Teplitz Email Report

Vol. 7, #12-December, 2008

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor & Optimum
Brain Performance Educator


Relationship Between The Conscious And The Unconscious Minds

The unconscious part of the human brain can see and respond to things that it is not consciously aware that it is seeing. Recently, French and English scientists had volunteers play a simple game while undergoing a brain scan. The subjects held a handgrip while watching a computer screen. They were told to squeeze the handgrip whenever they saw a picture of money on the screen. The more they squeezed the more money they would win.

While some pictures stayed on the screen long enough to be identified, others raced by. Regardless, the image of a British pound caused the volunteers to squeeze harder than they did at the sight of a penny, even when it appeared so quickly that they were not consciously aware of what kind of money they were seeing. The researchers found that the same part of the brain became active whether the response was conscious or unconscious. This is a good example of how the conscious and unconscious are working together.

In another study subjects were shown pictures of human faces while the researchers scanned their brains. In some trials, the subjects chose two words to describe the expressions they saw on each face they viewed. This forced them to consciously reflect on the emotions that they saw. In other trials, subjects chose a name for each face, but no attention was drawn to the emotions that were being expressed.
When the subjects only chose a name for a face that was expressing an emotion, the amygdala region of the brain activated. The amygdala is part of our survival mechanism as it reacts unconsciously to emotional situations. In the subjects who used words to describe the faces, the amygdala remained quiet while an area involved with refection, reasoning, and self-control was activated.

This means that sometimes our unconscious mind will work even more effectively than our conscious mind to assist us in knowing what is going on in the world. At other times our unconscious mind won’t even be aware of what we are doing. The writer of this article felt that when the unconscious mind is not being triggered we have the conscious free will to decide what we want to be doing.
(Reported in Discover, Oct 2008)

The Importance Of Vitamin B12 To Keep Your Brain Young

About 40% of the US population is deficient in Vitamin B12. Recent research has shown that older people with low levels of Vitamin B12 are at increased risk for brain atrophy or shrinkage. Brain atrophy is associated with Alzheimer’s disease and impaired cognitive function.

This study, involving more than 100 volunteers aged 61 to 87, found that individuals with the lowest Vitamin B12 levels at the start of the study had a greater decrease in brain volume after five years. Those with the lowest levels of B12 had a six-fold greater rate of brain loss. An important fact to note is that none of the participants were actually deficient in Vitamin B12, though they were in the low level of normal range.

As I said, since 40% of the population is actually deficient, this means the number of older people experiencing brain loss is probably much higher. It also means having a blood test that shows your B12 level is in the ‘normal range’ might not mean that you are at the level for optimum healthy brain functioning. So…get your Vitamin B12 level checked by your doctor and make sure you aim to keep it at the higher end of the normal range.
(Reported in Neurology 2008)

Finding Your Purpose Can Help You Live Longer

A survey conducted in 2005 reported on the health and well-being of 12,640 middle-aged Hungarians. The researchers found that those who felt their lives had meaning showed much lower rates of cancer and heart disease than those who didn’t feel that way. Another study looked at people, who had lived past 100, living in different locations around the world. A common trait amongst these centurions was having a sense of purpose - “having a reason to get out of bed.”

Dr. Harold G. Koenig, from Duke University Medical Center, said that “people who feel their life is a part of a larger plan are guided by their spiritual values and have stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, a lower risk of heart attack and cancer, and heal faster and live longer.”

So…with a financial crisis forcing people to make different decisions, there may be a glimmer of a silver lining. People who enjoy working may choose to continue and those who have lost a job may be freed up to pursue what they would really like to do. Whatever it is, just make sure you find something of purpose for yourself! Remember, the Chinese character for crisis also contains within it the word opportunity.
(Reported AARP November & December 2008)

The Difficulty In Saying Thank You To The Right People

In an interesting article in October’s Fast Company, Dan Heath and Chip Heath, the authors of Made To Stick, pointed out the difficulty in finding the right people in an effective business or company in order to compliment them. While it’s easy to register a complaint, paying a compliment is much harder.
So, does it really matter whether someone gets complimented or not? Well, according to the authors, a survey of 10,000 employees from the 1,000 largest companies found that 40% of those surveyed cited “lack of recognition” as a key reason for leaving a job.

While it’s easier to complain, giving compliments may actually be beneficial to the customer. Some recent research has shown that when a customer says thanks and expresses gratitude, they not only make the employee happier, it makes the customer even happier. In one study, groups of volunteers made a list of things they were thankful for, once a week for 10 weeks. This “thankful” group felt more happiness, excitement and joy than the other groups. They even reported better physical health with fewer headaches and colds.

So…next time you’re out to dinner and you have a great meal, write a note for the server to give to the chef. Imagine the smile on his or her face as you also walk out smiling from the restaurant.

Alternative Therapies Gaining Ground In Hospitals

The American Hospital Association reports that 37% of American hospitals are making complementary and alternative treatments available to their patients. The therapies include acupuncture, touch therapy, and music and art therapy. This percentage has grown from 2005, when it was offered by only 25% of hospitals.

The majority of hospitals are using patient satisfaction as the best way of determining whether an alterative treatment was beneficial. Next, the hospital looks at clinical data on its effectiveness. At the Cleveland Clinic, half of 1,700 patients undergoing heart surgery opted for alternatives and 93% of the patients found the services were helpful.

As an example, a nurse was having difficulty inserting an IV into a patient’s arm because of the patient’s anxiousness over her scheduled surgery. Instead of continuing to prod and poke the patient, the nurse called in a massage therapist and in 10 minutes the IV was in place.

So…if you have time to make a choice as to which hospital you go to, ask them if they offer alternative treatment programs. If they don’t, make sure to tell or write the head honcho as to why you’re not going to be using their facility. If enough folks did that, the 37% figure would grow quickly and dramatically and so would the benefits to the patients.
(Reported in USA Today Online 9-14-08)

Feedback From A Reader On The Full Spectrum Lights

I just received an email from Carey Hansen in Green Bay about the impact of the full spectrum fluorescent lighting she had purchased from us.

She was excited because it got rid of her seasonal affective disorder illness, which causes severe depression. Here’s what she said:

“Just wanted to let you know that earlier this year I purchased lighting for the office I work in. Normally in fall I suffer from SAD… this year I had little or no affect from the change of seasons.

The only thing I can attribute it to is the lighting. If I hadn’t tried it I wouldn’t have believed it!!!”

I am definitely sold on how much lighting can affect a person. Thank you sooo much!”

       Carey, you are welcome.

Researchers from the University of Toronto reported in a study published in Archives of General Psychiatry have figured out what is going on in the brain. They did brain scans of volunteers and discovered that levels of serotonin were lower in autumn and winter than spring and summer. Because sunlight regulates a protein controlling serotonin levels, lack of sunshine means less serotonin, which is the bodies feel good chemical.

Because of Carey’s email, I’m going to extend my Special Offer to Teplitz Email Report subscribers that I made last month. – order one case (up to 3 cases) of tubes and you’ll receive an extra 5% discount for a total discount of 25%! This offer is only good until December 15, 2008. To order go to JTV-ENERGY-LIGHTS.com and on the order form page, enter PROMO CODE: 413632

Increase Sperm Count With Folic Acid and Zinc

Researchers at the University Medical Center in Nijmegen in the Netherlands found that men who are infertile may be able to increase their sperm count just by adding extra folic acid and zinc to their diet. Researchers put 103 low-count males on regimens of zinc sulfate or folic acid, a combination of the two, or a placebo for 26 weeks. Those who received both nutrients increased the number of active sperm from 7.5 million per milliliter to 12 million. While this is lower than the 20 million to 150 million per milliliter produced by healthy fertile men, it could make a difference.


Easy X-MAS Shopping - Save $70 and get F.R.E.E. Shipping!
I’d like to make a special Christmas shopping offer to you as a subscriber to my Teplitz Email Report (US Subscribers only). You’ll get some great gifts if you:

Buy four of the Steven Halpern gentle or subliminal music CDs and you’ll receive a F.R.E.E. copy of one of my Books, your choice.  The books are Switched-On Living, Brain Gym For Business or Managing Your Stress: How To Relax and Enjoy.

PLUS you also won’t be charged any shipping or handling. Your products will be sent to you via the US Postal Service.

Besides all of this, you’ll also receive a F.R.E.E. streamable version of my video that will show you how to get rid of lower back pain in 3 minutes using a Japanese Pressure Technique called SHIATSU.  Also included is a 5 minute full back treatment that will feel as if you received a ½ hour message. If you are giving this streaming video as a gift, you will be able to forward it to the person of your choice.  You will receive download instructions immediately upon ordering the package selections below:

The Halpern Gentle Music CDs include either Connections or Comfort Zone.

The Subliminal CDs to choose from include:
  Achieving Your Ideal Weight
  Accelerated Learning
  Enhancing Creativity
  Enhancing Success
  Attracting Prosperity
  Radiant Health and Well-being
  Accelerated Self-healing
  Effortless Relaxation
  Sleep Soundly
  No Smoking
  Enhancing Intimacy

There are also two Business Subliminal CDs you may select:
  Success For Salespeople
  Success For Managers

All of this would regularly cost over $150 and it’s yours for only $80 and no additional shipping or handling charges!

This offer, to receive in time for Christmas, expires December 18, 2008. If you do place an order after Dec 18, you will be charged for our sending the items UPS Second Day or Next Day Air (to make sure that you receive it in time for Christmas, unless you specify otherwise).

To place your order, either order the package online here and you will receive an email form to select your personal choices - -  or call 1 800 77-RELAX (777-3529) to order by phone.

That's it for this month. And Happy Holidays To All.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit https://teplitz.com/ezine.htm


Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)

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, unless otherwise noted,  has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your Doctor about matters that affect your health.th.

© 1997-2008, Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.