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BRYAN SHIRLEY President and CEO of MANA, CA on his association's experience with using Dr. Teplitz'  techinques for MANA's new marketing magazine and website revisons.

JACK CANFIELD co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® book series and one of the creators of the DVD "The Secret"  praises Jerry Teplitz' special marketing techniques for PR Materials and Websites. and uses them before releasing any products.

Here's what companies are saying about Dr. Jerry Teplitz'  Creating High Energy Web Sites & PR Materials DVD:

"Thank you so much for the valuable service you provided in checking the 'energy level' of our books, Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul.

I know that the work that you did in raising the 'energy' of the covers and the contents of our book to their highest levels was an extraordinary boost in helping make both of these books runaway bestsellers.

I would encourage any author, graphic designer, or public relations person to use your service. To say it has paid for itself many, many times over is an understatement. I certainly intend to use your service for all of my future projects!"

Marci Shimoff, Co-author
Chicken Soup For The Soul

"Our CEO CLUB truly benefited by your talk and so many of the members now muscle-check ads and websites. You are a gifted platform performer and a rare talent and the members and I are indebted to you"

Joseph Mancuso, President
CEO Clubs, Inc.

"Your presentation certainly drew the audience in and held their attention for the entire time and that's quite a challenge for a group of individuals who generally operate at warp speed.  Your in-depth knowledge coupled with your original approach to this topic enabled the audience to learn valuable techniques that I know they will be implementing as soon as they are back in the office.  In fact, I am looking forward to hearing their success stories"

Kathleen Wilson, Executive Director
National Association of Trial Lawyer Executives