Teplitz Email Report

Vol. 8, #1-January, 2009

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor & Optimum
Brain Performance Educator


Treating Varicose Veins

In November 1999, Dr Julian Whitaker reported on a review of 13 clinical studies which found favorable results treating varicose veins with horse chestnut extract. Eight of the studies found horse chestnut to be superior to a placebo for decreasing edema, pain, itching and fatigue. Five of the studies compared it to prescription medications or compression stockings and found it to be equally effective. These results appear to be caused by the active ingredient in horse chestnut extract, called escin, which enhances the structure, function and tone of veins, which helps to prevent vascular leakage, pain and swelling. To order the extract, you can call 800-722-8008.

So…if you’ve got varicose veins, give horse chestnut extract a whirl.
(Whitaker Newsletter, November 1999)


Triggering The Birth Process
I recently attended a seminar on Brain Gym® where the instructor Renate Wennekes shared some fascinating information of how the birth process kicks in. As it turns out, it’s the baby that starts the contraction process.

First, the mother’s hormones send a signal to the placenta telling it to stop delivering nutrients to the baby. This lack of nutrients forces the baby’s body to secrete hormones that start the birth process. In effect, the mother’s body is saying to the baby, “if you’re hungry, you’d better get out of here.” It then takes three days of the baby pushing against the mother’s womb for it to open and the baby to be born. This lack of food also primes the baby to want to breast feed as soon as it’s out of the womb.

All I can say is pretty fancy process to get us born!


More Amazing Reports On The Impact Of Vitamin D
Dr. Joseph Mercola recently reported on a study published in The Lancet in February 2000, which focused on using Vitamin D in the treatment of tuberculosis, now super-resistant to drug therapy. In this study, Indonesian scientists found that treating TB patients with 10,000 units of Vitamin D daily led to a cure rate of 100 percent! Everyone in the study was cured. Vitamin D has also been shown to be effective against anthrax, cholera, E. coli, dysentery, staph infections and the flu.

A deadly condition known as preeclampsia causes 15 percent of the deaths of women worldwide during pregnancy and as many as 70 percent in developing countries. Preeclampsia is marked by soaring blood pressure accompanied by swelling of the hands and feet. A study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, published in March 2007, found that Vitamin D deficiency was one of the most common reasons for these conditions to occur.

Finally, a study published in Nutrition Reviews in August 2007 estimated that by increasing Vitamin D levels in countries north of the equator, 250,000 cases of colorectal cancer and 350,000 cases of breast cancer could be prevented worldwide.

To understand what Vitamin D is doing in the body, you have to realize that Vitamin D is not really a vitamin. It is a naturally occurring but powerful steroid hormone that is involved in numerous repair and maintenance functions in the body. Like other steroid hormones, it regulates your body by turning your genes on or off. About 2,000 genes are directly influenced by Vitamin D.

If you are going to be taking a Vitamin D supplement, you might want to do two things. First, get a blood test to determine your body’s current level of Vitamin D. I had one done a few months ago and found that I was very low in Vitamin D. Second, take a Vitamin D supplement, and make sure it’s Vitamin D3. After three months of Vitamin D3 usage I was retested by my doctor, who discovered that my levels had not risen. I thought it might be a brand effectiveness issue, so I switched brands of Vitamin D3, from Swanson to Healthy Originals – 2400 IU. When my doctor retested my level three months later, it was at the high end of normal, which is where you want it to be.

So…now is the time to start by getting your blood tested and then taking 2000 to 5000 IUs of Vitamin D3 every day.


Great Place To Stay For A Vacation
I just got back from spending two weeks in Belize. If you’d like a really laid back vacation that also has some great snorkeling and diving opportunities (other than Australia), then you’ll love Belize. We also stayed at a wonderful resort called Captain Morgan’s Retreat. You can check them out at www.CaptainMorgans.com.


Recommendation Of A Book For Cat Lovers
Norma Eckroate, who helped me write my book Switched-On Living, has just assisted in the publication of a book for cat lovers called The Natural Cat with Anitra Fraiser. This book is a comprehensive guide to optimum care for your cat. You can order it from Amazon (The Natural Cat: The Comprehensive Guide to Optimum Care) or at Barnes and Noble.


Honored To Be Speaking To Two Prestigious Groups
In January and February I will be speaking to two prestigious groups. In January, I’m speaking to PCMA – Professional Convention Management Association and in February to ASAE – American Society of Association Executives.

If you’d like to discuss having me speak to your group or organization, email Sandra Lee in my office at Sandy@Teplitz.com or call 800 77-RELAX.


Kids Who Get A Cut Will Tend To Lick It – Well, They’re Onto Something
When a kid is out playing and gets a cut, they’ll tend to lick it or suck on the cut. When we become an adult, we rush for the chemicals and bandages. Well, it turns out the kids are doing the right thing. A study by Dutch researchers found that human saliva has compounds called histatins that increase healing by warding off infections. The histatins also prompt cells from the skin’s surface to close over a wound.
(Reported Discover January 2008)


Attention Deficit Disorder Running Rampant
A glance at the statistics around Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is quite shocking. Using diagnostic criteria analysis to determine the number of projected cases of ADHD, you get a figure of around 4% of school-age children potentially having ADHD. Yet a study published a few years ago in the American Journal of Public Health found an ADHD rate of 63% in just one school district in southeastern Virginia when the data was analyzed. This would seem to indicate that the medical profession’s ability to accurately diagnose a child with ADHD is quite limited. This misdiagnosis and mislabeling is resulting in way too many children being put on Ritalin, to the extent that one in five fifth grade Caucasian boys are taking Ritalin.

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, one alternative to giving your child Ritalin is to use Brain Gym® movement and exercises.  You may find them to be the way back to normalcy for your kid. To find a Brain Gym (BG) Consultant in your area, go to www.BrainGym.org. To explore some of the Brain Gym Books, you can go to https://teplitz.com/book_epn_cart.htm#children.

Another thing that I have found effective is using Steven Halpern’s music CD Connections and his subliminal CD Accelerating Learning.

Over the years, I’ve recommended to a number of parents that they play Connections (or Comfort Zone) an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening in the child’s environment. The child doesn’t have to stop whatever they are doing to listen to it; the CD just has to be playing in the environment. When the child needs to study, have the child play Halpern’s Accelerating Learning CD. I’ve had at least a half dozen parents who have followed this recommendation share with me that their child, who had behavior problems in school, was behaving normally in school within a week of following these recommendations.

If you’d like to experiment with the Halpern music with your child, you can take advantage of my 60-day money-back guarantee to prove to yourself that what I am saying is true. If not, you can simply return the CDs for a refund. There is no charge for shipping and handling for this offer.

Click here to order.  This offer expires January 20, 2009.



That's it for this month!  A Happy & Prosperous New Year to All!

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,700 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit https://teplitz.com/ezine.htm


Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)

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The Teplitz Report, unless otherwise noted,  has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your Doctor about matters that affect your health.

© 1997-2008, Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.