water and what does it do? Hydrogen water is water that has been infused with extra loose hydrogen molecules in it. In this form hydrogen (H2) is a tremendously powerful antioxidant that goes after the most dangerous and destructive molecules called hydroxyl radicals. H2 neutralizes the radical by giving up an electron to stabilize the molecule. H2 also does this with other free radicals. It also increases the production of the body’s own natural oxidants including ones that affect the brain. Finally, H2 is able to enter the cells and the cells mitochondria and nucleus while it can also cross the blood-brain barrier.


Here are some of the areas that H2 therapy has been found to be beneficial:

Traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries


Alzheimer’s disease


Heart attacks

Vascular disease


Liver and kidney disorders, and

Lung problems


There’s now a tablet you can use that frees up the H2 in the water. It’s produced by a company called Purative. You put it in a bottle of water, close tightly, wait 10 to 15 minutes and drink.
(Reported Health & Healing, May 2015)


Duct Tape For Wart

That’s right, duct tape. Some researchers wanted to find out how good duct tape is for healing warts. They had two groups and one group had their warts frozen off which is called cryotherapy and the other group had their warts duct taped. There were a total of 61 patients in the study ranging from 3 to 22 years old. The treatments went on for 2 months. The researchers found that 85% of the duct tape patients had complete resolution of their warts while the cryotherapy group had a resolution rate of only 60%. This means duct tape was significantly more effective than cryotherapy for treating warts. So…tape away.

(If you remember the movie My Great Big Fat Greek Wedding, some researchers are going to have to examine the actual effect of Windex!)

(Reported Seriously Science, September 29, 2015)


Vitamin D And Autism

In 2 papers published by biological scientist Rhona Patrick, Ph.D., she has found that Vitamin D may play a vital role in preventing autism. Vitamin D is actually a steroid hormone like estrogen and testosterone and it regulates over 1,000 different physiological processes and controls around 5% of the human genome. It’s involved in turning genes on or off.


As rates of autism have increased so has the rate of Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is involved in regulating an enzyme called tryptophan hydroxylase which makes two kinds of serotonin. One kind is found in the gut and if there is too much produced by the body it causes gut inflammation. What Vitamin D does is it turns off the gene that’s involved in making the gut serotonin. This reduction in the gut serotonin allows the second type of serotonin to increase in the brain. This leads to better impulse control, better long-term behavior, reduced anxiety, increased memory and focus.


Brain serotonin also needs to be in sufficient amounts to prevent abnormal brain structure and brain wiring forming in the fetus. With a deficiency of serotonin abnormal brain structure development and brain wiring will occur.


Since many autistic kids have both brain and gut problems, one possible reason might be the level of Vitamin D in the mother while she is pregnant. Vitamin D begins affecting the fetus while it is in the womb.  So…a pregnant woman should have Vitamin D blood level in the 40 to 70 ng/ml range and she should also be taking Vitamin D3 as well as 100 mg of Vitamin K2.
(Reported February 14, 2016)


 SPECIAL: Creating High Energy Websites and PR Materials 


Are Lack luster PR Materials leaving your readers unmotivated? Is your website just ho- hum? There is a reason for that and a great way to fix those problems by leaving your readers and viewers more energized and more money in your pocket

The DVD Creating High Energy Websites and PR Materials does just that. Use the same system for reaching your highest potential in your communications as Chicken Soup for The Soul series co-authors Jack Canfield and Marci Shimoff do.  Canfield says, “We use Dr. Teplitz' method for every Chicken Soup book we do.”  And, Shimoff agrees. “I know that the work that Dr. Teplitz did in raising the ‘energy’ of the covers and the contents of our book to their highest levels was an extraordinary boost in helping make both of these books runaway bestsellers. I would encourage any author, or graphic designer, or public relations person to use your service.”


But, don’t take their word for it, find out for yourself with our no-risk guarantee!   Learn how to check the energy level for every piece of communication that leaves your office before it goes out. Post websites with the assurance that it is as high energy as it can be. And, what does that mean for the bottom line? Burt Dublin, president of Speaking Success System says it best. “We tested the new ad. Here are the results: Inquiries slightly more than doubled. Sales – the best yardstick – fully doubled.”

Click below to get this months special pricing of 20% off!



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(This offer expires March 31st so order yours today!)









 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529 


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