Healthy Alternatives - The Teplitz Report this month...

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Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 



   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD, CSP

February, 2012
Volume 11, Issue # 2





Some interesting topics this month in the Teplitz Report:

A DOCTOR’S EYE VIEW OF USING INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Good News, Money Is Not The Cause Of Divorce. Oops, It’s Selfishness
Why Protecting Species Diversity Is So Important Feedback From Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
How Stress Affects Memory Being Female Can Affect A Woman Getting Health Insurance
Selected As Top Entrepreneur Switched-On Seminars in February!  Last Chance!

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: If you are looking for a new opportunity, you can become certified to teach Switched-On Seminars.  Instructor Training will next be held February, 2012 in Vancouver, Canada. Here’s the link for you to find out more about how you can become an Instructor.

Join Jerry on Twitter so he can join you!     Jerry's Facebook is a place for all things, connect with Jerry here     Natural Health Alternatives Blog, latest updates here      Jerry's linkedIN, a place for your business links     Jerry's MySpace - a place for background, all his videos, and other information - here!     Jerry's FriendFeed - a place to link your items and friends       DIGG THIS - link Jerry to DIGG     STUMBLEUPON:  What sites do you like?  Share with Jerry at StumbleUpon!    Watch Jerry's Videos on his YouTube Channel!  Connect your YouTube!


This Week on My Internet Radio Show: Healthy Alternatives

Join me and my guest Dr. Ken Mapes as we talk about his journey from being an Emergency Medicine Doc to an Integrative Medicine Specialist.

Dr. Ken Mapes began as a firefighter-paramedic. He then went to the University of Cincinnati for Medical School and later studied Internal Medicine before specializing in Emergency Medicine. It was his frustration with not being able to help his patients that lead Dr. Ken to explore alternatives. And he found them. And he’ll share some of them with you.

Dr. Ken has been an assistant professor at the University of Toledo and now runs the Integrative Medicine Wellness Center called the Healing Oasis in Clay Center, Ohio. He brings together Western and Eastern approaches to find the right solution for a patient’s problems. You’re not going to want to miss this one!

Go here: WebTalkRadio  to listen or download the program.

Since I do this show weekly, we can inform you of each show with an email reminder.  Just click here to register.


Why Protecting Species Diversity Is So Important

Protecting biodiversity is even more important than we’ve thought. A study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that increasing species diversity decreased both the prevalence and the severity of the disease.

The researchers looked at frogs and other amphibians. They were able place the amphibian species in a controlled environment and found when there were more species, there was a smaller percentage of the animals that died when disease was introduced into the environment.

Having more species in the environment diluted the effect of the disease since some of the species may have been poor hosts to the disease and others may not have gotten infected at all. So…we’d better pay attention because as species go extinct we may be affecting our own survival on the planet.


How Stress Affects Memory

Stress is now linked to memory loss. Researchers have found that stress can destroy our brain’s synapses which seems to be the main cause of memory problems.

More specifically, stress negatively impacts the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex areas in the brain. Instead of loss of memory being a function of aging, it may be coming from the stress that’s going on in your life.

Some interesting research done several years ago found that when people meditated regularly they experienced lower levels of stress and over time their hippocampus membrane actually increased in thickness.

If you’d like to learn how easy it is to meditate, you can get my book Managing Your Stress in Difficult Times: Succeeding in Times of Change at  and you’ll get free shipping if you order by February 20, 2012.

Other ways to reduce your stress and keep your brain functions include exercising, socializing with friends, keeping doing what you love to do, and sleeping well. So…reducing your stress is up to you!

Selected As Top Entrepreneur

A I was recently honored by the American Chronicle and selected as one of the top entrepreneurs in the United States.

As part of their definition, they said that “Entrepreneurial leaders do not have a mindset that adapts to failure. Things go wrong, of course, but entrepreneurs don’t call them “failures” they call then “glitches, mistakes, bungles, setbacks, but not failing.”


Good News, Money Is Not The Cause Of Divorce. Oops, It’s Selfishness

A study done in 1948 found ago a link between money and divorce.

The leading reason for women to divorce was “nonsupport”, which meant that the husbands didn’t provide enough money for the daily essentials of life.

Today things are different. More women are in the workforce and depend less on men for support.

While money is still a problem as a study of married couples from 1980 to 1992 found that 70% reported some kind of money problems. However, when they analyzed the statistics further, they found that selfishness was the root cause.

By selfishness, it’s where one spouse begins to think that their needs and wants should come first. The strongest marriages are when each partner puts the other first. So…in your relationships, who’s first and who’s second?

(Blog by Ethan Kap)


Feedback From A Client, Janice Mashak

I recently spoke to the Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. Here’s the feedback that I received from Janice Mashak, Director of Member Services:

““There are so many professional speakers today making grandiose promises to meeting planners. What makes you so refreshingly different is the fact that you deliver on everything you promise!

You promised you would have people talking about your presentation throughout the conference, and they did. You promised you would share information that participants could put to use immediately to help them reduce stress and practice better time management skills, and they are. You promised participants would ask that we bring you back for future programs, and they are.

As a matter of fact, you delivered 100% on every promise you made."”

Thanks Janice, much appreciated!

Being Female Can Affect A Woman Getting Health Insurance

It turns out in most states, health insurance companies can turn a woman down for insurance coverage simply because of her gender.

One woman, who was turned down for insurance, reapplied to six companies. The only difference was she filled out the applications twice with the same exact preexisting conditions - once as a man and once as a woman. Two of the insurance companies accepted male application while all six rejected the female application.

Unfortunately, it’s currently legal for insurance companies to discriminate against women. It’s called gender rating. A woman can be charged more or turned down altogether simply because she is a woman and insurance companies generally aren’t required to tell anyone why they’re being turned down or billed at a higher rate.

While woman do use more health services than men of the same age, they are getting tests and exams performed, such as mammograms and pap smears that may save lives. This gender discrimination needs to change.

One of the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, which most people know as Obamacare, is that being a woman will no longer be a preexisting medical condition which can disqualify a woman from receiving health insurance. This provision reaches full force in 2014. If you have a woman in your life, keep this in mind when you decide to support or not support Obamacare.



Last Chance To Attend Switched-On Selling and Network Marketing Seminars and Instructor Trainings In Vancouver, BC In February

This is the last chance for you to attend my Switched-On Selling and Switched-On Network Marketing Seminar and Instructor Training in February 2012. To find out the details, here’s where you can visit:

Switched-On Selling Seminar, February 17 –

Switched-On Network Marketing Seminar, February 17 -

Switched-On Selling and Network Marketing Instructor Trainings February 17 to 19 – 

Here’s what Brad McDonald with Sandler Training Hampton Roads in Virginia had to say about the Switched-On Selling Seminar (Sandler is the world’s largest training company):

“Dr. Jerry Teplitz’ Switched-On Selling seminar is the missing piece in sales training. It’s great at getting rid of head trash that salespeople struggle with. Jerry is the ONLY person I have brought into my business/put in front of my clients in the past 8 years to do his own program. The bottom line is go to this seminar!”

While the early bird registration date has passed, for subscribers to the Teplitz Email Report, you can still get that rate.

Simply call my office and tell them you’re a subscriber and that I said you can have the early bird rate. Call 800 77-RELAX.





 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.


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 Join Jerry on Twitter so he can join you!     Jerry's Facebook is a place for all things, connect with Jerry here     Natural Health Alternatives Blog, latest updates here      Jerry's linkedIN, a place for your business links     Jerry's MySpace - a place for background, all his videos, and other information - here!     Jerry's FriendFeed - a place to link your items and friends       DIGG THIS - link Jerry to DIGG     STUMBLEUPON:  What sites do you like?  Share with Jerry at StumbleUpon!    Watch Jerry's Videos on his YouTube Channel!  Connect your YouTube!


Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529