=== JW Player for Flash & HTML5 Video === Contributors: LongTail Video Inc. Tags: JW Player, Video, Flash, LongTail Video, Playlists, Audio, HTML5, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mobile Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable tag: 2.1.14 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The JW Player WordPress Plugin enables you to embed Flash and HTML5 audio and video, plus RTMP and YouTube streams, on your site using JW Player 6. == Description == The JW Player WordPress Plugin makes it extremely easy to deliver Flash and HTML5 video through your WordPress website. This WordPress video player plugin allows for easy customization and embedding of Flash and HTML5 video using the JW Player in your WordPress posts. It provides support for all of the JW Player 6 configuration options, including custom watermarks, HLS/RTMP streaming and VAST/VPAID advertising. Key Features * Full support for JW Player 6 for Flash and HTML5. * Convenient and reliable CDN hosting of the actual JW Player assets. * Full Pro, Premium and Ads edition support with easy to use player configuration interface. * Full integration into the WordPress media library. Embed video with the JW Player as you write your posts. * Support for adding External Media to your Media Library, including Youtube and RTMP streams. * A full featured playlist manager - order your media by simply dragging the mouse. * A powerful shortcode system for customizations at embed time. See the JW Player product pages for more info about JW Player. Documentation * Full documentation for installation, setup and use on our Support Site, under the WordPress section. * Important information about File Permissions can be found in the WordPress Codex. * The plugin has been tested on 1and1, MediaTemple, Dreamhost, and GoDaddy. Troubleshooting * If you have any questions, comments, problems or suggestions please post on our forums. We can't fix any issues you're having if we don't know they exist. * Please include a description of the problem, a link to your site demonstrating the issue, and the host you're using. * Please do not write a one star review when you encounter a problem with this plugin. Contact us instead and we will try to help you. * Keep an eye on this site's Changelog section if you're looking for a specific bugfix of feature enhancement for the plugin. == Installation == Before installing the JW Player plugin, please ensure your WordPress installation meets the following requirements: * WordPress 3.0 or higher * PHP 5.0 or higher * The wp-content/uploads directory needs to be writable by the plugin. This is likely already the case as WordPress stores your media and various other uploads here. Initial Install 1. To install the plugin, extract the jw­player­plugin­for­wordpress.zip and FTP the folder to your WordPress plugins directory (/wp­content/plugins/) on your web server. 1. Login to your WordPress website and navigate to Site Admin » Plugins. The JW Player Plugin will appear in the list of plugins. Click the Activate link to enable the plugin. 1. At this point, the plugin is ready to be used. However, if you own a commercial JW Player license, you should set your Player Edition and License Key in the JW Player » Settings screen. Alternatively, you can install the plugin right from your WordPress admin dashboard. Simply search for JW Player in the plugin section of the admin. WordPress will download and install the plugin for you automatically. Getting Started See Getting Started the JW Player WordPress Plugin for directions on getting your first video live. == Upgrade Notice == If you previously installed the JW Player WordPress 1.x plugin and are interested in migrating from JW Player 5 to JW Player 6, please see our < href='http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/29912/upgrading-wordpress-from-jw5-to-jw6' target='_blank'>Upgrading WordPress from JW5 to JW6 guide. It contains a list of all features that were added/removed, as well as a step­by­step walkthrough of the upgrade. If you cannot perform the automatic update, download the plugin and upload, or FTP the plugin to the plugins folder directly. == Known Issues == Wordpress Plugin Issues * The fitVids javascript library that is used to make some themes responsive is not compatible with JW Player 6. With 2.1 fitVids is automatically disabled by the plugin. * This version of the plugin does not yet support internationalization (translations). Player Issues Please look at our developer site for a list of known issues and future enhancements of the JW Player. == Full Reference == See the WordPress JW Player Reference on our support site for a full overview of the features this plugin supports: 1. Deep Media Manager integration, including the ability to set poster thumbnails. 1. Support for External Media in the Manager, including Youtube, RTMP and HLS streams. 1. Create, manage and publish playlists of multiple audio or video files. 1. Create and mange multiple player templates, containing JW Player layout and playback settings. 1. Add custom configuration options to the JW Player Short Codes. 1. Settings for inserting a JW Player License Key, changing Short Code behaviour and more. Additionally, all the embedding, skinning and scripting functionalities of JW Player are at your disposal thrugh this plugin. See our JW Player Support Overview for a full reference of JW Player. == Screenshots == 1. The plugin integrates with the Wordpress Media Manager and the metadata you insert is can be used by the player. 2. You can add as many different player configurations as you like. One for the feature on your homepage, another with playlists and so on. 3. Control almost every aspect of your player right within Wordpress. == Changelog == = 2.1.14 = * BUG: Updated the readme to mention support for the latest WP version. = 2.1.13 = * BUG: Fixed bug that broke saving settings. = 2.1.12 = * BUG: Fixed possible CSRF security issue in admin. = 2.1.11 = * ENHANCEMENT: Support for JW Player 6.12 (See the Player release notes for more info). = 2.1.10 = * BUG: Fixed PHP strict error. = 2.1.9 = * ENHANCEMENT: Support for JW Player 6.11 (See the Player release notes for more info). * ENHANCEMENT: New Admin menu logo resembles JW Player logo. = 2.1.8 = * HOTFIX: Fix for JW Player plugin custom short codes with multiple sources. = 2.1.7 = * HOTFIX: Fix for JW Player plugin custom short that broke with Wordpress 4.0.1 release = 2.1.6 = * ENHANCEMENT: Support for JW Player 6.10 (See the Player release notes for more info). = 2.1.5 = * ENHANCEMENT: Support for JW Player 6.9 (See the Player release notes for more info). = 2.1.4 = * BUG: Fixed possible CSRF security issue in admin. = 2.1.3 = * BUG: Fixed bug to allow users of the Pro player to enable sharing. = 2.1.2 = * ENHANCEMENT: Support for JW Player 6.8 (See the Player release notes for more info). = 2.1.1 = * ENHANCEMENT: Support for JW Player 6.5 (e.g. skins starting with Pro) * BUG: Fixed issue with URL encoding of ad tags * BUG: Fixed issue where playlist insert wizard only shows 5 or less playlists * BUG: Disabled URL validation with get_headers (disabled with some PHP setups) = 2.1.0 = * FEATURE: Added responsive player * FEATURE: Added support for multiple sources and tracks via shortcode * ENHANCEMENT: Neutralize fitVids on pages with JW Players * BUG: Minimum capability for managing playlist "publish_posts" * BUG: Setting an external skin with the shortcode. * BUG: Various small fixes and optimizations. = 2.0.5 = * BUG: Quick fix of help text being diplayed twice. * ENHANCEMENT: Added screenshots and updated readme. = 2.0.4 = * BUG: Quick fix of issue with ampersands in file urls. * BUG: Quick fix of issue with inserting images via the media library. = 2.0.3 = * BUG: Fixed issue with relative video file paths * BUG: Fixed issue with <p> tags * BUG: Fixed problem with nested player configuration parameters * BUG: Fixed issue with description in playlists * BUG: Fixed audio insert with JW Player button * BUG: Allow import of JW 5 Players with a custom streamer. * BUG: Removed use of "split" function. = 2.0.2 = * BUG: Fixed issue where inserting image would insert empty jwplayer tag. * BUG: Fixed missing descriptions in playlists. * BUG: Fixed issue where custom config param of JW5 shortcode is not mapped correctly to new JW6 Player id. * BUG: Fixed issue with javascript onload function. * BUG: Some other small fixes. = 2.0.1 = * Quick fix that replaces anonymous functions to support PHP < 5.3.0 = 2.0.0 = * FEATURE: Support for JW Player 6 * FEATURE: CDN Hosted JW Player assets * FEATURE: Commercial Edition Support (Pro, Premium, Ads) Warning:: this is a major update to the plugin which also removed certain functionalities that are not supported anymore in JW Player 6: * REMOVED: Playback of GIF/JPG/PNG images * REMOVED: Library of pre­installed ZIP skins * REMOVED: Library of pre­installed SWF Plugins * REMOVED: Selected Media Settings (creator, duration, html5_file and download_file) * REMOVED: Selected Player Settings (streamer, provider, dock, icons, colors, item, shuffle, bufferlength, smoothing, wmode and volume) See Upgrading WordPress from JW5 to JW6 for details on the features that were added and removed, plus a walkthrough of the upgrade process. = 1.7.2 = * BUG: Fixed "Insert JW Player" button in External Media section not working in WP 3.5.0 = 1.7.1 = * BUG: Fixed possible JavaScript error that could occur during player embeds. = 1.7.0 = * FEATURE: With this release we have added anonymous tracking of the plugin features being used. The goal here is to get a better idea of what features are popular and to help us make the plugin even better. If you would like to opt out just visit the plugin Settings page to turn off the tracking. * BUG: The plugin is now compatible with the WordPress 3.5 version of the Media Manager. You should now be able to resume using the plugin as you did before. * BUG: Fixed slow down of page loads introduced with last version of the plugin. = 1.6.1 = * FEATURE: i18n support has been added to the plugin. Feel free to submit translations. * ENHANCEMENT: Content Metadata is now included in embeds. * BUG: Fixed a bug related to the Download File content setting * BUG: Fixed a bug when saving the Advanced Settings streamer option = 1.6.0 = * FEATURE: Brand new Playlist Manager now found in the Media section of the Dashboard. Now supports drag and drop, sorting and searching of your content. * BUG: Thumbnail and HTML5 video selectors no longer load broken images. A default image is shown instead. * BUG: The LongTail Plugin class has been renamed. This should avoid name collisions when running on IIS. = 1.5.9 = * BUG: Fixed unintended escaping of forward slashes in embed code = 1.5.8 = * ENHANCEMENT: updated sharing plugin to v3 * ENHANCEMENT: Improved parsing of additional flashvars. Switched to one flashvar (name=value) per line for easier input. * BUG: Added missing config blocks in mode blocks which could break HTML5 fallback * BUG: Fixed encoding issues with complex flashvars in shortcode * BUG: inline player javascript functions rendered more accurately * BUG: improved compatibility with mootools based plugins and themes = 1.5.7 = * BUG: Fixed warning message introduced in 1.5.6 that was missed in testing * BUG: Fixed notice message that could appear on Plugin page = 1.5.6 = * ENHANCEMENT: Playlists now correctly support HTML5 fallback * ENHANCEMENT: Refactored embed code generation (optimized and more maintainable). * ENHANCEMENT: Improved player installation messaging * BUG: Removal of automatic HTML5 skin extraction. This was causing a serious issue for some reasons. * BUG: Removed deprecated flashvars for tweetit and facebookit * BUG: Uninstall now removes directories created by the plugin * BUG: Player version being saved is no longer required. Messaging improved to indicate this. = 1.5.5 = * BUG: Fixed broken Playlist Manager rendering that occurred after the WordPress 3.3 update. * BUG: Fixed WordPress notice message about imcorrectly enqueued script file. = 1.5.4 = * ENHANCEMENT: jwplayer.js and swfobject.js can now be configured to load on every page or only when there's a jwplayer shortcode. * BUG: Custom player config xml files are now saved with the XML namespace. * BUG: html5_file should now behave correctly in the shortcode. = 1.5.3 = * ENHANCEMENT: jwplayer.js and swfobject.js now only loaded if a player is embedded on the page * ENHANCEMENT: New setting on settings page to control whether the plugin uses https URLs when saving a player configuration. * BUG: The plugin should now correctly activate across a WordPress Network. This is a workaround for a WordPress bug. = 1.5.2 = * BUG: newtube skin is now all lower case. You should no longer see a warning message during plugin installation. * BUG: Added a fallback to use the old skin location if the new skin directory structure wasn't updated. = 1.5.1 = * BUG: The plugin should now upgrade properly and the shortcode should behave as expected on your site. * BUG: The shortcode settings should now save properly. * BUG: Playlist videos without a duration set should no longer incorrectly default to 10 seconds. = 1.5.0 = * FEATURE: HTML 5 Skin support! When you update the plugin will automatically unzip the included skins. (This may take a minute or two). * FEATURE: HTML 5 visual playlist support! * FEATURE: Additional Plugins field. You can now specify extra plugins within the custom player itself. * FEATURE: New settings page * ENHANCEMENT: A large number of new skins have been added. * ENHANCEMENT: Duration is now an option for videos. Useful for visual playlists. * ENHANCEMENT: You can now specify where the player is located. * ENHANCEMENT: Finer control over shortcode behavior * ENHANCEMENT: Option to hide Insert Button and Duration for images * ENHANCEMENT: Facebook OpenGraph data is now optional * ENHANCEMENT: Custom player name added as a CSS class to enclosing player div. This should help with theming the player. * BUG: Additional flashvars field should now save as expected. Removing flashvars should now work. * BUG: Existing custom players can have their skin set back to the default. * BUG: Removed deprecated swf only skins. * BUG: Some code changes to the Playlist Manager. This should hopefully fix any lingering white screen issues. * BUG: added is_tag() to shortcode processing * BUG: Provider should now save properly in the Media Library * BUG: Playlist location flashvar updated with new name (playlist.location). Playlist position should now behave as expected. * BUG: Audio player wrapper now resizes correctly * BUG: YouTube preview images should repopulate again * BUG: Script registrations moved to init function * BUG: Fixed missing variable declaration = 1.4.3 = * BUG: Playlist manager should now work correctly in WordPress version 3.2 and greater * BUG: Fixed improper embed code generation when using the new html5_file and download_file attributes = 1.4.2 = * ENHANCEMENT: Use WordPress' built in ssl detection * BUG: Adjusted category/archive page behavior. Checkbox now controls whether the jwplayer tag filter runs on the_excerpt() or the_content(). = 1.4.1 = * BUG: Tweaked handling of https * BUG: Fixed a warning message = 1.4.0 = * FEATURE: Support for Modes. You can now specify different files for HTML5 mode. This can be done in the shortcode (html5_file and download_file) or when editing a piece of content. * FEATURE: Support for posting to Facebook. Handled automatically when inserting via the media overlay. Alternatively you can use two custom fields for the post (jwplayermodule_fb_headers_id and jwplayermodule_fb_headers_config). * ENHANCEMENT: Rewrite of code handling category behavior. If checked in the JW Player afdmin section players should now appear when viewing categories. If unchecked players and code will not show up in category view. * ENHANCEMENT: wmode is now a configurable option for players. * ENHANCEMENT: Add more robust URL loading for YouTube XML * ENHANCEMENT: Better handling of audio controlbar * ENHANCEMENT: Switched to JSON playlists. Playlists should now work for HTML5 player and no longer break as a result of theme formatting. * ENHANCEMENT: The plugin now behaves correctly with HTTPS sites * ENHANCEMENT: Increased security when setting file permissions. * BUG: Fixed error in .zip uploading * BUG: Dynamic error messaging for plugin directories. This should make it easier to debug network sites. * BUG: Error handling on youtube api failure = 1.3.3 = * FEATURE: Simple event handlers (with anonymous functions) can now be added via the shortcode. * ENHANCEMENT: Option to toggle player embed on Category pages. * ENHANCEMENT: Mootools no longer breaks the playlist manager. * BUG: Added 'none' option for controlbar. * BUG: Controlbar settings are now correctly applied. * BUG: Urldecode passed in attributes in case they have been encoded. * BUG: Fixed image priority. * BUG: Now decodes the flashvar values to compensate for wordpress encoding. * BUG: Removed unnecessary check for zip file that was causing errors * BUG: Removed unnecessary shortcode call = 1.3.2 = * BUG: Fixed bug with playlist generation introduced in 1.3.0 * BUG: Fixed issue where thumbnail selector was causing high memory usage * BUG: Player no longer embeds on category view or in search results. This should prevent the embed code being visible. * BUG: Added some checks to prevent null errors in playlist manager. = 1.3.1 = * BUG: Fixed bug where the player was sometimes not respecting the dimensions set in the custom configuration. = 1.3.0 = * FEATURE: Full support for JW Player 5.3 for Flash and HTML5 added. * ENHANCEMENT: Player upload now accepts uploading of the player package zip file. * ENHANCEMENT: Fallback added so that users can properly download or upload player zips even if they don't have the ZipArchive PHP module installed. = 1.2.5 = * BUG: Fixed automatic download error due to .zip file name change from 5.3 player release. = 1.2.4 = * BUG: Fixed bug in Playlist Manager. Would not remember selected playlist when paging through media. * ENHANCEMENT: Improved error messaging. It should be very clear what is preventing the plugin from working correctly. * BUG: SWFObject code inserted on a single line. Should theme formatting from breaking the javascript. = 1.2.3 = * ENHANCEMENT: Permission error handling tweaks * BUG: Fix to JW Player plugins settings not being saved = 1.2.2 = * BUG: Additional adjustment to permissions. * BUG: Reduction of archive size to try and avoid zip errors. = 1.2.1 = * BUG: File permission issues should now be fixed. * BUG: Problem where uploaded player was incorrectly marked as invalid should now be fixed. * BUG: Automated player download problem should now be fixed. = 1.2.0 = * FEATURE: Installation of the JW Player is now handled entirely within the plugin. Simply click a button to install the JW PLayer. Additionally, upload of licensed players can be done through the plugin as well. * FEATURE: Content Aware Embed - when embedding audio without a thumbnail, only the controlbar will show * FEATURE: RTMP Media Library support - can add RTMP streams to the media library and specify streamer and file at the media level. (plugin will make best guess at streamer and file on import) * FEATURE: Should now be able to use the shortcode in widgets * FEATURE: Will use the video tag (for .mp4) or youtube embed (for youtube videos) when your blog is viewed on an iPod, iPhone or iPad. * ENHANCEMENT: Player and configs relocated to the WordPress uploads directly. This should minimize file permission issues going forward. * ENHANCEMENT: Image Embedding now officially supported - Can specify the duration flashvar on image media. * ENHANCEMENT: Audio embedding now officially supported - Can specify the thumbnail flashvar on audio media * ENHANCEMENT: Arbitrary flashvar field added - useful when using custom plugins and you need to specify flashvars that aren't listed in the JW Player Setup * ENHANCEMENT: Plugin now uses .zip skins. Number of available skins has been greatly expanded. * ENHANCEMENT: Top Nav Bar has been added to the JW Player Setup wizard interface - should make specific edits to your players much easier now * ENHANCEMENT: Significant redesign of the Playlist Manager - Improved usability and better handling of large media libraries. * BUG: spaces removed from plugin list - should address unexpected plugin behavior (eg. LTAS not working correctly). * BUG: Provider/Streamer flashvars have been added back to JW Player Setup * BUG: Image editing should no longer fail while the plugin is active = 1.1.2 = * reimplemented path generation and usage * Fixed links to longtailvideo.com * Added links to plugin pages for plugins = 1.1.1 = * Improved path resolution. = 1.1.0 = * Fixes path resolution of player.swf on the LAMP stack. = 1.0.0 = * Initial release of the JW Player Plugin for WordPress