Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.

   The Energy Doctor
    Brain Performance Expert

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, Ph.D, CSP
Certified Brain-Gym 101 Instructor

 December,  2009



Here's your Teplitz Report for December, along with my sincerest wishes for a safe and happy holiday season for you and yours.

Well, the results are in and there were clear book cover winners selected by readers of my monthly email report. You picked covers for my book Managing Your Stress In Difficult Times: Succeeding In Times of Change and Switched-On Selling: Balancing Your Brain For Sales Success. Click here if you’d like to see the winners.

For a special pre-publication offer to my readers (including those who didn’t vote) - advance orders now for the January 2010 releases of these new titles will not only save money off the regular price, but get free shipping and handling - plus I'll also autograph it to whoever you want. To find out details on how to pre-order your autographed copy, click here.

To your continued health & success,
Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz



Banning Smoking In Public Places Paying Off

While there have been protests about banning smoking in public places, the results speak for themselves.


Localities that carried out this ban saw a 17% drop in heart attacks a year later and a 36% reduction after three years. Pretty cool results!

(Reported Discover Magazine December 2009)




Storing Carbon Dioxide In Stone

There is a rock formation in Oman that could store up to 10% of all the carbon dioxide we generate in a year.


The rock contains minerals that react with CO2 to form solid magnesium carbonate. Geochemists at Columbia University estimate that injecting the CO2 into the rock at high pressure would speed up the absorption process considerably.

Scientists are monitoring to see if this and other projects could be expanded to handle the 28 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emitted into the air.

Volume 8; Issue #12

Banning Smoking in Public Places
Stone Stores Carbon Dioxide!
Labels: Natural vs Organic
Rainforest Alliance vs Fair Trade
#1 Factor in ICU Recovery
Employers Reduce Health-Costs
Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
Autographed 1st Editions
Village Green's-End of Year Sale

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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Dr.
Virginia Beach, VA  23454
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Savings & Autographed 1st Editions of my latest books

Plus Village Green's:


Be Careful If A Label Says Natural Instead Of Organic

Americans are looking for greener products. A survey conducted by The Shelton Group found that nearly two-thirds of consumers were looking for these kinds of products. However, when asked how you know a product is green, 22% said “don’t know or not sure” while 20% said because “it says so” on the label.

That’s where the confusion between Natural and Organic comes into play. Consumers are preferring the word ‘natural’ over ‘organic’. On another question, thirty-one percent responded that ‘100 percent natural’ is the most desirable eco-friendly product label claim as compared to 14% who selected ‘100 percent organic’. Consumers are thinking organic is simply a marketing buzzword and that it just means the product is more expensive. Well, it turns out that ‘natural’ is the buzzword while ‘organic’ has very specific government standards that have to be met to be certified to use the word organic.

Companies are taking advantage of this confusion by sticking the label natural on their products to the extent that 23 percent of new products launched in 2008 had the word Natural on the label. So…don’t be fooled, just because it says natural, it may still be the equivalent of junk food!



Another Questionable Labeling – Rainforest Alliance v. Fair Trade

Since I’m talking about questionable labeling, there is another labeling tactic that is questionable. While both Rainforest Alliance (RA) and Fair Trade (FT) labels are meant to denote that a product is certified “sustainable”, they are not the same. One would think that the organizations giving out these ratings are making independent decisions as to whether a product is harming or helping the environment and the people producing the products.

In the case of the Rainforest Alliance, you’d be wrong. As an example, Kraft Foods is listed as a RA donor to in the amount range of somewhere between $100,000.00 and almost a million dollars. A former Kraft executive is on RA’s Board of Directors.

Another example is RA donor Chiquita, which markets bananas grown in Latin America. In 2000 all of their bananas grown on Latin American farms were given the Rainforest Alliance’s seal of approval for sustainability. Yet in 2002 an investigation by Human Rights Watch found that these farms had relied on child labor, violated basic labor rights and suppressed attempts at unionization. When RA re-inspected in 2003, they maintained all the farms’ certifications.

It turns out that Fair Trade is the organization that is appropriately labeling farms and businesses that operate with sustainability standards and fair labor standards in place. So…if you see the Rainforest Alliance’s little green frog on a product’s label, I’d suggest you view it with skepticism.


Lack Of Exercise With ICU Patients Delays Recover

The number one factor in prolonging an ICU patient’s recovery and delaying the ICU patient’s return to a normal life is wasting of muscles, according to Dr. Dale Needham, a critical care specialist at Johns Hopkins Medicine. By putting patients through neuromuscular electrical stimulation and having them do simple exercises, the patients can speed up their recuperation.

Another method of helping patients get active again is a special walker that helps severely ill patients move around more easily with fewer helpers. There is also a cycle ergometer that can be used while patients are lying in bed. It can even be used with sedated or immobile patients. So…if you have someone who has to be in intensive care, make sure that ICU has an exercise regime that they use for their patients.

(Reported in The Virginian-Pilot, 09.22.09)


Employers Can Reduce Health Care Costs By 10% to 30%

A survey by Hewitt Associates found that large employers that offer employees chronic disease management programs for diabetes, heart disease, asthma and depression have reduced health care costs by 10% to 30% over a two- to five -year period.

Since we are talking about $1.3 trillion spent on managing chronic diseases, $1.1 trillion spent on lost productivity and $277 billion spent on treatment, a 10% to 30% reduction of all these costs would equal a tremendous reduction in the overall costs of health care.

With all the debate about health care and its costs, remember these statistics which show that there are real changes that can be made to lower health care costs for us all.

(Reported in Optima Health, Benefit News, 2nd Issue 2009)


Now Vitamin D As A Treatment For Multiple Sclerosis

The news about the uses of Vitamin D just keeps getting better. There are now two research studies supporting the view that Vitamin D supplementation may reduce the risk of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

The first was reported in December 2006 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers studied 257 U.S. military personnel with MS and found that higher levels of Vitamin D in the body may reduce the risk of developing MS by as much as 62%.

The most recent study was published this year in the journal PLoS Genetics and it investigated how Vitamin D would interact with a specific variant genetic component called HLA-DRB1*1501. The presence of this variant genetic component is known to increase the risk of MS three-fold.

The researchers compared this genetic component in 322 people who had two copies of it to 168 people who did not have the variant component. They found that Vitamin D could switch on the gene by binding to the variant genetic component thereby reducing the likelihood of developing MS.

How much Vitamin D should you be taking?

  • First of all, make sure it’s Vitamin D3.

  • Second, get a blood test so you know what your current levels are. When I did that, I found my levels were very low.

  • Third, if you are low, take a supplement containing 4000 to 5000 International Units of Vitamin D3.

  • Finally, get another blood test in 4 to 6 months to confirm that your levels are at the upper end of the recommended amounts.

Personally, I have now raised my Vitamin D blood level to 49 which is where I want it to be.


A Thank You To Readers Who Voted On The Covers For My New Books - plus special advance ordering savings on Limited Autographed Editions....

You picked covers for my books Managing Your Stress In Difficult Times: Succeeding In Times of Change and Switched-On Selling: Balancing Your Brain For Sales Success, Thanks!!
Click here if you haven't seen the winners yet.

And now for a special pre-publication offer to my readers
(including those who didn’t vote)

AUTOGRPAHED COPY:  The regular price for my soon to be released book Managing Your Stress In Difficult Times (120 pages) will be $16.95. For those who order before Dec. 31 - this book is only $12.95 plus I’ll cover shipping and handling and I’ll autograph it to whoever you want.

AUTOGRPAHED COPY:  The regular price for the Switched-On Selling book (approx. 200 pages) will be $18.95. For those who order it by Dec. 31st, it's only $14.95 and again I’ll cover shipping and handling and will autograph it, too.

Both books will be released no later than the end of January 2010, and
we will first send you an email for autograph preference information
To order either or both books, click here, and select your options.

 The President of Village Green Apothecary, Marc Isaacson is a close friend of mine and wanted to let my readers know about this fabulous sale he's doing.

So, stock up and save at Village Green Apothecary's Big Year-End Sale.

Now Through January 2, 2010 you can save:

  • 35% Off Pathway Nutrition Products
  • 25% Off All Other Supplements
  • 20% Off Body Care Products.

When you shop at Village Green, you’ll choose from over 10,000 products including nutritional supplements, natural beauty care products, traditional pharmacy products, compounded prescriptions, and homeopathic remedies.  Click here to check out the Big Savings Event at Village Green!



 That's it for this month!

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy systems. The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive.

Dr. Teplitz is the author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to find out more about Jerry, or to read past issues of the Teplitz Report, please visit us at our website:

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: None of the statements in this Report have been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your doctor about matters that affect your health.

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Teplitz Enterprises, Inc. 1304 Woodhurst Dr. Virginia Beach, Va 23454 800-777-3529