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Wellness Article Archives



Effect Of Full Spectrum Lighting On Third Graders

Sitting Up Straight Isn’t All That It’s “Cracked” Up To Be

Beating Depression Can Take Time And Patience

Get A Dog And Live Longer!

Follow-up On Autism Blurb Last Month

iPODs Can Have A Negative Impact On Pacemakers

Say Thank You To Your Best “Golfing Customers”

Blowout Specials at Swanson Health Products Outlet Mall



Volume 6, #6 - June 2007

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz 
The Energy Doctor 
Optimum Brain Performance Educator



iPODs Can Have A Negative Impact On Pacemakers

An article published by Elizabeth Lopatto, Bloomberg News, reported that an iPOD can cause a pacemaker to malfunction when the iPOD is held within two inches of a patient’s chest for five to ten seconds. This research was presented at a conference of the Heart Rhythm Society.

The researchers found that out of 800 trials the pacemaker malfunctioned 50% of the time. The effects varied from the pacemaker mistaking the electronic signals from the iPODS as a heart-rhythm disorder to the iPOD interfering with the way the pacemaker communicated with its monitoring device to one person’s pacemaker not functioning for three heartbeats.

While none of the interferences were life threatening, if you wear a pacemaker it would be a good idea to forget about using an iPOD (there’s a strong likelihood, they never had that thought to begin with). If you are an iPODing teenager, don’t hug a grandparent who has a pacemaker, when you have your iPOD in your shirt or jacket pocket.

Sitting Up Straight Isn’t All That It’s “Cracked” Up To Be

Scottish researchers reported that sitting up straight is actually bad for your back (so much for all that nagging from your Mom to sit up straight). The researchers took MRI scans of 22 volunteers. They found that sitting upright at a 90-degree angle put enough pressure on the lower back to squeeze fluid from the disks that cushion the vertebrae.

So, what’s the best position? Slouching! Well, it’s slouching with a caveat: Your knees should to be three to four inches lower than your hips, and you need to recline slightly (instead of sitting at a 90-degree angle, lean back to a 135-degree angle) and voila, the pressure is off.
(As reported in Prevention Magazine, May 2007)


Beating Depression Can Take Time And Patience

According to a study of 3,671 persons suffering from depression only 37% reported relief from their depression after the first treatment method was used. It took a total of three more attempts to move that figure up to a 67% success rate for persons feeling as though their depression had lifted. Since most treatments take up to 12 weeks to fully kick in, this means it could take approximately 9 months to find relief.

So…while you’re waiting for drug treatments to kick in, you might want to begin exercising as another approach to lifting the veil of depression.
(As reported in Prevention Magazine, March 2007)

Get A Dog And Live Longer!

Even though I have dog I’m not making a prejudice statement. It seems that dog owners 50 and older see their doctors less often, have fewer illnesses and recover more quickly when they are sick verses those who don’t have a dog. Researchers have even found that simply petting an animal lowers blood pressure by producing an instant relaxation response in the body.

Alan Beck, Sc.D., from the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine reported that animal owners had a higher one-year survival rate following a heart attack than a non-pet group, even when both groups were doing the same level of exercise.

Perhaps retirement communities should reconsider their no pet policies and hospitals and nursing homes could allow the family pet to come to visit the patient.
(As reported in AARP Magazine, May&June 2007)

Follow-up On Autism Blurb Last Month

Last month I reported on new concepts for understanding the causes of autism. One of the things I discussed is the lack of glutathione in children with autism. A friend of mine and subscriber to The Teplitz Report, Linda Clark, emailed me about a product she sells called Immunocal that is clinically proven to raise glutathione in cells. Linda emailed me the entry in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) validating the impact of Immunocal and an article reporting on a new study that is examining glutathione in autistic children. For a copy of the PDR and the article on the study, email Linda at and tell her I referred you.


Effect Of Full Spectrum Lighting On Third Graders

We recently received the results of a study of our full spectrum fluorescent tubes conducted in a third grade classroom. The study was conducted by Betty Garnett at the Colt Elementary School in Marble Falls Texas. Here are some of the findings:

• Ms. Garnett noticed a difference in her overall attitude -- she felt better and more energized. She felt happier and was so relaxed that she joked around with her husband, something that only happens when school is out during the summer, she said.

• Ms. Garnett also noticed that some of the children were able to concentrate better while others were energized in a “good way”.

• Many students reported that they were making better grades, their headaches were eliminated: they felt happier and less tired, concentrated better, thought more easily and could see better.

• Here are some of the student’s comments:
“The lights made my headaches go away.”
“The lights help me to focus better than I used to.”
“They help me think straighter. For example, in math they keep me focused.”
“The class and me calmed down and we are not so rowdy anymore.”

I already know the major impact that these full spectrum tubes have on children who are learning challenged from the research conducted several years ago at the Summer Charter School in Florida. The principal reported major changes in the behavior and learning abilities of the children. Click to read the full report from Dr. Alan Smolowe

Consider petitioning the school that your children or grandchildren to conduct a study on the impact of full spectrum lighting and ask them to start in your child’s classroom.

To learn how to order these tubes at a discounted price go to

Say Thank You To Your Best “Golfing Customers”

I still have a few days available when I can schedule a special seminar for your clients who are also golfers. Thank them for their business in a way that they will never forget. Since people who attend my golf seminars immediately improve their play, your golf customers will increase their loyalty to your company in response to your thoughtfulness.

We can even spice up the event with a $50,000, 50-foot putting contest and a $1,000,000 hole-in-one contest (an insurance company backs the contests for very low fees).  You can find out more here:

So…if you want to say thank you to your best clients in a most impactful way, call my office at 800-77-RELAX (73529) and ask to speak to Sandra Lee to discuss the details.


That's it for this month.

Dr. Jerry V. Teplitz has given over 1,500 presentations to more than 1 million people since 1974, including many Fortune 500 Companies. He has taught people how to have greater business and personal success by showing them how to tap into the power of their own personal energy system.

The result is a work force that is more positive, effective, focused, energized and more productive. He is an author of four books and has been interviewed on over 200 radio stations. He speaks and consults in the areas of Stress Management, Management and Leadership Training, Sales Development and Brain Integration.  

Dr. Teplitz' dynamic, educational and entertaining keynotes and seminars have a long-term impact on performance enhancement and productivity. For more detailed information on Dr. Teplitz' programs, to read a free monthly article, or to find the monthly Teplitz Email Reports visit


Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.
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Virginia Beach , VA 23454
757 496-9955 (fax)

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The information contained in the Teplitz Reports, unless otherwise noted,  has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  The content provided in this report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult your Doctor about matters that affect your health.


© 1997-2007, Jerry Teplitz Enterprises, Inc.