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   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, Ph.D, CSP
Certified Brain-Gym 101 Instructor

February, 2011
Volume 10, Issue #2






Some interesting topics this month in the Teplitz Report:

The Power Of A Pencil To Reduce Test Anxiety? Working At A Computer Causing Eye Strain?
This Week on My Internet Radio Show Use Music To Help You Exercise Harde
Not The Only Ones With Social Networks! Using Resveratrol For Chronic Colitis
Acupuncture In The West Thanks for the Feedback!
Federal Government To Purchase Environmentally Friendly Products April Switched-On Selling & Network Marketing Seminar & Instructor Training

 Join Jerry on Twitter so he can join you!     Jerry's Facebook is a place for all things, connect with Jerry here     Natural Health Alternatives Blog, latest updates here      Jerry's linkedIN, a place for your business links     Jerry's MySpace - a place for background, all his videos, and other information - here!     Jerry's FriendFeed - a place to link your items and friends       DIGG THIS - link Jerry to DIGG     STUMBLEUPON:  What sites do you like?  Share with Jerry at StumbleUpon!    Watch Jerry's Videos on his YouTube Channel!  Connect your YouTube!

The Power Of A Pencil To Reduce Test Anxiety?

You might be saying, “Uh, how can a pencil reduce test anxiety?” Well, a study reported in the journal Science found that students who spend 10 minutes before an exam writing about their thoughts and feelings can free up brainpower by focusing on their worries and fears.

The researchers found that students who were prone to test anxiety improved their test grades by nearly one grade point simply by writing about their feelings before the exam. So…anyone still own a pencil sharpener?



This Week on My Internet Radio Show

This week on my radio show, Healthy Alternatives, I’m interviewing Dr. William E. Hablitzel. Dr. Hablitzel is an unusual doctor. He's an internist and Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He's written the book It was only a Moment Ago.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, best-selling author and internationally known speaker, calls Dr. Hablitzel "an angel disguised as a medical doctor." Listen to Dr. Hablitzel talk about what he has learned from his patients on the profound difference between the curing of disease and healing people.

Go to

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We’re Not The Only Ones With Social Networks -Think Plants

Botanists have tried to figure out why some trees don’t grow well near members of their own species while others do. It turns out that newly sprouted seeds respond to soil-dwelling microbes near the tree’s roots. These microbes can harm a tree’s seedlings so the seeds need to get away from the mother tree. This has caused trees to evolve methods of dispersal of their seeds by using fruits that get eaten and seeds that get blown on the wind.

There are also plants that fare better when they are surrounded by their own kind. Sagebrush, for example, sends out airborne chemical cues from its foliage and branches that play a vital role in protecting the plants against insect attack. One study showed that two genetically identical sagebrush plants grown next to each other were more effective fending off caterpillars and grasshoppers than two unrelated plants.

So…the notion of “friending” started a long time ago.

Acupuncture In The West

Many people, including myself, remember when James Reston was in China in 1971 and he had to have emergency surgery, acupuncture was used as the anesthetic. He wrote about it in The New York Times and we became aware of acupuncture as something newly-found in our western world. Well, it turns out that the first practitioner in this country was a Philadelphia physician, Franklin Bache, and this was back in 1825! Bache published a study in a prestigious medical journal about treating a dozen prisoners suffering from chronic pain, neuralgia, rheumatism and other disorders.

The first report in Europe was even earlier. In 1683, Dr. Willem Ten Rhijne, who worked for the Dutch East India Company wrote a 20-page essay titled “De Acupunctura.” So…start thinking about how long we’ve actually known about the value and importance of acupuncture instead of considering it as something newly rediscovered.


Federal Government To Purchase Environmentally Friendly Products

By an Executive Order, the government is now required to purchase environmentally friendly products. According to the order, 95% of new government contracts must contain recycled content and sustainable materials. By fiscal year 2015, the goal is to increase the quantity of sustainable products from 41,000 to 250,000. Hurray for the environment!

That’s quite a commitment. This Executive Order should have a major impact on the development of new sustainable products.

Speaking of commitments to the environment, there is a website that rates companies by their commitment to fighting global warming. There are 22 criteria that the organization uses. The top six companies in the household products area are L‘Oreal, Proctor & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive, Kimberly-Clark, Clorox and Avon.

Congrats to those companies. To read about the scores in many industries, go to

Is Working At A Computer Causing You Eye Strain?

With all the time we are spending at computers, iPads, iPhones, Androids and e-readers, more of us are getting eye fatigue and eye strain. While there may not be any long-term damage from long hours looking at screens, it can hurt and be bothersome to have eye fatigue and headaches.

Gamers seem to have found an answer. It’s wearing yellow-tinted glasses which cut down on glare and general fatigue. So…yellow eye glasses here I come.

Use Music To Help You Exercise Harder

A recent study in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports found that music can get you to exercise harder. What the researchers did was have 12 college students ride a stationary bike while listening to music that had been pre-selected for them. During one session, the songs ran at their normal tempo. During other sessions, the tempo was slowed by 10% or increased by 10%.

When the tempo was slowed, the students’ pedaling slowed, their heart rates fell and their mileage dropped. When the tempo was increased, they produced more power with each pedal stroke, increased their pedaling rate and their heart rates rose. So…get some high-energy music and exercise faster and better.

To read other research on music, go to This is research reported at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess.


Using Resveratrol For Chronic Colitis

Chronic colitis is a difficult and painful bowel disease. Recent studies looked at the benefits of resveratrol’s anti-inflammatory effects.

In a study with mice with severe colitis, the ones given the equivalent of 30 mg of resveratrol experienced reduction of inflammation and even reduced mortality by 40% when compared with a control group that had colitis and did not receive resveratrol.

Resveratrol has also been shown to have an anti-aging benefits. So…if you have colitis, you might want to consider taking resveratrol for a couple of months. As they say, it can’t hurt.

Feedback From Readers On The Teplitz Report

I thought you’d like to see some recent feedback I received about the Teplitz Report.  Like these folks, if you appreciate the information you receive, I’d appreciate it if you’d ask your network of friends to sign up for it.

Not that your reports haven't all been informative, but this one (January issue) just really has awesome information in it! Thanks, I will be forwarding it.”
Barb Wills

“What I like about your Report is the great range of subjects you discuss - good bite size, to think about snippets. Love the video too! It really sang in my heart.”
Gill Brooksmith

“Jerry, really great stuff! I always forward your newsletters.”
Tom Johnson


April Switched-On Selling & Network Marketing Seminar & Instructor Training Scheduled

I’m conducting my Switched-On Selling and Network Marketing Seminars in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on April 15.  Make sure you take advantage of the early bird special registration fee and you may win a F.R.E.E. copy of my #1 Amazon book Switched-On Selling: Balance Your Brain For Sales Success! Both classes are taught at the same time on April 15 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If you’d like to become certified to teach these seminars, the Instructor Training will be April 15 to 17, also in Toronto.

Feedback From A Participant:  Here's what Serge Gravelle, President/CEO of My Mall Network Corporation, had to say about the Switched-On Selling Seminar:

"The results were instantaneous; within 24 hours, we had closed seven contracts, seven times more than we had done during the preceding eight months. By the end of the week, we had signed eighteen contracts. The best part is that I enjoyed making the sales, a feeling I had a hard time experiencing in the past."

Local Company Blows The Competition Out Of The Water

A year ago August during the middle of the recession, Kevin Kordek, CEO A-Active Termite and Pest Control, put half his sales force through the one-day Switched-On Selling Seminar. I spoke to him last August and Kordek told me that six of the eight people immediately jumped to above his top tier salespeople. Next, his company became the #1 distributor in the country on two of his high-end product lines, and one of his salespeople increased his closing percentage by 300 percent!

Was there anything special or different about these sales people?  Kordek said “no, ” they were middle level sales people before they attended the one day seminar.

For more information on the Switched-On Selling Seminar, go to
For more information on the Switched-On Network Marketing Seminar, go to

For more information about being an Instructor of these seminars, go to
If you would prefer to have the brochures and registration information emailed to you, send an email to








 Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of six books and has been interviewed on over 300 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.



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 Join Jerry on Twitter so he can join you!     Jerry's Facebook is a place for all things, connect with Jerry here     Natural Health Alternatives Blog, latest updates here      Jerry's linkedIN, a place for your business links     Jerry's MySpace - a place for background, all his videos, and other information - here!     Jerry's FriendFeed - a place to link your items and friends       DIGG THIS - link Jerry to DIGG     STUMBLEUPON:  What sites do you like?  Share with Jerry at StumbleUpon!    Watch Jerry's Videos on his YouTube Channel!  Connect your YouTube!



Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529