Teplitz Member Report

Vol. 8, #4-April, 2009

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz , Ph.D., CSP
The Energy Doctor & Optimum
Brain Performance Educator


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Lower Back Pain information

Archive Of Past Issues Of Teplitz EMAIL Report Available Online
You can do your own research on specific topics I may have written about by going to the Online Archive at: http://linkbee.com/TeplitzReports.  Scroll down to where it says Past Issues and enter the words you are looking for in the search bar.

You may also find this useful for specific research: my Alternatives for Natural Health Blog on Google Blogger.  http://linkbee.com/NaturalHealth


There Is A Bottom Line Value To Becoming A Sustainable Company
With the financial crisis continuing, companies may be considering abandoning their sustainability initiatives due to the added costs. Well, before your company does that, consider the results of management consulting firm A.T. Kearney’s recent analysis. This study found that companies that showed a real commitment to sustainability outperformed their competitors in the financial markets.

In 16 of 18 industries that were reviewed, sustainability-focused companies outperformed their competitors over both three- and six-month periods. Over three months the difference in value was 10% higher for the sustainability-focused companies and over six months the difference was 15%. So…even with times as they are, it may be better for a company to look at how to increase its sustainability initiatives rather than cut them. Today, a 10% to 15% increase in value is something to brag about.


Study Reported That Vitamins Don’t Work – Is It True or False?
Recently a research study that reported a lack of benefit for women using vitamin supplements has been widely reported in the media. The study reported to show that there were no reductions in the rates of cancer, heart disease and death for the women taking supplements versus those who were not. While the number of women studied looks impressive, 161,808 postmenopausal women over an eight-year period, the results are actually questionable.

The vitamin and mineral supplements used in the study were all low or very low dose supplements. In many cases they were even below the RDAs, which are minimum government standards just to prevent diseases like beriberi or scurvy. High dosage supplements were deliberately excluded from the study. From other supplement research that I’ve reviewed, a higher dosage of the supplement would be required to achieve positive results.

Further, the study report didn’t indicate whether natural or synthetic supplements were used. Again, from all the research I’ve looked at over the years, there can be a real difference in effectiveness between synthetic and natural supplements. So…should you stop taking supplements when the results of this study point to sloppy science? I know I won’t; however, the choice is yours.


The Purpose Of Sleeping
Researchers have discovered that the purpose of sleep may go beyond our having dreams and our resting. Sleep may have evolved to protect animals from disease. The researchers looked at the immune system and levels of parasite infection in 30 animal species. Some of the species, like giraffes, doze for just a few hours a day, while armadillos sleep for 20 hours. The study found that the animals that sleep the longest had 6 times more immune cells, and that the animals that slept the least had a parasite load 24 times higher.

In a separate study with 153 human volunteers who were infected with a cold virus, those who averaged less that 7 hours of sleep each night were almost 3 times more likely to get sick that those who slept 8 or more hours.

(Reported Discover, April 2009)


The Experts Can’t Agree On The Right Therapy
In its January 15, 2009 issue, the New England Journal of Medicine published the results of a case study survey on how readers would manage a case of prostate cancer. The Journal gave the facts of the situation on a 67 year old man who had prostate cancer. The survey respondents reviewed the case and voted on the treatment option they would use. If you were expecting near unanimous agreement, you would be greatly disappointed. The results were anything but unanimous. Of the 3,720 doctors (most respondents were docs), students and former prostate cancer patients who voted, 29% said they would do expectant management, which is watch and wait.  Thirty-three percent would use radiotherapy and 39% would do a radical prostatectomy. 

What this case study survey points out is that the treatment for prostate cancer may not necessarily be based on the best research studies but simply on one doctor’s inclination. Results like these are probably why the alternative medicine field has been growing by leaps and bounds. People are looking for options that may be safer and effective, too.


The Lack Of Sunlight Increases Medical Errors
A study reported by the Institute of Circumpolar Health Studies looked at the effect of lack of daylight on medication errors by hospital staff. This study was conducted in Anchorage Alaska over a five-year period. It found that 58% of all medication errors occurred during January through March, which is when there is almost total darkness. This study points to the impact of light on how we perform and function.

My approach would be to install full spectrum lighting to see if it would drop these rates. My prediction, based on client feedback and 20 years of experience with the lights, is that full-spectrum lighting would dramatically reduce these medication errors.


Alternative Treatment For Shingles
An alternative treatment for shingles was reported by a newsletter subscriber of Dr. Julian Whitaker (Vol 19, No. 3). This person had a severe case of shingles, which can cause excruciating pain. He found very little help until he used an olive leaf capsule product sold by a company called Olivus. His pain diminished within two days. He then started drinking 5 glasses per day of their loose tea and his symptoms were gone.

Dr. Whitaker believes that an antiviral substance in the olive leaf products boosted the person’s immune system. To order this olive leaf product, call 800 810-6655 or go to http://linkbee.com/OliveLeaf.

Special Lower Back Pain Treatment Using Shiatsu
I had such a good response to the pre-release of my new DVD on Quick Relief For Lower Back Pain that I’d like to give you one more opportunity to purchase it at the subscribers special price.

While I am selling the DVD for $50.00 plus shipping and handling, as a subscriber to the Teplitz Email Report the price for you will be only $34.95 with free shipping and handling. Besides receiving the lower back pain treatment, you’ll also receive a special 35 page report on lower back pain. 

To order the DVD on our secure shopping cart online, click here, or call toll-free - 800 -77-RELAX.
Hurry!  This offer expires May 19, 2009.

Special Discount - Secure Shopping Cart : LowerBack

For Detailed Information, or to Download it NOW for only $19.97, go to :

That's it for this month! 


Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit http://linkbee.com/TeplitzReports

Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)

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The Teplitz Report, unless otherwise noted,  has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your Doctor about matters that affect your health.

© 1997-2009, Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.