JERRY V. Teplitz, JD, Ph.D.  
Certified Speaking Professional


"We have had Dr. Teplitz present at four of our seminars in the past two years that include senior and mid level managers in state and federal bank regulatory agencies. I see many of the participants at subsequent programs. Months and years after seeing Dr. Teplitz, they tell me they are still using some of these techniques. If you need a sure hit program that delivers immediate and long lasting value, this is it."
Roger Stromberg
 Senior Vice President-Education 
 Conference of State Bank Supervisors 


Additional Industry Leaders' Comments


Fascinating program...I recommend it for every age. We started using Dr. Teplitz' techniques immediately in our office!
Ronald Williams, Treasurer, City of Suffolk
Suffolk, VA

Additional Comments From Participants


American Bankers Association
America's Community Bankers
Calvert Group
Conference of State Bank Supervisors
Credit Union Executives Society

Maryland Bankers Association
National Association of Banking Women
South Dakota Bankers Association
Treasurers' Association of Virginia
Virginia Bankers Association

Additional Client List


Managing the Stress of Change
"Managing The Stress of Change" is a presentation that addresses the specific situation of the stresses we experience as a result of both expected and unexpected change in our lives. Participants will learn techniques that will enable them to cope with the stress of change more productively and effectively.
"You were wonderful! Your delivery was superb. A speaker that has the power to make people think about and discuss his program long after the presentation is over is phenomenal. "

Glenda C. Cochran, CPS
Director, Young Bankers Section
Virginia Bankers Association

Increasing Your Selling Power To 
New Levels Of Excellence

We all have a reservoir of untapped power and strength within us. Through this program, participants learn techniques for recognizing, understanding and increasing their selling potential. It can help sales people reach their fun creative and productive potential, resulting in immediate sales increases.

How to Persuade Effectively
People call it the art of persuasion, but is it really an art? Or are there actually systematic approaches which can be used to better understand our own motivation and that of those you are trying to persuade? The session explores this question and offers participants a proven way to read their clients' behavior styles, which enables them to be even more successful persuaders.

Your Management Success Formula
With the increase in competition and changes in the workplace, the key to good management practices now requires a clear understanding of human behavior. Through this program managers will learn their own behavior style while they also receive a picture of the style of the people they have to manage. This information will allow them to better relate to and motivate their subordinates and is also valuable in team building, hiring, and the correct placement of personnel.

Hiring, Placing & Motivating Excellent People
The key to success within any organization is hiring
the right person for the job and then keeping them
properly motivated. Through this seminar, participants will gain tools that can be used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a potential employee, as well as the ability to determine the most appropriate placement of that person within the organization and finally, what steps can be taken to keep them motivated.

Speeding to Effective Time Mastery; Working Smarter, Not Harder
With the complexities of the business world today, there never seems to be enough time to accomplish everything we need to do. Through this program participants will discover their own time management strengths and weaknesses, leading to the development of a personal and effective time management strategy.

"Before you even got out the door yesterday,  I had numerous requests to invite you back."
Bill Williams, Training Coordinator
Human Resources, 
Calvert Group


"I want to take a moment and share with you what a positive reaction we had to your presentation to our employees.  The feedback was wonderful:  60 percent of those attending rated you program as excellent, 96 percent of those attending said they would like to hear you speak again.

You are a master at keeping people's attention, making people comfortable, and presenting new material in a believable way.  Thank you for making our recognition event a success!"

  Steve Anderson 
President/Chief Executive Officer 
River Valley State Bank
"Increasing productivity and promoting team-building were at the forefront of our 2005 strategic planning session.  By helping us to learn more about ourselves, Jerry, you have helped to open our minds to new ways of working in teams and through this knowledge we, as individuals, can promote maximum enhancements for the organization!  We have found your assessment results to be quite accurate.  "
  Curt Hecker, CEO
Panhandle State Bank
"Your Management Success Formula" - Part 1" and "Increase Your Management Power to New Levels of Excellence: - Part 2" truly hit the mark.  The evaluations and verbal feedback to us from the 65 attendees were excellent.  The information you shared with us, and the techniques you taught, are certainly the "buzz" of the many payor, provider organizations and hospitals that attended.  Many of my colleagues would benefit greatly from your programs, and I would not hesitate to recommend you to them."
  Edward M. "Mickey" Duke, President-Elect 2004-2005
Nevada Chapter Program Chairman
HFMA Nevada Chapter
" WOW!  The Switched On Selling Seminar was outstanding and judging from our staff evaluation forms, they all thought so as well.  The best part about the training is that results are instantaneous.  SOS is an entirely new approach to sales training and one our group enjoyed and embraced. Thanks! "

Jack Shuler
Pee Dee Farm Credit

"To say you were a "hit" would be an understatement. The participants were truly amazed by your presentation and seemed to be mesmerized. Your knowledge and expertise were very evident and you certainly have enthusiasm for your profession."
  Steven D. Bridges,
Chief Executive Officer,
Community Bankers Association of Georgia
"The feedback has been excellent and given everybody a new perspective to consider."
  D.W. Johnstone, Managing Director
Johnstone Douglas Limited
"All of the Directors that I have talked to after the presentation felt it was well worth their time and a very enjoyable morning."
  Philip R. Baldwin, FMS Director's Council
Financial Management Service


“The most unique presentation I’ve attended.”
  Ashley Walker, AVP
North Atlanta Nat’l Bank, Alpharetta, GA
“Amazing examples – very informational!”
  Andrea Payne, Banking Officer
Bank of Dudley, Dublin, GA
“I can’t wait to have more energy at the end of the work day to enjoy my family.”
  Lamar Lee, Controller
First National Bank, Barnesville, GA
Would not have believed it if I hadn’t experience this myself."

Hudson Wade, FVP
Fist American Bank, Watkinsville, GA


Jim Comer, Sr. Vice President
Presidential Financial, Tucker, GA


Jan Bianucci, Examiner
FDIC, Columbia, SC

Extremely interesting."

Joe Watson, Bank Examiner
FDIC, Cola, SC

“It’s very enlightening.”

Theresa Adger, Bank Examiner
FDIC, Atlanta, GA

“A must for any business person.”

Robert Johnson Jr., Examiner
FDIC, Albany, GA

“He’s captivating, funny and knows how to keep the audience engaged!”

Erica Smith, Executive Secretary

“Eye opening experience.”

Andrew Heidelberg, Hampton Treasurer’s Office
Hampton, VA

“Thought it was amazing.”

Judith C. Wells, Treasurer, Isle of Wight County
Isle of Wight, VA

"I was in this class for over 1 ½ hours. It seemed like 30 minutes."

Lois White, Treasurer
Highland County Treasurer’s Office
Monterey, VA

“The class provides an alternative way to view how we interact with others within our environment and how we can control our environment.”

Caroline Lenac Lord, Director of Training
Securipipe, Inc., Tucker, GA

“Finding out your body’s energy is unbelievable and will be used when I return to work to improve my efficiency and lower my stress level.”

Dee Gresham, Vice President
Bank of Upson, Thomaston, GA

“Jerry shares information everyone needs to know and use to be a high performer."

Bob Younglove, Performance Coach
Path Associates, Towson, MD

“Awesome and professional presentation."

Sue Aiken, Career Counselor

“This will be perfect to use on a daily basis, especially when my kids get rowdy.”

Susan Stampfel, Admin. Asst.
FDIC, Phoenix, AZ

“Jerry’s program is amazing. It will blow your mind, while energizing it as well.”

Faye P. Warren, Deputy Treasurer
Treasurer Surry County
Surry, VA

“Extremely informative, will help me to be a better supervisor.”

Beth Ledgerton, Treasurer
County Government
Warrenton, VA

“Most useful skill I’ve learned in decades.”

Edwin Hardell, Examiner

“The information was enlightening and fun, yet useful in every day activities.”

Kevin Burns
FDIC, Atlanta, GA

“I’ve never had a class like this before. At first I was skeptical, but Jerry really makes you a believer about the power of positive thinking.”

Kelly Davis, Assistant Examiner
FDIC, Hoover, AL

“You won’t believe it till you see it.”

Myke Rost, Examiner
FDIC, Morrovia, CA

“Keep a happy thought.”

Sharon Stephens
FDIC, Seattle, WA

“Fantastic! I am anxious to see where else I can apply these principals!”

Brent Jensen, Examiner
FDIC, Murray, UT

“My stress level reduced immediately after using the techniques taught at the session.”

Brad Havran

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