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Wellness Article Archives



Teplitz Email Report

Vol. 6, #12-December, 2007

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor & Optimum
Brain Performance Educator



Use Vinegar To Help Control Diabetes
A study published in Diabetes Care showed that vinegar could dramatically reduce the spike in blood sugars that diabetics experience after eating a meal. In this study the researchers gave a group of people two tablespoons of vinegar just before a meal. Next, they measured their blood sugar levels an hour later. The group had an average drop of 25% in blood sugar levels after the meal when they took the vinegar.

People who were highly prone to becoming diabetics had an even greater drop in their blood sugar spike. It dropped nearly 50%.

So…if you are a type 1 or type 2 diabetic, or prediabetic, start taking a vinegar appetizer right before a meal.

Open Your Car Door Using Your Cell Phone
Have you ever locked your keys in the car? I have. Now you can actually open your car door (or the truck) using your cell phone. When I read what’s below, I immediately attempted it with my staff and it worked! Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, so long as someone who has the other "remote" for your car, you can unlock it.

If your car has a clicker that you use to open the door here are the steps. First, you have to have a spare clicker at home. Call someone at home from your cell phone (it doesn’t matter if they use a cell phone or a land line). Now, hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your house press the unlock button on their clicker, holding it near the microphone on their phone. Your car door will unlock.

This is another example where modern technology is demonstrating one of the things that I talk about – the sending of thoughts and prayers. We can send our thoughts over the airwaves and have them immediately reach the person they are intended for. Pretty cool!

Type 2 Diabetics Use Mulberry Extract For Better Control

In the book Beat Diabetes Naturally by Michael Murray, ND and Michael Lyon MD, the doctors report on research comparing mulberry extract to a standard drug for diabetes control. The researchers found that the mulberry significantly improved diabetic control in type 2 diabetic patients.

Reduce The Risk Of Childhood Obesity – Sleep More

A study published in Pediatrics found that getting kids to bed earlier may lower their risk of becoming obese. Every additional hour per night a third-grader spends sleeping reduces the child’s chances of becoming obese in sixth grade by 40%. In the study the researchers reviewed complete information on 785 children in regards to their sleep pattern, height and weight in the third grade and the sixth grade.

The researchers found that, of the children who slept 10 to 12 hours a day, only about 12 percent were obese by sixth grade, compared to 22 percent of those who slept less than nine hours a day. So…you might want to consider enforcing strict bedtimes for your children’s health.
(Reported The Viginian Pilot, November 5, 2007)

New Research Supports Using Echinacea

Researchers at the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy found that people who took 3,000 mg of echinacea on a daily basis had 58 percent fewer colds than the control group. If a cold did manifest, the echinacea taker’s cold lasted one and one-half days less. So…now’s the time to have a bottle of echinacea in the house and start taking it even before the first signs of a cold.
(Reported AARP Magazine, November & December 2007)

MSG May Be More Dangerous To Our Health Than We Thought

Years ago MSG (monosodium glutamate), which is a flavor enhancer, got connected with Chinese food. Chinese chefs were using a lot of it in cooking and customers were getting headaches after eating this MSG-laced food. It was even called Chinese headache Syndrome. Now when people go to a Chinese restaurant, many will say “No MSG please” when ordering.

While that is good to do, you may not be aware that MSG is put into thousands of foods from soup to crackers to meats. It’s even in infant formulas and baby foods. It’s hidden under on the ingredients label by being called a lot of different names, such as, broth, casein, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP), autolyzed gelatin, yeast extract, malted barley, rice syrup and brown rice syrup. If you’re like me, you are suddenly realizing how the food industry has been deceiving us into eating more MSG.

MSG, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock in his book Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, goes beyond just giving consumers headaches. It may actually be poisoning us. Dr. Blaylock explains that MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your cells to the point of damaging them. This makes it act as a poison.

In addition, since the 1960s, scientists have known that MSG causes obesity. In case you haven’t looked around, we are in the middle of an obesity epidemic. MSG causes the production of visceral fat, which surrounds your organs, and increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, insomnia, and type-2 diabetics.

So…read those labels. It’s the only way you can finish what you started in the Chinese restaurant by saying “No MSG please.”

Sending Thoughts Can Affect The Growth Of Lettuce Seeds

If you’ve been at one of my seminars, you may have seen me demonstrate how the sending of thoughts can impact another person. An experiment was recently done by Lynne McTaggart at a seminar she was conducting for 100 people that gives further validation to the sending of thoughts. In her experiment McTaggart, who was conducting the seminar in New York State, had the attendees focus on seeds which were in England with the following intention in mind: “My intention is for all seeds in our target group to sprout at least three inches by the fourth day of growing.”

The researcher found that the focused intention caused significantly larger seed growth overall in both the intention seeds and even in the control seeds as compared to earlier experiments where the intention was not as specific.

To me, this means it’s important that you are clear about what you are focusing on. The old adage applies – be careful what you pray for, you might just get it.

Impact My Seminar Had On A Dad and His Gymnast Daughter

Louis Kaminow emailed me these comments: “We met a few years ago in Orlando, FL during the builder’s show where you were speaking. My daughter is a competitive gymnast (Level 8 All Around State Champion in Florida). There is not a single event that she starts without “zipping up”. The 2 hours I spent with you has made a huge impact on my entire family. Thank you for all that you do.”

You’re welcome, Louis. Getting feedback from folks years later as to the impact I had on their lives is why I do this work. It also reinforces the marketing slogan I use on my website – Short Time Programs With A Long-Term Impact!

It’s That Time Of The Year When Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Strike

The days are getting shorter and people who are sensitive to this loss of light may be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder. This is a disease that can make the person lethargic and put on weight. There is still one primary recommended treatment and that is having the person look at a bank of full spectrum fluorescent tubes. Now is also the time that the wintertime blahs can also begin to strike.

So… now’s the time to fight back and change the lights in your offices and homes to full spectrum. We can supply you with a wide range of tubes, bulbs, flood lights and compact spirals.

So…here’s a Special Offer To Teplitz Email Subscribers:
Order a case of fluorescent tubes and receive a discount of 25% off the regular price plus shipping and handling. To find out how much you will save, call our office and ask for Sandy at 1-800-77-RELAX or email with the size of your tubes, the number that you will need and she’ll get you a quote. This offer expires December 20, 2007.

That's it for this month.  Happy and Safe Holidays!

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit


Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
1304 Woodhurst Drive
Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)

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The information contained in the Teplitz Reports, unless otherwise noted,  has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your Doctor about matters that affect your health.


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