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Wellness Article Archives



Experiment Has Human’s Eating Ape Diet For 12 Days

Wireless Is The Buzz, But It May Be Zapping Us

Correction On Ear Surgery For Kids

Heal Faster After Surgery

Cinnamon May Lower Blood Pressure

Let’s Get Dirty, Physically That Is

You Can Now Stimulate Your Own Stem Cell Production











Volume 6, #4 - April 2007

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor 
Optimum Brain Performance Educator


Experiment Has Human’s Eating Ape Diet For 12 Days

A BBC report told the story of nine volunteers who agreed to eat the same diet that apes eat for 12 days. The volunteers actually stayed in a tented enclosure at a Zoo. The story was filmed for TV. Their diet consisted of only fruits, veggies, nuts and honey. The volunteers drank water. During the second week, they also had cooked oily fish.

The participants were given so much food to eat that they did not go hungry. As a matter of fact, most participants failed to finish their daily ration. They did experience withdrawal from caffeinated drinks and some foods, but once that was over they experienced good energy and mood levels.

So, what happened? Well, there was a gas problem with eating all the veggies. On a more serious note their cholesterol levels dropped 23%, blood pressure dropped from 140/83 (which is almost hypertensive) to 122/76 and they even dropped 9.7 lbs. They also reduced salt intake from 12 grams a day to 1 gram while saturated fats dropped from 13% to 5% of calories.

I’d say that’s pretty good for a 12 day diet!

Reported by Claire Heald, BBC, Straight to the Source.

Wireless Is The Buzz, But It May Be Zapping Us

Wireless networks allow us to run our computers and listen to our cell phones any where we are, but they may also be exposing us to possibly harmful radiation – think WiFi hotspot and Starbucks. Concerns are now being raised that the signals may be causing unhealthy effects in people who are sensitive to these signals.

Some experts believe that up to 5% of the general population may be unusually sensitive to exposure to the radiation generated by these wireless networks. Symptoms include disturbed sleep, vision problems, depression, cardio-pulmonary difficulties, nausea and headaches. One study of 966 children in Latvia found that motor function, memory and attention were significantly impaired in children exposed to radiation from a pulsed radio location station that emits radiation similar to that used by wLANs.

Results of a double-blind study to be released this year is tracking 55 people who expressed sensitivity to this kind of radiation as compared to a control group of 120. Hopefully, this study will further clarify the issue. Until this happens, pay attention to whether anyone in your family appears to be exhibiting any of the symptoms listed above when they are around WiFi hotspots.

Correction On Ear Surgery For Kids

In the February issue of the Teplitz Email Report I talked about research showing that kids don’t need ear tubes inserted. Reader Alan Balter pointed out that the blurb that I cited was not accurate in reporting that kids don’t need ear tubes. Rather the research compared otherwise healthy kids having tubes inserted immediately after discovering the ear inflection verse waiting 9 months to insert the tubes. The results showed no difference in the later development of these groups of kids. So the research had both groups of kids receiving ear tubes and observing no difference in development.

What the research didn’t look at is what difference it would make to wait 12 months, 18 months, 24 months or even skipping the procedure completely. The study also didn’t include the investigation of alternative methods. If you’d like to do your own investigation do a Google search for ear infections alternative treatments. So…if your child is healthy, you can wait at least 9 months to have the surgery done.

Heal Faster After Surgery

In a book published by Peggy Huddleston, a psychologist, entitled Prepare For Surgery: Heal Faster she makes five suggestions to speed up the healing process.

1.      Listen to a relaxation CD twice a day in the weeks before surgery to reduce anxiety.

2.      Use guided imagery to turn worries into positive images and promote healing.

3.      Meet with your anesthesiologist to establish a bond of trust.

4.      Ask family members and close friends to mentally wrap you in a “blanket of love” for the half hour before surgery.

5.      Ask your medical team to say healing statements as you are going under anesthesia, toward the end and immediately after surgery. She also suggests that the final healing statement include the suggestion that you feel hungry after the surgery.

In previous issues of the Teplitz Email Report I’ve made recommendations for vitamin and mineral supplements to take before and after surgery. Everyone I’ve recommended this to has had their doctors say they were amazed at how fast the person healed. To find out the recommendation go to  These recommendations are similar to the recommendations in the book A-Z Guide to Drug –Herb-Vitamin Interactions. Let your doctor know what you are taking before you start taking the supplements.

If you want more information on Ms. Huddleston’s book, go to

Cinnamon May Lower Blood Pressure

A report in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that cinnamon can drop a systolic blood pressure level in rats. In three experiments, rats that were hyperactive ate either normal or sucrose-free diets receiving different amounts of cinnamon, cinnamon extracts, or chromium. The researchers found that adding cinnamon to the diets of the rats that ate sucrose reduced their systolic blood pressure to almost the same levels as the rats that ate the sucrose-free diet.

While this research might not hold up for humans, if you have a systolic blood pressure problem, you might want to add some cinnamon to your regular diet. Even if it doesn’t help your blood pressure at least your food will taste great!

Let’s Get Dirty, Physically That Is

Since the 1990’s chronic respiratory illnesses such as asthma have been increasing steadily in this country. Asthma has gone up 75%. The theory that some researchers have developed is that our obsession with cleanliness is the key factor in this increase. Part of the basis for this theory is that these respiratory illnesses rarely exist in undeveloped countries which are dirtier than the USA.

Researchers have been looking at our immune system to understand this. If babies don’t experience the right kind of bacteria, viruses or parasites, their immune system is not properly stimulated. The immune system then starts treating harmless things like dust or pollen as major invaders to the body. Recent research with rats published in the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology supports the “dirty” hypothesis. The researchers found that sewer rats in large cities have stronger immune responses and higher levels of disease-fighting antibodies than rats raised in sterile laboratory environments.

You Can Now Stimulate Your Own Stem Cell Production

The Situation:

The human body needs ongoing quality nutrition to maintain its health.  However, nutrition alone does not rebuild the body by generating new tissues, bones, organs or other systems.  As you may be aware, science has recently discovered that stem cells are the only cells that actually rebuild the body.  If they are not being released into the bloodstream, as they should be, your health may suffer.

While traditional supplements nourish existing cells but they do not create perfect cells.  The same is true of drugs, they alter or aid the body’s response to health issues but they do not rebuild any part of the body. However, now have an option available to you.

The Solution:

For those of you who want to improve your health, or create optimum health while addressing the effects of aging, injury, or day to day wear and tear, an increased release of your existing stem cells into the bloodstream may produce huge benefits. A new product, StemEnhance, will dramatically increase the number of adult stem cells released into the body by 25-35% within an hour and a half after you take the tablets. To hear more about StemEnhance, you can call 1-877-829-5210 (Toll Free).  It will only take you a few minutes to get excited about the possibilities of this product.

That's it for this month.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit


Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
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Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)

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The information contained in the Teplitz Reports, unless otherwise noted,  has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your Doctor about matters that affect your health.


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